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Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by bradsonemanband, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. phaynes12 Prestigious

  2. bradsonemanband Mar 17, 2020
    (Last edited: Mar 17, 2020)
    Hi friends! So as you know, we've got our 50th compilation coming up next. I've been racking my brain about what the theme should be, but nothing has gotten me excited until I thought of an idea today...

    With our entire planet going to shit right now because of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, I feel totally helpless. I'm grateful that my wife and I both have jobs where we can work from home, but there are so many other people struggling to keep their businesses open, people getting laid off from work, people concerned about what to do because their kids can't go to school, etc...

    There's also all these creative people in the world who are unable to go out and play shows for their fans and make their living. We're all just sitting at home self-quarantining with maybe not a lot to do right now, other than sit and watch the news and read awful political tweets.

    So to take our minds off of the current state of our world, to help others in need, and to just let our hair down for a minute and try to smile and have fun being creative, I want this compilation to help out a charity of some sort, or be something that helps put some money into struggling peoples pockets.

    SO PLEASE help me find a good charity or foundation where we can help people through this insane time, and let's make this compilation HUGE. I want this to reach further than just Chorus.FM. I want to also try and get bands/artists we love to be part of this as well.

    Who's willing to participate and help me out???

    ricklightning, mad and bodkins like this.
  3. bradsonemanband Mar 17, 2020
    (Last edited: Mar 17, 2020)
    Please read my post above ^^^^^


    Some basic rules, I've come up with so far:
    - Original songs only (so I don't have to deal with any copyright shenanigans)
    - One song per band/artist only (if you're in 2 bands and want to submit 1 song from each project, that's fine)
    - I'm going to make a separate email address specifically for tracks for this compilation, so keep on the look out for that address soon.


    1. Do you know any good charities/foundations that are working to help people during this time? I'm not familiar with anything like that, so I will definitely need help finding the right one(s). So if you know of any great ones, please put a link in the comments here and give me a little blurb about them.

    2. Do you have any connections at all with a band/artist that would possibly contribute to this? If so, send me a DM and I'll give you some more details about what we're doing and what we'd need from them.

    Your ideas:

    I'm open to listen to any and all ideas you may have, so please lets get a conversation going here in the comments.


    Below are some charities I think would be good to donate to. I will keep adding to this list with others I find, and your suggestions, and then we will all vote on the one we feel is best.

    CDP COVID-19 Response Fund
    The Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) has launched the CDP COVID-19 Response Fund to support preparedness, containment, response and recovery activities for those affected and for the responders.

    B.E.A.P. (Bartender Emergency Assistance Program)
    A bartender emergency assistance program to help service industry personnel who may be experiencing financial hardship during the coronavirus outbreak.

    ricklightning and mad like this.
  4. phaynes12 Prestigious

    cool, into it
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  5. manoverboard365

    Trusted Supporter

    I'm in!
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  6. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    oh hell yea! I definitely have the free time.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  7. aoftbsten Mar 17, 2020
    (Last edited: Mar 17, 2020)

    Trusted Supporter

    A co-worker shared this earlier, could be a good cause right now:

    USBG is nonprofit which helps service industry professionals through education and charity. They started an emergency fund for bartenders, spouses and children of bartenders amid the mass layoffs and furloughs the industry is seeing right now.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  8. Added it to the list! Sounds like a great one. I have a lot of friends who are bartenders and they’re scrambling to find new jobs right now. Bums me out... Good find!
    aoftbsten likes this.
  9. bradsonemanband Mar 20, 2020
    (Last edited: Mar 20, 2020)
    Anyone have any other ideas on how we can make this compilation be successful? I'm planning on reaching out to a few bands in the coming days to see if they'd mind submitting a track for it. Bands I have in mind: Diet Cig, The Ataris, Owen, and a few others. Might be hard to get any of them, but I'm crossing my fingers that we get some cool artists on here!
  10. Damien Davies

    Trusted Supporter

    I'm friends with Brent Walsh (I the Mighty) on Facebook, want me to ask him? I can also ask a few other people. I'm in on this, by the way, just need to write something or tidy up something I've already recorded.

    Edit: @bradsonemanband Can you inbox me a spiel to send to people? I don't want to give anyone the wrong information.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  11. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    I have a few originals from a friend and me that have never seen the light of day. I’ll go through them today.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  12. nohandstoholdonto

    problem addict Prestigious

    Would def contribute something. Also have connections to some relatively popular artists in the scene rn and am down to reach out and see if they wanna contribute anything
    ImAMetaphor and bradsonemanband like this.
  13. bradsonemanband Mar 21, 2020
    (Last edited: Mar 22, 2020)
    The music industry doesn’t only consist of the artists. Bars and venues also have a huge hand since they’re giving musicians places to play and places for us to go see our favorite bands.

    So this is what we are going to do...

    Instead of giving all the money to just one charity, I’m going to divide all earnings in half and give half of the donations to MusicCares (a foundation that the Recording Academy started which helps musicians who are affected by financial woes of COVID-19.) And the other half of the donations will go to B.E.A.P. (a foundation that is helping bartenders and other service people who are experiencing money and job loss.)

    What do you think?
  14. manoverboard365

    Trusted Supporter

    I like the sound of that!
    bradsonemanband likes this.

    I am putting together a digital compilation for charity to help out people in the music and bartending industries who are being affected by COVID-19.

    The compilation will be released on Friday, May 1st exclusively on Bandcamp, and all of the proceeds will be split between two different charities:

    - B.E.A.P. (the Bartender Emergency Assistance Program)

    - MusiCares (Created by The Recording Academy to help peers in the music industry.)

    If you would like to submit a track, please email me a high quality MP3 or WAV file of your song (previously released, unreleased, an alternate version, whatever you want—no covers though, please) as well as the following information:
    1. Band/artist name
    2. Song title
    3. Social media links

    Email track to: CoronavirusComp@gmail
    Submissions are due by Monday, April 27th

    Let's help get all of our other fellow musicians and bartenders back out there soon!

    If you have any questions at all, please ask.

    Stay healthy and safe,
  16. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    The Email address is not recognized.
  17. AlwaysEvolving21 likes this.
  18. phaynes12 Prestigious

    yeah i might finish one of the demos i've been sitting on for this
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  19. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    bradsonemanband likes this.
  20. manoverboard365

    Trusted Supporter

    I'm like 90% done with a song I've been working on during this quarantine. Gonna submit that soon.

    Actually if anyone is up for giving it a listen first and giving me advice on the mix that'd be really appreciated!
    bradsonemanband and fluxyjoe like this.
  21. So down to listen!
  22. bradsonemanband Mar 23, 2020
    (Last edited: Mar 23, 2020)
    If you are friends with any other bands (big or small) and you think they'd be interested in jumping on this compilation, please PM me and I will send you a detailed message to forward onto them.

    I reached out to over 60 bands yesterday of varying sizes. A couple cool yesses so far!
  23. therookielot

    Punk, Absolute Prestigious

    I’ll message My buddy zac. He plays in strawberry girls
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  24. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    I wrote and recorded a song! It came together pretty quick from a mish-mash of old lyrics and riffs I had lying around. Has kind of a 90's lo-fi vibe to it. We've got a while before submission, so I'll tinker with it some more. Might try figure out a rhythm section since it's just electric guitar and vocals right now.
  25. Damien Davies

    Trusted Supporter

    I reached out to Brent from I The Mighty, Dave from Mae, Matt Pow from City Mouth and Matthew Lowry (ex-Terra Terra Terra) and only had 1 response so far which was "Cool idea!" so no idea if I've been successful yet at all.
    Benjamin Lee and bradsonemanband like this.