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Dance Gavin Dance Band • Page 95

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by nchlsnwtn, Apr 1, 2016.

  1. I think with this one, so many songs are in the same key that when I start humming one melody, I can't exactly recall the next part right off the bat and I start mistaking one song with another. It does seem more formulaic than the other records in some way.

    I remember not being fond of Artificial Selection at the time but I appreciated it much more this time. It's way more diverse and while they were not breaking any new grounds, I didn't have the aforementioned problem this time as each song felt immediately distinct.
  2. disambigujason

    Trusted Supporter

    I’d agree ArSe is actually more diverse, but my first impressions of the album were underwhelming and I think it’s got some really boring (by their standards anyway) or subpar songs so I didn’t appreciate it as much.
  3. Those were exactly my first impressions! I wasn't expecting the straightforward pop punk songs, so these kind of left a bad taste in my mouth at first.

    Bloodsucker is such a banger. I need more listens to pick other standouts.
  4. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    Interesting tidbit about Bloodsucker. It is the only DGD song without Will Swan on guitar.
  5. Who plays on it?
  6. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    “Bloodsucker is the first song to not feature Will Swan in the band's entire career, rather the song features Martin Bianchini and Andrew Wells on guitar. This makes Matthew Mingus the only band member to appear on every track in the group's entire discography.”

    Martin is also in Secret Band and has played guest guitar on some other DGD songs as well. Andrew is their touring guitarist and frontman of Eidola.
  7. jciswhatis

    Ugh, I hate America. Supporter

    That's crazy but I absolutely love Blood Sucker. Been one of my favs since the album dropped.
    Petit nain des Îles likes this.
  8. mattylikesfilms Dec 14, 2019
    (Last edited: Jan 28, 2020)


    I love about 65% of Artificial Selection. If they swapped out a few songs of the weaker songs and replaced them with Slouch, Bloodsucker, Care, and Flash - the record would be goddamn perfect.
  9. MRose24


    I love listening to these instrumental albums...wish this was more common among bands I enjoy.
    PandaBear! likes this.
  10. skogsraet

    Trusted Supporter

    I heard one of the DBMII songs on headphones and what a difference the new mix made. There are some vocal harmonies I didn't even realize were there originally.
  11. New mix?
  12. skogsraet

    Trusted Supporter

  13. PandaBear!

    Trusted Prestigious

    Once again they have not told anyone, but DBM 1 instrumentals are now available on Spotify/Apple Music etc!
    solxace and Anthony_Soprano like this.
  14. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    I haven't been following him or DGD in a while, but Kurt's new band Push Over is opening for Scary Kids Scaring Kids reunion tour. It came as a surprise to me. They were really good though
    beachdude likes this.
  15. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Woe. Didn’t know Push Over was still a thing that’s awesome
    beachdude likes this.
  16. beachdude

    I'm not brave Prestigious

    Same lol thought that project was basically done
  17. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    They said they were a new band and it was their seventh show? Lol
    beachdude likes this.
  18. beachdude

    I'm not brave Prestigious

    Interesting haha... they released a few songs several years back and then that was it for a while. Guess they’re making it more of an actual project now.
  19. sukottokairu


    there's a new single up at
    it's rad!
    they recorded a full length and said they're dropping it after the tour is over!
    beachdude likes this.
  20. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow Supporter

    Whoa, this is sick, even if the lyrics are really wild, and have to be written by Erak and not Kurt, haha.
  21. Supernova

    Prayers/Triangles Prestigious

    Damn that track rips. Stuck in my head after 1 listen too.
  22. Blink182Bouncer


    Anyone have $2000 laying around?
  23. PandaBear!

    Trusted Prestigious

    Ohhhh BOY! Bought this so fucking fast, have to use TuxGuitar instead of GP7 which fucking sucks as TuxGuitar is garbage and fucks up a lot of the arrangements lmao, but at least they are 100% accurate tabs. Midnight Crusade is such a well-written song; thought I could play it well in standard tuning - not even close! It's in drop Db tuning for starters lol.
  24. TuxGuitar and Drop Db? This is for me!

    Agreed about the former though, it does its job somewhat
    PandaBear! likes this.
  25. atlas


    TuxGuitar was the shit for me once upon a time. So much easier and more intuitive than Musescore