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Chernobyl (Johan Renck, May 6, 2019) Movie • Page 12

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Dinosaurs Dish, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    No, the context was too different! Milkshake ducks are different from “it’s popular so I have to say it sucks”.

    Look, it even rhymes!
  2. Sean Murphy

    i'll never delete a post Supporter

    watched eps 1-3 tonight. i am more than awake enough to power through 4 and 5, but i have to stop. This shit is fucking heavy. Good god.
  3. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Saw the finale finally yesterday. Great show, and absolutely terrifying. The trial was very good, and I’m glad they showed what led to the explosion. I was worried they wouldn’t.

    Weird to see people bring up the bridge of death, and reports possibly saying it was fabrication. It seemed so specific to not be real. Esp since they brought it up again.
  4. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    Idk not being into Bernie Sanders doesn’t make you bad enough to get cancelled haha
  5. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    coleslawed likes this.
  6. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    I mean it SHOULD
    EASheartsVinyl likes this.
  7. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I need more Jared Harris in my life every week.
  8. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    I keep bringing it up, but have you watched The Terror yet? If not, start right now.
    Cameron and Ferrari333SP like this.
  9. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Yep, working through it now. Only two in so I still have that to keep me going, lol.
    Ferrari333SP likes this.
  10. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Only gets creepier/more insane, especially with the last episode, #10
    EASheartsVinyl likes this.
  11. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

  12. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I accidentally saw a sort of spoiler about part of it, but I know very little other than that piece. I really keep hoping for it to go full Lovecraft and awaken dead Cthulhu.
  13. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter


    aoftbsten and recall reality like this.
  14. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Catching up on this. That first episode was intense. The citizens watching from the bridge and children playing with the ash falling was beautifully shot and terrifying. And that shot near the end with the smoke over the dead trees fucked me up.
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  15. Sean Murphy

    i'll never delete a post Supporter

    Holy shit the animal shooting scenes were hard to get through
    Brent, RyanPm40 and drewinseries like this.
  16. drewinseries


    That was a like of endearment, not like of content.
    Sean Murphy likes this.
  17. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Jesus, I just finished episode 4. Maybe the most depressing thing I've ever watched. All those good dogs:tear:.

    That tracking shot on the roof was tense.
    Joe and I Am Mick like this.
  18. The end of episode 2 was so good
  19. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    God damn, just finished it and this was great all the way through. Very disturbing and tense each episode. No doubt I’ll rewatch it one day, but it’ll be a while before I can stomach it again.
  20. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    The acting in this was superb
  21. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

  22. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Cool flex random guys friend
  23. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    (Read it again)
  24. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    I’m dumb lol
    Ken likes this.
  25. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    Wow nobody make fun of me please it’s been a long day
    GrantCloud, Ken, coleslawed and 5 others like this.