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Coldplay Announce New Album

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    Coldplay will release Moon Music on October 4th. Pre-orders are now up.

    The album's physical release will set new sustainability standards. It will be the world's first album released as a 140g EcoRecord LP, with each copy made from 9 recycled PET-plastic bottles recovered from post-consumer waste.
    Love is the only answer.

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  2. DooDooBird


    Was their last album any good? I kinda gave up after A Head Full of Dreams.

    Anyways, A Rush Of Blood To The Head is my all time fave by them.
    artbynickferran likes this.
  3. SuNDaYSTaR

    Regular Prestigious

    You could have told be they hadn't released anything since that album and I would have believed you. It's weird how they completely fell off my radar.
  4. thedrudo

    Trusted Prestigious

    Parachutes, Rush and X&Y are true perfection for me.

    Viva is fairly solid too but they haven’t done an album since that’s hit as hard as the first three.
    SuNDaYSTaR likes this.
  5. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    I'm not a fan of them anymore but their sustainability efforts are incredibly impressive.
    artbynickferran likes this.
  6. ramomcferno

    Mystery is the secret ingredient Prestigious

    Good band. They are great live. I appreciate their dedication to making good music and being sustainable.

    I like the post Viva stuff but I am not judging it very harshly, they aren't the same band they once were but for a pop rock/radio friendly band, they are pretty good in my opinion.
  7. Miller304

    Be excellent to one another. Supporter

    Naming the album "Moon Music" is a red flag for me. Get out of the cosmos and come back down to the Earth where you made those first 3 albums.
  8. benschuyler

    Regular Prestigious

    The title kind of gives me the same vibes as Ghost Stories, which is such a great album. Looking forward to hearing it.
    somethingliketj likes this.
  9. Nick Martin Jun 18, 2024
    (Last edited: Jun 18, 2024)
    Nick Martin

    There are no answers. Only choices.

    Parachutes and A Rush of Blood to the Head are damn-near perfect, IMO.

    lost me and is often skipped when cycling through their discography. It's a controversial opinion, I've gathered, and I felt it was...scattered. Inconsistent. Somehow missing something. It apparently had a troubled production, resulting in switching up producers and tossing out a number of songs. I personally would love to listen to that material, as they'd been working with Ken Nelson (producer for Parachutes and Rush) before going a different direction.

    Viva la Vida, in spite of stylistic changes to the band's music, felt so much more complete and focused. I loved the listening experience with Jon Hopkins' "Light Through the Veins" opening and closing the album, as well as everything in-between. I'm also a sucker for Brian Eno and loved his involvement with this album.

    Mylo Xyloto, similar to X&Y, just didn't do anything for me.

    Ghost Stories was the last album I really listened to in its entirety. I enjoyed "Midnight" and was looking forward to more of an ambient-electronic album/seeing a different side of the band.
    thedrudo likes this.
  10. maciora


    Everything after X&Y sucks
    IATAvalanche likes this.
  11. DooDooBird


    I have to say the albums after Viva La Vida feel kinda sucky as a whole, but there are still some gems sprinkled in there like Ink and A Sky Full of Stars.
    palebluedot likes this.
  12. somethingliketj

    And that's why you always leave a note.

    Ghost Stories is such an underrated record, and Mylo Xyloto really holds up, despite having a couple duds in the track listing.

    Honestly, the one no one really talks about is Everyday Life. Being a "double" album, it's a bit cumbersome, but there's some tracks on there that feel closer to Parachutes and Rush of Blood than anything else they've done. It's worth spending time on, for sure. Plus, "Champion of the World" has a co-write from Scott Hutchison.

    The whole "Music of the Spheres" thing really truly lost me though, and I'm worried moving to the Moon is just going to be a continuation of that. Blah.
    thedrudo likes this.
  13. thedrudo

    Trusted Prestigious

    I need to revisit Ghost Stories. And I didn’t spend much time with Everyday Life but what you wrote intrigues me. Think I’ll do a deep dive into their discography.
    somethingliketj likes this.
  14. somethingliketj

    And that's why you always leave a note.

    Like most bands that have a pretty large discography, there's definitely clunkers, don't get me wrong. (I try and forget "A Head full of Dreams" exists, to be honest)

    "Ghost Stories" is great for a very particular mood, so depending on your state of mind, it might not vibe haha. You'll see what I mean.
  15. benschuyler

    Regular Prestigious

    Also - the Viva La Vida hate is unwarranted. The singles are meh, but songs like “strawberry swing,” “42,” and “Death and All His Friends” are absolute bangers.
    somethingliketj and ramomcferno like this.
  16. somethingliketj

    And that's why you always leave a note.

    That album came out at a very specific, difficult time in my life and so I hardly ever go back to it for that reason, but I do remember those three songs in particular being friggin awesome.
    benschuyler likes this.