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Cats (Tom Hooper, December 20, 2019) Movie • Page 5

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by oncenowagain, Jul 18, 2019.

  1. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
  2. Zilla

    Prestigious Supporter

    The best one is sadly not real.
  3. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    coleslawed, Joe, yung_ting and 2 others like this.
  4. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    Nolan too haha
    coleslawed and Jason Tate like this.
  5. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

  6. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

    RyanPm40, coleslawed, mad and 8 others like this.
  7. Can’t wait to get drunk and watch this one night.
  8. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    cool keep the conversation on topic now please like fucking cats
    SlappinCups and oncenowagain like this.
  9. Morrissey


    Unfortunately it was not Hooper, but Bennett Miller.
  10. LuigiPeppercorn

    Trusted Prestigious

    am i the only one who's incredibly uncomfortable because of their mouths
  11. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

    coleslawed, Anthony_ and DarkHotline like this.
  12. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    hurt to learn this
  13. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

    That gif is incredible and slightly dulls the pain of this film existing.

    Saw a great comment about this being the monkey’s paw answer to the Lion King characters having no emotions.
    coleslawed and Dog with a Blog like this.
    coleslawed and DarkHotline like this.
  15. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    I love how people are going nuts with memes
    SlappinCups likes this.
  16. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    1) This looks fucking insane, but not in a good way.

    2) I am attracted to all of these cats, especially Idris Elba cat.

    3) Tom Hooper HAS to have the largest discrepancy between how talented of a director he actually is and how much professional praise and accolade he receives.
    coleslawed likes this.
  17. DarkHotline

    Stuck In Evil Mode For 31 Days Prestigious

    Oh my
  18. oakhurst

    Trusted Supporter

    Watched the trailer. It’s the stuff of nightmares.
  20. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

  21. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

    This trailer makes me feel bad for WB. Everyone was supposed to be talking all about IT's trailer today...
    Dog with a Blog likes this.
  22. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    I was super into the Top Gun 2 trailer but how do you compete with this miraculous ship of so many choices, all wild and unreasonable, but all existing, all coming together finally in the hands of Tom Hooper, somehow the least equipped but most perfect person to have to steer it
  23. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    I know on some level all publicity is good publicity, but everything I read about the IT Chapter 2 trailer was unanimously great and about how amazing it looks, and everything about this is just saying what a COLOSSAL AND MONUMENTAL fuck up of epic proportions this looks like. I'd still much rather the former.

    Part of me can't believe this even exists at all, while another part of me knows that in America in 2019 there is no way that this doesn't exist.
  24. AP_Punk

    achin' to be Prestigious

    Best movie thread ever.
    Brent and oncenowagain like this.
  25. Dog with a Blog


    Top Gun looks cool in a way that I want to see it. This looks bad in a way that I need to see it. My biggest fear is that this run well beyond the 90 minute mark. At a certain point it probably goes from bafflingly bad yet entertaining to just insufferable.
    Zilla and oncenowagain like this.