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Coheed and Cambria – “Old Flames”

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Sep 27, 2018.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

  2. SuNDaYSTaR

    Trusted Prestigious

    Definitely 4/4 for me. Saw them last week and Claudio was better than ever, too.
    xburningcoffin likes this.
  3. I actually quite enjoyed that for the first 4 and a half minutes. But then it kept going for another minute and a half...
  4. bmir14

    Trusted Supporter

    this and mewithoutyou on the same day is going to be lovely
    Dan O'Neill likes this.
  5. ARo24


    I’ve never been a huge, huge Coheed fan but after seeing them with TBS this summer they were amazing. Definitely will give this a spin.
    xburningcoffin and Dan O'Neill like this.
  6. metallikunt

    I'm in love with the ordinary

    Holy shit, between this and GUNSHIP coming out on the same day, the 5th is going to be awesome!
    josh.hofer likes this.
  7. Iamhollywood315


    Out of all the times I’ve seen coheed since 2003 this last summer tour was the most insane. I had pit tickets in Austin and their lighting was easily one of the most epic light shows I’ve seen from any band. And they sounded killer too.
    j0hnnyrt and Dan O'Neill like this.
  8. Ska Senanake


    Their live show has always been top notch.
  9. Kixur413


    Went to the AZ date of their last tour. Last day of tour. Guy came out in a green alien suit with an astronaut helmet on top. Battled Coheed during a few songs and eventually was defeated during the closer Welcome Home. Was amazing. Wish I could relive that night.