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Citizen - Life In Your Glass World (March 26, 2021) Album • Page 6

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by trevorshmevor, Jan 11, 2021.

  1. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    I liked as you please a lot but don't really return to it much. I don't know how much I really care about this band anymore sadly.
  2. I think Jet is their best song and wish AYP had maintained some more of that energy. Most of the record just wasn’t all that interesting in the long run and the production really held it back for me too. High hopes this one sticks a little more, based on the singles I think it will
  3. mattylikesfilms


    As You Please has some cool tracks like Medicine, World, and I Forgive No One but I rarely come back to it.

    This new record sounds really promising though.
    latortuga likes this.
  4. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    EIGTH will never be topped for me.
    love how weird some of those songs are.

    Very excited for this based on the two singles. Feel like they are good mix of the Mats last solo and as you please.
  5. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    EIGTH severely underrated but love everything they've done
  6. SteadyGlen


    I'm fully digging these new tunes.
    Loved Young States and Youth when I was younger and revisit them every now and then. Somehow I didn't get on with EIGTH, though I dug that they embraced some of their hardcore interests and did what they wanted.
    AYP I really enjoy, although there are some tracks that I always skip.

    That being said, these two (three, unofficially) have my interest more than Jet or In The Middle Of It All did and I loved those tracks... I dig the direction they've went in. Might be time to pre-order.
    beachdude likes this.
  7. StormAndTheSun

    Unmoored Supporter

    I was really into both AYP and EIGTH but when the three songs leaked back in October I was really lukewarm on them and it bummed me out. But over the course of the last week Ive been giving them another try and am now fully in. Think this album is my most anticipated now.
  8. AgonizingFir

    Currently Distracted Supporter

  9. SmashRipsaw

    Outcast Tape Infirmary

  10. AgonizingFir

    Currently Distracted Supporter

    Truth, but they never really seemed like rule followers.
  11. Michael Belt

    metadata incarnate Supporter

  12. Iago

    forbidden chalice.

    Not sure how I feel about this; neither single has really made a solid impression on me, but I'll still hold out on the album in case its a context thing for me.

    My favorite Citizen moments tend to be the moodier aspects of their discography, like Cement and Medicine, so I think that might be why I haven't clicked with these yet. EIGTH was a phenomenal record to me for that very reason
    AgonizingFir likes this.
  13. mattylikesfilms


    AgonizingFir likes this.
  14. Just got this in and I am very excited to listen.
    solxace, beachdude, sonder and 3 others like this.
  15. michael sauvageau


    Let us know what you think! Super excited for this record.
    Carrow likes this.
  16. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:
    Carrow likes this.
  17. mattylikesfilms


    After Blue Sunday? I'm dying to hear this record.
  18. Kmil


    Just got the 2nd package from the subscription service, had a flexi of Black and Red, song is absolutely amazing, this album is going to rule.
  19. Yeah that one’s great. Reminds me a lot of Jet, super dancey
    beachdude and Kmil like this.
  20. mattylikesfilms


    Hopefully that means they’ll release it as a single soon.
    beachdude and trevorshmevor like this.
  21. Kmil


    Last time they sent Blue Sunday and it released a week later, I would expect it sometime this week.
    Carrow, beachdude and mattylikesfilms like this.
  22. Probably the final pre-release single.

    Also sweet JESUS this is a good album.
  23. Kmil


    All 3 songs so far have been pretty different from each other, is that a good indication of the whole thing?

    They all hit in their own way, I think Black and Red is my favorite so far though.
  24. Yeah it's all over the map musically, probably their most diverse record yet - I think they've really stepped up melodically on this one. Surprised Call Your Bluff wasn't picked as a single; it's absolutely massive. Similarly, I can't overstate how wild an opener Death Dance Approximately is - deserves to open their live sets in perpetuity once they're back touring. This is gonna do some great things for them.
  25. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    *hype intensifies*
    sonder, mattylikesfilms and Carrow like this.