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Citizen - Life In Your Glass World (March 26, 2021) Album • Page 19

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by trevorshmevor, Jan 11, 2021.

  1. Ring Of Chain :heart:
    Leftandleaving, AgonizingFir and Iago like this.
  2. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    EIGTH was a semi unexpected switch-up after Youth. They had so much momentum in the scene prior and truthfully I was expecting more Tumblr bangers along the line of The Summer or Roam The Room.

    I remember going to Ciz shows in 2016 when they were promoting EIGTH and the crowd was absolutely dead for the new songs while anything off Youth got an insane energetic response. Never seen quite a 180 in crowd energy track to track like shows in that era.
  3. Iago

    forbidden chalice.

    I definitely remember this growing up on Tumblr. Everyone seemed to hate the album and it warped my perception of it as someone wanting to fit in, since it was cool to dislike it (except for the meme edits of the album cover). I remember folks calling it boring on AP too and that stuck in my mind for a bit. It wasn’t until years later that I came back to it with a clear head and really started to appreciate it for what it was.

    I wonder if the reception is the reason they are in their direction rn. EIGTH feels so out of place in discography now that we’re 4 full lengths in
    Phantoms, Mary V and btr like this.
  4. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    EIGTH is my favorite. Love how grating* STAIN is
    Mary V and Iago like this.
  5. mattylikesfilms


    LIYGW is definitely my favorite record of theirs but EIGTH is definitely my second favorite.
    Iago and Mary V like this.
  6. trevorshmevor Oct 20, 2022
    (Last edited: Oct 20, 2022)
    Mixed feelings on EIGTH as a whole but Stain is for sure top 10 Ciz. I don’t think they’ve done a single thing that hits as hard as that bridge
    Iago likes this.
  7. josh-

    Twitter: @joshcaraballin

    EIGTH is their best.

    But yeah that era of live shows was wild. That tour with Turnover had to be a morale killer for them, I’m really glad they stuck it out. Definitely a left-turn and it was cool to hate on. But now? Sounds super fresh, easily some of their best songs.
    Iago likes this.
  8. AgonizingFir

    Currently Distracted Supporter

    My favorite Citizen song most days
    Mary V and Iago like this.
  9. Michael Belt

    metadata incarnate Supporter

    before LIYGW, EIGTH was my favorite album of theirs, and also my first. it floored me how sinister yet beautiful it sounded (Yellow Love was on nearly every playlist of mine for years on end). in a way, the closest sonic comparison i could make at the time was D***y by B***d N*w (although Citizen has definitely evolved for the better).
    Phantoms and Iago like this.
  10. Iago

    forbidden chalice.

    Cement is my favorite Citizen song. However, that already gets enough praise, so I just want to put some appreciation towards some of the lesser mentioned songs of that record. Both of My Favorite Color's choruses sound really, really cool. Love the drums leading into the bassline on the first iteration of it with the echoing whelps of the guitar strings in the background. Then, of course, the "hit" from the guitars during the second half of the next chorus. Both Weave Me and Ten are hypnotic to me, the former being my favorite lyrical entry from the band (besides Cement). I could listen to the latter's verses for hours. Everything plays off of each other so well during it.
    Mary V likes this.
  11. StormAndTheSun

    Unmoored Supporter

    Numb Yourself, Heaviside, Yellow Love and Ring of Chain are all some of my favourite songs of all time. EIGTH is a very special record to me.
    Phantoms, AgonizingFir and Iago like this.
  12. Mine too, and My Favourite Colour
    AgonizingFir likes this.
  13. Iago

    forbidden chalice.

    found out about Nail In Your Hand today. how'd i go this long without it in my life, i don't know
  14. atlas


    One time I pulled into my parking spot at work and turned my car off and heard My Favorite Color blasting from someone else's car in the lot. Shoutout whoever that was
    JoshIsMediocre, Phantoms and Iago like this.
  15. mattylikesfilms


    Their b-sides are solid in general but Nail In Your Hand goes off.
  16. Leftandleaving

    I will be okay. everything Supporter

    I don’t really like eight but ring of chain owns
  17. Michael Belt

    metadata incarnate Supporter

    i'm really glad i got my hands on the NIYH download when they offered it.
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  18. Iago

    forbidden chalice.

    they need to put it on spotify so people can know i listened to citizen every friday on my 5x5
  19. Iago Oct 28, 2022
    (Last edited: Oct 28, 2022)

    forbidden chalice.

    I’ve been thinking a lot about As You Please recently and while I like all the songs a lot individually, it’s my least favorite record from the band. I couldn’t really pinpoint why it never really clicked with me until late last week: I really, really don’t like the sequencing. I think it has probably the worst sequencing I’ve ever seen on an album. Jet is cool as an opener, but following it up with 3 mid tempo songs, then 2 of the most straightforward songs of the record, was not a good choice at all. It makes it a slog to get through and I always feel fatigued by the time I make it through it.

    Thus, as a fun project, I decided to resequence the album to see if I like it more. It was hard to do, because as much as I wanted to cut songs to make it feel more tight, I wanted to challenge myself and keep everything. Also, this album has a surplus of mid tempo songs! So does EIGHT, but AYP has so many songs that try to accomplish the same thing, while EIGHT is more varied on what each track is supposed to do for the album. This made it fun though, as I really had to put a lot of thought on where to put each track. There’s only one clunky transition I think, which is ITMOIA into Medicine, but other than that, I’m really, really happy with how this turned out. Medicine -> Discrete -> Fever in the middle section is my favorite part of this new tracklisting and I think Jet and World work really well as last bursts of energy near the end, the latter kinda reminds me of how Won’t Drown is utilized in Nearer My God.

    Edit: You can also swap Jet with I Forgive No One if you prefer how the original starts. IFNO transitions well from AYP at the end, but I think Ugly Luck doesn’t work too well after Jet bc it feels a tad too slow. IFNO is just slow enough where UL feels faster in comparison, hence them being together at the start. Also IFNO’s intro is fucking sick as an opener
  20. AgonizingFir

    Currently Distracted Supporter

    Really interested to check this out. As You Please is my favorite album by them but the sequencing isn’t one of that factors that I consider to be a strength. I’ve always been interested in the sequencing of albums but have never taken the time to do anything like this
    Iago likes this.
  21. Iago

    forbidden chalice.

    Let me know! I’m excited to revisit this later myself in a week or two. I’ve played this album so much trying to figure this out, so my fear is that I could be blending things together and it won’t sound as fluid with fresh ears. According to, I’ve listened to 87 songs from this album this week, 40 from this morning alone, so I could be completely wrong just off the basis of overexposure lol
    AgonizingFir likes this.
  22. mynamesgeneric

    Regular Supporter

    10 year anniversary tour for Youth announced today
  23. It’s four dates. Fiddlehead opening

    6/15 - House of Blues in Boston, MA
    6/17 - House of Blues in Chicago, IL
    6/22 - Emo’s in Austin, TX
    6/24 - The Wiltern in Los Angeles, CA
    latortuga likes this.
  24. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    No Ohio or Michigan date, which feels really odd. Wonder if something else is coming
  25. cherrywaves


    No one can convince me that this record is ten years old lol
    HelloThisIsDog likes this.