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Comic Books Comic Book • Page 470

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    Love Zatanna! I wish DC did more with her.
  2. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Screenshot_20240309_033328_Marvel Unlimited.jpg
    I love discovering this in the middle of a random read of Slotts work lol
    Twikki and Dan O'Neill like this.
  3. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    Ultimate Comics X-Men 1 was gooooooood
  4. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    Peach Momoko rules. Really love that she’s getting to do wholly her own thing with the book, and curious to see how she handles a monthly book.
  5. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    I’ve also gone down a rabbit hole of Boom! Power Rangers comics. I am about to read Shattered Grid. The books are fun and scratch a particular nostalgic itch.

    I’m also about 3/5 done with the first trade of Department of Truth. Another solid James Tynion book.
    Oddpac87 and Dan O'Neill like this.
  6. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    “These companies should honor comic creators better!”

    “Idk maybe not like that!?!?”
    Colby Searcy likes this.
  7. xkaylinh Mar 20, 2024
    (Last edited: Mar 20, 2024)
    I started Rain, love Zoe's artwork but holy fuck this is sad as hell already

    edit: finished. geez, that one's brutal.
  8. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    Dawnrunner (the new miniseries from Ram V & Evan Cagle) is off to a great start. Gorgeous art, and super compelling narrative seeds that I’m sure will grow in cool ways. Highly recommended for anyone who digs a good mech story.

  9. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    also with Shaun Simon & Chris Weston
    scottlechowicz and Tim like this.
  10. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    Been reading some Dawn of DC stuff lately.

    Superman 1-11: Mostly positive stuff. Williamson nails Clark/Superman. The Graft / Dr. Pharm gives off House of 1,000 Corpses / Trans = villain vibes. So no bueno there. But overall it’s been fun. Especially when Glen Melnikov took over art duties. With the coloring, it gave off Tim Sale Superman For All Seasons vibes.

    Flash 1 - Sooooo good. Si Spurrier and Dedato Jr. knocked this one out of the park. Really excited to see where this goes.
  11. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    Melnikov rules. Would love to see him draw a Superman story not by that fanboy hack Williamson, lol. I don’t have strong feelings on Punchline as a character but will eventually get that one mini Melnikov drew, just for his art.

    Honestly? He should probably do something with, like, the WildCATs or whatever, lol.
  12. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    I didn’t realize people had such strong opinions on Joshua Williamson lol

    I can’t say I’m overly familiar with his work, but he’s also struck me as a totally average superhero comic writer.
  13. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    I like Joshua Williamson a whole lot :shrug:
  14. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    Opinions seem to vary on him, particularly depending on the book and when the reader first noticed him.

    I tend to see his DC work as the direct descendent of Geoffrey Johns’ DC (and that’s not a compliment from me! lol). Dark Crisis [on Infinite Earths] is the most egregious for me: a true case study in bad DC fanboy comics. But, there’s also his weird attempt at doing to Flash what Johns did to Green Lantern, with the… Still Force and Strength Force, I think it was?

    His Superman seems weirdly quite popular amongst the “fandom,” but what I’ve seen of it… is not for me, lol. Doesn’t help that the predictable reversal of the identity reveal going into it was done in a way I truly hated.
  15. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

  16. AP_Punk Apr 1, 2024
    (Last edited: Apr 1, 2024)

    Regular Supporter

    Well, that Ed Piskor story took a dark bleak turn. There's so much awful in the letter he left behind. One horrible development after another.
    Colby Searcy likes this.
  17. Colby Searcy

    Is admired for his impeccable (food) tastes Prestigious

    Didn’t know what you were talking about but then I found it and yeah I have so many thoughts
  18. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    What an ugly situation. Feel terrible for the women who spoke out, and for Ed’s family, and for Jim Rugg, and for Ed’s other friends in the industry, and for the comics people Ed unfairly named in his note before his tragic decision. The fallout in the comics space is gonna be felt for a long time.
    Colby Searcy likes this.
  19. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    RIP to the absolute legend Trina Robbins.

    Did the first comic strip about an out lesbian, “Sandy Comes Out,” in Wimmen’s Comix in 1972. Was the first woman to draw Wonder Woman for DC. Designed the original, classic Vampirella costume. She also cofounded Friends of Lulu, a nonprofit that ran from 1994 to 2011, to support women in the comic book industry; she also was a historian of women in comics.
    overduecollect likes this.
  20. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    I’m working my way through the complete Hellboy comics for the first time.

    I just can’t imagine being a comic book fan in the early 90s—where everything was McFarlane, Lee, Liefeld, Booth—and then seeing Mignola with Dave Stewart’s colors on Hellboy. Must have been a trip.

    I’m also re-reading the first half of Immortal Hulk in the hopes of finally finishing it. Just as much of a triumph as I remember. Hope the second half maintains the quality.
  21. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    Mignola actually did fill-in art on an issue of Liefeld’s X-Force (#8, working from Rob’s story and rough layouts).


    I didn’t see the issue until I was an adult. But, I’ve heard people who were following at the time say they disliked it at first, because it was so far outside of what they were used to. (Only to eventually mature a bit and be like, “oh, yeah, ok, this rules.”)
  22. Dodge725


    I just bought the Immortal Hulk Omnibus and should be starting it today once I finish catching up on the X books and Nightwing. Not usually a big Hulk fan, but heard so much praise for the run, I had to try it.
  23. Tim

    thank u, next Supporter

    Speaking of the Immortal Al Ewing, if you ain’t reading Immortal Thor, you’re missing out. It’s so good.
  24. digitalsea

    hate my favorite band

    ghostedaway likes this.
  25. I'm using Goo Gone for the first time to take the sticker residue off some used/ex-library Batgirl Beyond Burnside books I just bought, it works like a charm but I'm a teeeeensy bit worried about having it on my hands, the warning on the back label freaked me out a little. just soon wash it off with soap. probably fine. anyone have experience with this? are you still alive?

    slowly but surely building my Batgirl collection...
    Colby Searcy likes this.