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Circa Survive - The Amulet (September 22, 2017) Album • Page 50

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by irthesteve, Jul 10, 2017.

  1. atlas


    The Lottery is a top 3 Circa song despite being on easily the worst Circa album. A testament to its greatness tbh
    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  2. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    VW is great because Geoff Rickly sings on it therefore its at least a 4/5
    Dirty Sanchez, js977 and teebs41 like this.
  3. Philll


    I agree with a lot of you, VW is perplexing in that I just don't understand how I feel about it. The highs are always higher than I remember, but the weaker moments often veer beyond ambivalence into active dislike.

    I always used to think Juturna was my favourite but honestly I think it's gotta be OLG nowadays, the older I get thats the album I return to. Also, I only discovered Commercials a couple months ago. How in the heck did I miss out on that track for so long? It freaking slaaaays.
  4. Gooddayz

    always and forever

    When I first heard Commercials I had that song on repeat, it's sooo good.
  5. Bryan Diem


    Yeah I used to debate w/ myself about OLG vs Juturna. But especially after seeing it live, the answer is clearly olg
  6. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    whoa there's a new Godspeed album
  7. Philll


  8. kelseyduffy

    obliterate all prior things

    teebs41 likes this.
  9. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    Yeah agree with most hear. My favorite song is on Juturna. But OLG is just so good front to back. Plus my favorite b sides.
  10. kelseyduffy

    obliterate all prior things

    I TOTALLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS you're absolutely right

  11. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    On absolutepunk I said something shitty about I felt frees lyrics and that they were not anthony quality.

    Colin was on the board and said...well that is because I wrote them. Sorry you hate the song.

    Felt like a massive twat. But it is how I feel about the song.
  12. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    I had no idea Colin wrote the lyrics to that song.
  13. Richard

    Trusted Supporter

    To be fair to Colin, I don't think they're bad lyrics. They're just evidently not Anthony's more abstract style. I don't think that's a bad thing, because sometimes with Anthony I can get a bit of a Johnny Craig "stream of consciousness" vibe, where they sound deeper than they are. Not to compare Anthony to JC haha, but hopefully you get what I mean.
    incognitojones likes this.
  14. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I got to talk to Colin and Nick once

    they're sweethearts
    Deathco_019 and incognitojones like this.
  15. kelseyduffy

    obliterate all prior things

    LOL It's okay, I'm sure he took it in stride. They get worse from the peanut gallery, on instagram especially, daily these days.

    Ultimately I wish the song could have been repurposed for Psychic Babble like Follow Your Bliss was I guess, but people seem to genuinely love it and I don't really want to yuck anyone's yum, so I digress.
  16. Richard

    Trusted Supporter

    Was listening to Psychic Babble earlier today funnily enough. Five Fold Kiss has such a vibe. One of those songs that can transport you back to a certain time without fail.
  17. incognitojones

    Some Freak Supporter

    I Felt free is a good song, this band never has songs that I dislike or skip really, besides like the end of descensus. There are some forgettable ones tho
  18. kelseyduffy

    obliterate all prior things

    Totally. The whole record feels like a trip down memory lane. My only real complaint with it at all is that the spoken word poetry interludes are a ~tad~ pretentious. Like I get what he was aiming for and I appreciate it as a concept, but it fell kind of flat for me and I think the songs speak for themselves, yano?

    Follow Your Bliss into Harper to close the album out is just so emotionally satisfying and perfect. I wish he would put out another one but it's okay if this is all we ever get, too. It's a really great little record.

    Also Baby Steps is a killer tune.
  19. Bryan Diem


    I feel like that's going to happen to me one of these days with all the really sour stuff that I say on here. But even if those lyrics sucked, at least he's half of one of the great guitar duos making music today, and has been tearing it up on every single album.
  20. Transient_Hymn

    Somebody Turn the Neon Down Supporter

    Yeah I tried to give praise after I got called out.
    Couldn't dig myself out of the hole. Ha
    Bryan Diem and airik625 like this.
  21. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    ive never had them "call me out" or anything but there was a brief time where i would talk a lot of shit about TWY just because it seemed like everyone else had turned on them. now i realize how kind of childish that was of me, i still very much adore that band.

    i think zach from JEW came into the IB thread and said something to some random user who was kind of being rude but i cant remember specifics
  22. Deathco_019


    I definitely vaguely remember this about the JEW thread. Was it because of minty?
    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  23. FTank

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I got sorta called out by Ryan Mendez from YC because I had said I didn't like Transmission Home
  24. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    transit's producer is a child and got mad i rightly pointed out his production work is shit
    Micah511, CoffeeEyes17, FTank and 2 others like this.
  25. Deathco_019


    Didn't he tell you that you had a high school haircut and to grow some balls or something?