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Bring Me The Horizon - Amo (January 25, 2019) Album • Page 25

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by ArmsLikeTeeth, Aug 9, 2018.

  1. Bryan Diem


    Ss is a lot of fun and the first two songs are gold. Tiah still holds up today, and is a much better record than Sempi
    kyle and justin. like this.
  2. okayibelieveyou

    Tam Rogic CSC Prestigious

    I always think they would've been heavier/riffier if Jona was still around.
    Linton9488 and Larry David like this.
  3. SS and Sempiternal were my intro to heavy music, so I'll always hold onto those. At the same time I back the sound change.
  4. Review Monday
    Linton9488, beachdude, FTank and 4 others like this.
  5. Max_123

    Nope. Supporter

    So i've listened to this thing one time through so far, it's actually pretty cool. I wasn't feeling the singles that were released but in the context of the album it all works. The only song I know for a fact i'll skip over is that god awful one with the Cradle of Filth dude. Why is that even on the album? Feels like a total outlier
    justin. likes this.
  6. DickyCullz

    I create content for some of your favorite artists

    Listening over breakfast and my girlfriend asked if this was Breathe Carolina
  7. Dude that song fucks
  8. Dude that song fucks
  9. justin.


    There Is A Hell is still great and I listen to it from time to time although I think the production is a bit off. Sempiternal is great musically but trash lyrically.
  10. Max_123

    Nope. Supporter

  11. SPine


    This is pretty sick
    Bad Frequencies likes this.
  12. Tom Lee


    Posted this on the last BMTH news post, but gonna drop this in here too; because I feel a lot of people are just totally unaware.

    Reminded by a friend - as the PR wheel starts to spin on a new BMTH album, remind yourself that Oli Sykes pissed on a fan for refusing to sleep with him and hurled a Jagermeister bottle in her face. Also, his ex-wife accused him of abusing her & his previous partners. I hate being THIS person, but it baffles me in this climate how all this gets covered up, and this band continues to have such a big platform?

    Bracing myself for whatever I get back, but I'm pretty curious as to what people say on here. Never liked/cared/paid attention to this band, but I've had mutual friends with him & his ex-wife; and everything I've heard about him have not been kind.
    Anthony_, LWS, Mary V and 3 others like this.
  13. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I wanted to hate this album but I can't. Most of this works, even the COF song. It's like hip hop/pop for people who like heavy music.

    Fav songs are Nihilist Blues, Medicine, Mother Tongue, and Heavy Metal.
    beachdude and Bad Frequencies like this.
  14. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    I liked that song at first but I got sick of it quickly.
  15. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I actually kind of like Dani Filth's parts. The song is good if you don't pay too close attention to the lyrics. Chorus is massive. Nihilist Blues is really next level. I'm not familiar with Grimes but maybe I should be. There's a dark undertone to that song that is extremely my ish.
    beachdude and Bad Frequencies like this.
  16. Sugar Honey is NUTS. Love it.
    beachdude and Bad Frequencies like this.
  17. LightWithoutHeat


    Contrary to what I said earlier, I actually like this album.
  18. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    WL was headed to be my least favorite song on the album until seeing it live the other night
  19. LuigiPeppercorn

    Trusted Prestigious

    i like this. what the fuck
  20. Micah511

    We reach for the longest shadow

    I got an email from LiveNation that said this about the album:
    We set out to write an album of 11 bangers. My favourite album when I was a kid was Linkin Park’s 'Hybrid Theory', and I thought every track on that could be a single. We wanted to do that.

    -Oli Sykes

    Makes a lot of sense actually.
    beachdude and Bad Frequencies like this.
  21. tvck

    it's t-vick Supporter

  22. Joe4th

    Memories are nice, but that's all they are. Prestigious

    This. Makes me uncomfortable the amount of praise I've seen about them lately and how this has been going unaddressed.
    Anthony_, LWS, Tom Lee and 2 others like this.
  23. Bryan Diem


    As far as Oli goes, I'm also curious about it, cause this is the only place I've heard about it and it doesn't get talked about ever.
  24. Bane

    The spiciest meme

    I think the pee thing was actually the first thing I heard about the band and him, like around SS era I think? I wasn't into that type of music then but I thought wow that's super cool glad I'm not listening to that scene. And then the ex wife thing I first heard about sometime late last year I think and I was super bummed about it.
  25. I love how I apologise leads into mantra - it's so jarring