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    Dismiss Notice Member Compilations: Originals: Due June 29th • Page 29

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Benjamin Lee, Apr 14, 2021.

  1. Benjamin Lee


    Thank you! I always liked trying to like, convey the different emotions a single subject can produce both through the lyrics and the music. So a song like Pentecostals Are a Baja Blast being about growing up in a traumatic religious environment has a lot of sadness, anxiety, reflection, and anger, so that’s kinda how I ended up with the whole journey thing there. Still an emo at heart even while pushing 30. Appreciate you picking up on the journey theme a bit!
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  2. For anyone who was into my Painted Lines song from the compilation, I just released the full EP on Bandcamp. It comes out tonight on streaming, but yeah, give it a listen and let me know what you think!

    Benjamin Lee and bobsheiskawy like this.
  3. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I’ve submitted a few times over the years but I finally have a full length album that I’m proud of. Recorded entirely by me, here’s Parasocial.

    Track 3 was on the last comp!
  4. Benjamin Lee


    Excited to check this out! I’ve always loved your submissions.
    ComedownMachine likes this.
  5. Benjamin Lee


    @ComedownMachine Yeah, album is sick as hell. Thank you for sharing it! This and Brad's Painted Lines EP are probably my two favorite things I've heard from members on here.
  6. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    thank you so much! it means a lot! :)
  7. Aww thanks buddy :-)
    Benjamin Lee likes this.
  8. SmashRipsaw

    Outcast Tape Infirmary

    I'm putting together a 2005 covers comp for early next year if anyone's interested in contributing.

  9. Benjamin Lee


    I’ll try and put something together, been since ‘21 I tried a cover though so we’ll see. Haha
    bradsonemanband and SmashRipsaw like this.

    Let’s crank some new compilations out more regularly in 2025!

    What would make these easier and more fun for everyone?
    Should we create a new thread?
    Do we like having the poll where we have a couple different comp suggestions to vote on?

    Also, if you know of any other forum members that record music on their own that aren’t in this thread, tag them so we can try to grow this little community of ours even more in 2025.

    I love you all and can’t wait to hear what you all bust out this year.
    Benjamin Lee and Nick Jagger like this.
  11. Some potential theme ideas I have:

    - Wildcards (cover anyone or anything you want)
    - Specific bands (ex: Blink-182. they've put out so much new music since we last did a Blink comp)
    - Dad rock/butt rock/whatever you wanna call it (Nickelback, Creed, 3 Doors Down, etc)
    - Originals (obvi)
    - Female pop artists
    - Obscure artists (where we cover obscure artists that we are into and want to spread the word about)
    - Decades (60s, 70s, 80s, etc.)
    - Different instruments (cover a song but play it on an instrument that you don't normally play)
    - Holidays (obvi)
    - Disney songs
    - Songs about ____ (originals or covers. songs about food, trees, pirates, whatever we decide haha)
    - Specific years (songs released in specific years. 2005, 1986, etc)

    There's just a chunk of ideas I've come up with. Reply with any ideas you may have too!
    Benjamin Lee and Nick Jagger like this.
  12. Nick Jagger


    thanks for bringing this back up! i always see the comp submission posts too late
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  13. Benjamin Lee


    I feel like originals or a kind of “whatever you feel like” comp are usually good starting points. Usually helps bring more people in, and I think at least a few of those people will contribute to future stuff too. But idk. I’ll do my best to contribute at least
  14. White

    Cum for the Cum God. Prestigious

    +1 for originals
  15. manoverboard365

    Trusted Supporter

    I'm down for another originals comp. I've had a couple of songs written for a while, this will light the fire under my ass to get them recorded.
    Benjamin Lee and bradsonemanband like this.
  16. Benjamin Lee


    I’d be down for originals. I’m tracking vocals for an LP starting next week, so depending on the timing of it I’d either just submit a demo from the project or something more completed if it’s late enough for me to be through with vocals.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  17. I've been working on new Painted Lines material, so an Originals comp would probably help light a fire under my tookus too, haha.
    Benjamin Lee likes this.
  18. artofjosephshelton

    The chat is mysterious and important.

    Would instrumentals be allowed in this Originals comp?
    bradsonemanband and Benjamin Lee like this.
  19. Benjamin Lee


    Pretty sure there's never been a rule against types of music. When I ran these there were a few instrumentals... And I mean, Brad sent me himself adlibbing a song about a Pumpkin Seed recipe. So I assume just make sure you send something that can be argued to be music in someway and you're good. haha
    artofjosephshelton likes this.
  20. Benjamin Lee


    Please send me anything you have to share. I've been doing this long project where I listen through every album in my Apple Music for the last two years (almost done lol), so haven't been going back to stuff a whole lot but I've gone back to that Painted Lines EP a few times.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  21. artofjosephshelton

    The chat is mysterious and important.

    hahaha noted...

    would love to hear this pumpkin seed jingle as well, Brad. :crylaugh:
    bradsonemanband and Benjamin Lee like this.
  22. Benjamin Lee


    It's still up. Track 3. This was one of my favorite comps. Brad gets to catch a stray compliment too, I've heard a lot of opinions from friends on comps I did, but I never heard a single person who didn't just absolutely love this fucking Pumpkin Seed song. haha One person I knew did the recipe.

  23. Awww that's awesome! I'm happy you dig it so much!
    Benjamin Lee likes this.
  24. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I put out an album a few months ago and I’m currently working on on another so I have tons of originals that didn’t make either project laying around waiting to see the light of day
    bradsonemanband likes this.