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Deftones Detail New Album

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Aug 20, 2020.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    Deftones will release their new album, Ohms, on September 25th.

    Track Listing

    1. Genesis
    2. Ceremony
    3. Urantia
    4. Errorr
    5. The Spell of Mathematics
    6. Pompeji
    7. This Link Is Dead
    8. Radiant City
    9. Headless
    10. Ohms

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  2. benschuyler

    Regular Prestigious

    So so stoked for this.
  3. xenoabe


  4. Ska Senanake


    Certainly reads like a Deftones tracklist. LFG!
  5. silentc


    The song is pretty good
    LightWithoutHeat likes this.
  6. Ska Senanake


    Produced by the same guy who did white pony and around the fur!
  7. DeRRek


    Cannot wait for this!
  8. defmytones


    Song didn't quite hit me on first couple listens. Not bad, just very mediocre by their standards to me.