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Call Me By Your Name (Luca Guadagnino, November 24, 2017) Movie • Page 3

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by iCarly Rae Jepsen, Aug 1, 2017.

  1. OotyPa

    fall away Supporter

    Im not sure that end scene is meant to underline the age difference/toxic power dynamic. Imo its a representation of what elio and his father spoke about- there being sorrow, and an inherent joy in feeling. When you fall in love that young, no matter who it is, your heart has a high chance of being broken— but as elio’s father tells him, it is that breaking that allows one to access the true essence of life, of feeling. I chose to view oliver as the catalyst to elio’s opening of his heart. He has taught him confidence, devotion, and sex— and once the movie is over and his mother calls his name, Elio turns to face her despite mourning the love he still feels. Perhaps a stretch, but to me that last shot is him learning acceptance as well.
  2. Morrissey


    This more or less sums it up. Teenagers, whether it is a schoolmate or an older person, think that the romance they are in is more deep and serious as compared to what adults would characterize it as. Those broken hearts are not permanent, but the value is in how it teaches them about themselves, what they want out of a relationship, and how to treat others.
    Contender, jkauf and OotyPa like this.
  3. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    goddammit Demi
    sawhney[rusted]2, nfdv2 and Nathan like this.
  4. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Oliver was a selfish, rude person. Not just as a lover, but shown pretty explicitly in the way that he behaves when he arrives: eating the egg, not coming to dinner, saying "later" etc. The age discrepancy certainly does come up in terms of his ability to move on more quickly, but I'd say that has more to do with the relationship being Elio's first sexual experience with a man, as far as the audience knows. I view it more as a character flaw on his part than anything to do with age.
    Anthony_, Oskarr, OotyPa and 2 others like this.
  5. TedSchmosby


    iCarly Rae Jepsen likes this.
  6. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    Love My Way has been in heavy rotation since I left this
    Contender and iCarly Rae Jepsen like this.
  7. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    Aregala likes this.
  8. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Can someone explain the fly symbolism to me? We see a fly on an article of clothing every time there's a significant moment in Elio's relationship with Oliver. If my memory serves me correctly, the first time there is a fly on Elio's boxers when he is touching himself when Oliver is passing by the window. Next on the shirt after they have sex and then there's a fly on Elio's shirt in the last shot when he is crying by the fire.

    Did anyone else notice this?
    popdisaster00 and jkauf like this.
  9. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    I took it to mean the nagging feeling of insecurity or anxiety or unhappiness coupled with his feelings about his own sexuality
    Contender and aoftbsten like this.
  10. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    Thanks! Make sense to me. I'm wondering if the clothing in each situation ties in too?

    Underwear, clothing not normally seen = uncomfortable feelings/wanting to hide
    Shirt on the floor/not worn by anyone = free of anxiety and restrictions
    Wearing the shirt at the end = accepting your feelings and having them out in the open for all to see

    Maybe a stretch, but films of this quality usually have a high attention to detail like this.
    OhTheWater likes this.
  11. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    From my friend, like where this idea kind of goes too:

    “So remember how Elio was like the ripe fruit — plucked at the moment of ripeness — maybe that’s a sign of decay. Like he’s been plucked from the vine, flies are drawn to rotting fruit, etc.”
    aoftbsten likes this.
  12. aoftbsten

    Trusted Supporter

    This makes sense considering the numerous shots of the peach tree throughout.
    jkauf likes this.
  13. Fronnyfron

    Woke Up Right Handed Prestigious

    I thought they were apricots and not peaches haha.
  14. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    They are apricots, I think it’s Elio’s Mom who mentions how the apricot trees are coming in early on
  15. OhTheWater

    Let it run Supporter

    When Elio goes up to his mattress room by himself and starts digging into the fruit, my wife slowly leaned over to me and jokingly said "Is he gonna fuck that peach?" and we both laughed and then he did fuck it. So, to me, it's always going to be a peach.
  16. Morrissey


    I immediately thought of American Pie.
  17. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    got a showing in an hour, should I go see this? (haven't read earlier posts cause I'm extra spoiler sensitive)
  18. Anthony_

    A (Cancelled) Dork Prestigious

    Mrplum5089 likes this.
  19. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    10 o clock showing here I come then
    Anthony_ likes this.
  20. Professor Plumbob

    Trusted Supporter

    SUCH a good score
  21. jjnunn118

    Signal Vs. Noise Prestigious

    that last conversation between Elio and his dad just wrecked me. I spent most of the film feeling kinda ambivalent to the romance but appreciating the acting and cinematography, but then that scene happened and it just floored me.
  22. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    yup, that's the scene that tied it all together for me
    popdisaster00, dadbolt and jkauf like this.
  23. personalmaps

    citrus & cinnamon Prestigious

    Oh, I loved this movie. I haven’t been able to think about anything else. I just want to see it again.
  24. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    I got into The Psychedelic Furs from the Valley Girl soundtrack and was happy to see that song used not once, but twice in this movie
  25. kbeef2

    Trusted Supporter

    Luca Guadagnino Couldn’t Direct the Year’s Most Talked-About Sex Scene Until He Tried it Himself

    Joel, stayillogical, dadbolt and 5 others like this.