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Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Henry, Mar 12, 2016.

  1. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    I didn't want to take away from anything you guys had going on in the Funko thread, so I figured I'd make a thread about just general collectibles. It's just like the AP one, but with better spelling! I have a lot more at work too. So many things.

  2. These are amazing and make me wanna get more toys. Haha.
  3. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Just got this for the Collector Corps subscription. Has a good amount of weight to it.

  4. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    I slowed down on Funko, haven't bought any in months

    I started a VHS collection, although when I buy them part of me is just like "what am I doing". Yesterday I got The Blair Witch Project and The Silence of the Lambs
  5. My main collection is Pinny Arcade pins. They started out as strictly Penny Arcade/PAX things, but now there's a ton of third party IP pins as well, like Ellie from The Last of Us, Red from Transistor, etc.

    Here's my display of my Penny Arcade pins, haven't framed my third party ones yet:


    And here's a profile page that lists my whole collection: PinnyPals

    There's a really cool community around it, and there's new ones to collect every PAX, and you can trade with people at each expo and whatnot.
  6. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    That's petty darn cool. Didn't even know that was a thing. Haha.
  7. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Work desk clutter. Actually took some of it home today.

    scott likes this.
  8. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    First set I've legitimately wanted every single one of..

  9. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    This is perfect.

    ChaseTx likes this.
  10. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    Aside from books, comic books, (mostly Criterion) blu-rays, and some vinyl, I don't collect a whole lot of stuff that would really be considered "collectibles". I'm not super drawn to those Pop figures, though I get the appeal. I do like to grab random little things from my areas of interest, though. I have a few Disney Infinity figures and I don't even play the game. Here I have a Wonder Woman Tech Deck, Lego minifigure, and some weird little figure I got at a CVS.


    I do have a ton of Tech Decks from when I was a kid, and I'll grab a new one every now and then. I also love Lego, but don't really have the space to display any right now so I keep most of it tucked away. I like the idea of splurging for some nice looking figures to display at my work area, I'd love an All-Star Superman statue or anything Mass Effect related. I also really enjoy looking at stuff other people have, so this thread has been fun.
    lightning13 likes this.
  11. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    I could get way into Lego if it wasn't so expensive
  12. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    Actually my dream would be to collect all of Almost's DC superhero decks and hang them on my walls

    I wanted the Superman deck to be my next deck but I ended up not getting a new setup last spring.
    ChaseTx likes this.
  13. Wall Of Arms


    I have a bunch of The X-Files comics in plastic wallets in a big folder somewhere at my family home and figurines from when the first movie was released too all still in their boxes. Same for some large "Action Man" size ones from the original Star Wars trilogy of Luke (A New Hope) and Darth Vader. Got an X-Wing and a TIE Fighter too, I'll have to dig them out.
  14. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    Same. That and Gundam. I feel so satisfied when I finish them.
    ChaseTx likes this.
  15. I don't have any decent photos of my toy collections (I don't have a lot of space to display them in my home office just yet). But here is a spreadsheet of all of my non-Funko Star Wars Toys and photos of my Chewbacca head and First Order Stormtrooper helmet. image.jpeg image.jpeg
    ChaseTx likes this.
  16. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    That Chewie head is great, haha

    I'm noticing some of the Disney Infinity toys are pretty cool looking, though overpriced. Black suit Spider-Man, Ant Man, and Kylo Ren are the favorites I've seen.

    All the stores seem to be getting rid of their VHS sections. Inevitable, I suppose.
  17. I have to stay away from those Infinity figures, as much as I love their aesthetic. So pricey.
  18. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    I've almost caved on a few Infinity and Amiibo figures. They are so damn adorable.
  19. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    That they are. If they were a few dollars cheaper I'd probably be collecting them
  20. aranea

    Trusted Prestigious

    ChaseTx likes this.
  21. ghostedaway

    itchy, tasty Prestigious

    Those are too cute. Wondering when the pops will go up for pre order.
  22. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

  23. ghostedaway

    itchy, tasty Prestigious

    Apparently it's rumored that the theme for the next Marvel Collector Corps is Zombies. Guess we'll find out next week after Civil War's deadline.
  24. Henry

    Moderator Moderator

    I keep having to talk myself out of buying statues. lol. There are a few Batwoman ones I'd love to have.