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Cincinnati-Dayton Area Thread Location • Page 2

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Dirty Sanchez, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    I drove from Abilene, TX to Cincy for spring break one year because I'm a Bengals fan and why not. However, it was in a 6-seater truck with 5 other guys, so it was by no means comfortable. We didn't really have time to do much. We went to Graeter's and walked around Newport and visited some historical/older neighborhood near the city (can't remember what it was called).

    Also walked straight into PBS and demanded a tour and was immediately turned away. We were going to burn a Steelers jersey in the endzone, no idea why they didn't let us. I paid them back by buying a TJ Houshmanzadeh jersey in the Pro Shop. It was an extra-large kid's size on sale...the year after TJ was traded. Thirty bucks.

    What a dumb spring break idea.
    Emperor Y, lish and Dirty Sanchez like this.
  2. Emperor Y

    Jesus rides beside me Prestigious

    *That sound Chance the Rapper makes in Ultra Light Bean when he goes "UGH... I'm just having fun with it"*

  3. If anyone in this thread is in the area when this show is happening come out and say hello. This is a concert I am helping put together in the Dayton area and two Cincinnati bands are playing as well—Friday Giants and Over The Years. This is going to be Cinema Century's debut show with Weathervein co-headlining. Wise Words and Gabe Maas are playing as well. All great bands!
    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  4. Jdaniels


    Staying in cinci this Friday into Saturday. Anything I should check out? Got the wife and no kids!
  5. I'll be in Cincinnati tomorrow for My Morning Jacket, if any of yall are going come say hey
  6. I'm thankful to know these guys and can't wait to celebrate the release of their two new singles with Colly and Penny Wishes on the 29th. Really proud of what they have accomplished this year!

    If you are in the area it would be good to see a few people from this thread. I don't believe I've met anyone in person yet.

  7. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    this is a weird time to bump this thread
  8. It was definitely late in the evening. I'm a bat after all.
    theagentcoma likes this.
  9. CarpetElf

    douglas Prestigious

    What happens here? Are things here? I've always been fascinated by this city. Does it truly exist?
  10. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    lol I spent my 2009 spring break in Cincy because my friends knew I was a Bengals fan and asked me 'Why not?"

    We drove from Abilene, TX to Arkansas to "drop off a friend" then to Jackson, MO to stay with another friend for a few days, before making the trek through Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky into Ohio for a few days. We went to Graeter's, PBS, and the Mount Adams neighborhood, which was really cool. We were only there for 1.5 days but I had fun. I don't realistically see myself going there again anytime soon but it was a fun trip for a deluded young college student.
    Jdaniels likes this.
  11. Lot's happening in Dayton right now. A co-share space opened a few years ago that I'll work at from time to time called Nucleus. The Indigo Life Network is releasing a lot of videos that highlight the people of Dayton. I am trying my best to support up and coming artists from Dayton such as Wise Words and Cinema Century. Recently downtown more event/rental spaces are opening up and moving into buildings that were once abandoned. Exciting times for the Gem City!
  12. Owlex likes this.
  13. theagentcoma and Dirty Sanchez like this.
  14. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    Dirty Sanchez and ianebaldwin like this.
  15. Show happening this Saturday in Dayton that I am putting on.

    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  16. If you were a fan of Transit you may like Torre Cioffi's new band bloom. who is playing in Dayton this Tuesday night at Encore Live Room. Come hang!

  17. I've always wanted to help host an emo night in Dayton and it's finally happening.

  18. That show was a lot of fun! I can't wait to have them back to Dayton.
  19. I might have to mosey on down from Cleveland when you do
    ianebaldwin likes this.