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Bring Me The Horizon - POST HUMAN: NeX GEn (May 24, 2024) Album • Page 9

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by fredwordsmith, May 23, 2024.

  1. Weird how much I agree with the points of this review, but just like it more than the author did. Die4u is probably the only song I actually dislike, but I love the over-the-top-ness of it all. I also don't think any other BMTH album besides Throne and amo are too long - can't imagine thinking that Sempiternal or There is a Hell... are too long. Especially Sempiternal, the bonus tracks there are required listening for me every time.

    I do appreciate the author pointing out how similar some songs are to other artists, I missed that one my first run through (which was today). Just so much to take in at once.
  2. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    i like eli's stuff
  3. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    i really dig kool-aid
    mescalineeyes and Penlab like this.
  4. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    ha! I'm sure we'll find common ground on something.. or not. I generally enjoy this album though, and have found there's enough meat on the bones despite all the singles rolled out over the years that there's a lot to still digest. For whatever reason, A bullet w/ my name just didn't click yet.

    It is what it is on Furiosa. Staying out of that thread. I have found enough opinion pieces / reviews online to know I'm not totally crazy / alone in my thoughts, and it is what it is at this point. I often change my opinion of art on re-watches / listens etc so until then I've said my bit.
    SpyKi likes this.
  5. sawhney[rusted]2

    I'll write you into all of my songs Supporter

    I dislike it but the solo is great
  6. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    You can't help how you feel! Haha.

    It's just always funny how different people can be. I've seen many people say n/A and Limo are the best songs on this album and those are easily my bottom two. Bullet and Top 10 Statues are about as good as this band gets for me.
    ChampsMusic and fredwordsmith like this.
  7. T E A L


    That’s kind of the best thing about this album, everyone seems to have different standout songs. I love Lost, Youtopia, and Limousine. One of my buddies adores n/a, Dig It, and Die4U. It’s kinda wild.
    ChampsMusic and SpyKi like this.
  8. fredwordsmith

    Trusted Supporter

    Favorite song today is n/a.

    The breakdown *rules.* It’s absolutely heavy sludge riffing, but there’s still a really good (basically hummable) melody in there.

    Contrast that to the muddled mess of the new ADTR single and it’s like comparing apples to a fruit no one’s ever heard of.
  9. jesseisabigdeal


    in this case, may as well include the new eminem song as well.
  10. justin.

    請叫我賴總統 Supporter

    sophos34, BigMouth, T E A L and 9 others like this.
  11. WadeCastle

    Trusted Supporter

  12. JamesMichael

    Software Engineer Prestigious

    Wild video.
    disambigujason likes this.
  13. JamesMichael

    Software Engineer Prestigious

    I was blasting this album in the car earlier and it definitely hits hard going down the motorway.

    Overtime this could become my favourite album from them.
  14. fredwordsmith

    Trusted Supporter

    There are multiple songs for every mood/sound these guys have ever tried to pull off (beyond extreme metal/hardcore) on this record. It almost functions like a greatest hits record in that way.
  15. almightykingdom

    post RADICAL

  16. HeckYeahMatt

    Not Big Chungus

    Side A of this thing is just straight up banger after banger
  17. iamNex

    Is it just me or do parts of Lost sound a lot like the song America Underwater by Lovehatehero?
  18. Holy shit I forgot about that song, it's incredible. I think you're right but I'd need to go back and listen to it.
  19. iamNex

    I love both songs but imo these parts sound very similar:


    It's all over now and again and maybe after
    I can just skip straight through the second chapter
    Wake up with my whole life around me
    Bring twice is falling to pieces


    Oh, maybe I don't belong on this planet
    Red crescent moons all over my hands
    It's too much to take, I can't understand it
    Someone, tell me
  20. disambigujason

    Trusted Supporter

    There’s like 5-6+ moments on this album that very starkly remind me of other rock records, whether borrowed melodies, transitions, etc. Breaking Benjamin, LP, etc
  21. ChampsMusic

    I feel like those moments are nods to those bands. They are pretty distinguishable for sure. I feel like this album is a collection of different styles related to the main genre. It’s all over the place in a good way
  22. StormAndTheSun

    insects come to life Supporter

    YOUtopia is a better song than I thought this band could write.
  23. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    Never been into this band but digging quite a few songs. Really hate the Chipmunk voice shit, though.
    sophos34 likes this.
  24. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    Obsessed with this song.
  25. jkauf

    Prestigious Supporter

    Also, liMOusine is definitely a Brand New/Basement/etc rip-off, right?