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Comic Books Comic Book • Page 479

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Vivatoto

    Royal Court of Princess Donut Prestigious

    It’s so fucking good. My favorite comic right now. I am a diehard King fan though
    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
  2. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    I think King is historically hit or miss, with Mister Miracle sticking out as a high. But, he’s on average annoyed me as of late as a writer, from what I’ve seen.

    And, frankly, what I’ve seen of his Wonder Woman seems baffling and quite bad to me, lol.
    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
  3. Dodge725


    Human Target by King is amazing. The Batman issue is perfect.
    Vivatoto and Kingjohn_654 like this.
  4. Vivatoto

    Royal Court of Princess Donut Prestigious

    so good. And the art was incredible. Like even if you don’t like King’s writing he always works with great artists
    Dodge725 likes this.
  5. Thread consensus on Greg Rucka? i picked up Batman: Death and the Maidens at my local bookstore but i also spotted a couple volumes of Gotham Central and Wonder Woman (Rebirth). I really liked Batwoman: Elegy.
  6. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    He's very good. I'd like to eventually read more of his work than I have, but what I have read (and what I've seen from things I haven't read) is generally great, imo.

    I will say, imo, his original Wonder Woman run would be a better read than his Rebirth stuff. During Rebirth, a big focus was on redirecting the character after the awful reboot New 52 gave her. Which... maybe you'll enjoy reading. But for me, I prefer his run in the 00s that isn't wrestling with retcons and can just be Good Wonder Woman Comics.
    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
  7. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    I liked No Man's Land.
  8. I flew through Harley Quinn by Stephanie Phillips and Riley Rossmo. really charming and fun. some cool appearances from Selina, Kate, and of course Pam :heart:. a lot of interesting new side characters, particularly Kevin, an ex-Joker-henchman with a very unfortunate neck tattoo. lot of focus on themes of reform, y'know, trying to be good after doing a lot of bad. the hyper-stylized art style takes some getting used to, but i feel like it really suited this iteration of the character, and would've otherwise felt out of place with a darker more serious storyline.

    this is actually the first Harley run i've read, everything else has been either an anthology or a standalone miniseries. technically Stephanie Phillips goes on for another two volumes but it's with another artist (and they're only in hardcover). i have a lot on my backlog right now but if i were to read more Harley i think i'd check out some earlier stuff. my used bookstore has a lot of Amanda Conner but it's like three random ones from New 52 and another three from Rebirth. i'm not really sure which run the animated series draws from the most
    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
  9. Wonder Woman Historia is incredible. Beautiful through and through
    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
  10. Wonder Woman Dead Earth by contrast is so full of ugliness. It's a captivating take on the Wonder Woman mythos in a post apocalyptic world. Horrifying, haunting, and harrowing. I'm usually not interested in when DC is dark just to be edgy; I don't think that's what this is. In a version of earth so terrible and devoid of hope, in the face of everything, Diana still manages to find the strength to hold onto love and compassion, and inspire others to do the same. I think it's an important piece of storytelling, maybe not a definitive Wonder Woman tale, but worthwhile nevertheless. This and Historia make interesting bookends, put Earth One in the middle and you kinda have like an unofficial Elseworlds trilogy of Diana's past present and future.
    a_cuppa_joe and Kingjohn_654 like this.
  11. months ago i picked up the first issue of Maria Llovet's Violent Flowers and added it to my pull list bc it looked promising--it looked like it promised lesbian vampires. it did not disappoint. well, it didn't have like a happily ever after for the main couple, but that's kinda what you get with romantic horror, someone always has to be dead, or undead, or undead-then-dead...

    she's said there's lots more story to tell, and i think Corin Howell said the same about her series Lilith (the first part of which is still ongoing), so add those to my list of creator-owned series i not-so-patiently wait for. big publisher monthlies are nice bc consistency, but if it takes six months for the first issue of WW Historia to be drawn... let artists cook. like, Stjepan Sejic takes so long to put out Sunstone in between all his other projects but it's so fucking good.

    ever since i started having a pull list i've always tried to have at least one non-DC series on it and they've all "coincidentally" been queer romantic horror so far. with Violent Flowers and Tobin Paul's The Mammoth finished (and Lilith being not-so-monthly) i'm not sure what i'll add now, hopefully something interesting pops up soon.
    Tim, Kingjohn_654 and Penlab like this.
  12. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    Have you tried the miniseries Red Before Black? I think issue 4 of 5 comes out next week. Really good, fun crime book with lesbian leads, written by a woman (Stephanie Philips), with very pretty art.
  13. oh cool, i'd just read her Harley run! i'll keep a look out, but if i can't find them in-store i think i might wait for the trade. thanks tho!
    Tim likes this.
  14. let's just ignore the fact that i've already spent more money on graphic novels than i have on vinyl this year
  15. Kingjohn_654

    Longtime Sunshine Prestigious

    I finished the last trade of Local Man. It ended well but I hope maybe we get something more here one day.
  16. just got all five books of Y the Last Man for only $50 at a local used book store, it's not every day you find the entire series in one place

    this is also where I got Ms. Marvel vols. 1-9 (of 10)
    Kingjohn_654 and Penlab like this.
  17. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    I’d be very curious to hear what you end up thinking of it. I’ve never read it (I’m kinda hit or miss on BKV’s writing, personally), but I know I’ve seen some people bounce off the premise / story hook.
  18. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    I loved Y. Can’t say I’ve read it in probably a decade. But I was all about it back in the day. But I’m also a BKV fan.
  19. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    We've come full circle now.
    scottlechowicz likes this.
  20. what's going on? they brought him into 616 only to send him back to Ultimate?
  21. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    This is a different Ultimate universe than the one he was created in and came from. I doubt they’ll leave him there but now it would be Ultimate > 616 > New Ultimate > hopefully back to 616
  22. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    @xkaylinh Sophie Campbell is writing and drawing the new Supergirl book!!! And, Tamra Bonvillain is on colors, which means the whole writing and art team is talented as heck trans women.

    I’m so fucking pumped for this, and I imagine you will be, too.
  23. Who are these people and why haven't you told me about them until now
  24. Omg wait I have the first volume of Jem. Ah I'm a dumbdumb
    Tim likes this.
  25. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    This sounds and looks amazing
    Kingjohn_654 likes this.