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Breaking Bad (AMC) TV Show • Page 19

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 11, 2016.

  1. Full Effect Ed

    ...In F*cking Full Effect Prestigious

    Best hour of episodic television ever produced. That episode is on its own level
  2. Kuri44


  3. EASheartsVinyl

    Prestigious Prestigious

  4. Jake Gyllenhaal

    Wookie of the Year Supporter

    RyanPm40 likes this.
  5. Serh

    Prestigious Prestigious

  6. Sean Murphy

    i'll never delete a post Supporter

    Dirty Sanchez and RyanPm40 like this.
  7. David87

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Me and my wife are finally watching this. Just started season 3 yesterday
  8. Gnarly Charlie

    Good guy, but a bad dude

    First two seasons aren’t super indicative of the rest of the show but 3,4, and 5 are all incredible.
  9. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    I think the first two are incredible, the show only gets better as it goes on but I think it was pretty much perfect from the start.
    RyanPm40, Pseudo!, JM95 and 1 other person like this.
  10. Gnarly Charlie

    Good guy, but a bad dude

    Oh yeah don’t get me wrong, I love every minute of the show. But there’s definitely a tonal shift from 3 onwards. I just think the latter part of the show has Gilligan and co doing their absolute best.
    SpyKi likes this.
  11. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    I think the tone of the show slowly shifts as it goes, obviously as Walt changes. I've just seen a few people mention before that they don't think the start of BB is that good and it's crazy to me, haha.
    JM95 and Your Milkshake like this.
  12. Your Milkshake

    Prestigious Prestigious

    season 1 is a masterpiece of pitch black humor

    season 2 may not be as immediately appealing as the rest of the show but it’s first hand portrayal of addiction is crazy real
    SpyKi likes this.
  13. JM95


    I'm glad someone said this. Too many people say otherwise now.

    'Gray Matter' for example is pretty much as masterful an episode as they ever did.
    SpyKi likes this.
  14. clucky

    Prestigious Supporter

    Finished rewatching this and yeah... ending is still one of the most extremely disappointing episodes of television.

    Ozymandias great. Walt finally has all his skeletons catch up to him. Everything falls apart. He loses everything he cares about except his money, and then finds out that even that is pretty worthless. Just great cathartic retribution for one of TV's biggest assholes.

    And then the finale comes around and Walt basically gets everything he wants and is its like wtf... he doesn't deserve an ending like that. He deserves to have his cancer eat him alive alone while everyone else goes on with their lives never having to think about his face ever again, not to get to go out in some big revenge fantasy having also gotten closure with his family.
  15. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    doesn't matter what he "deserves," that's not how things work.
    Pseudo! and SpyKi like this.
  16. clucky

    Prestigious Supporter

    its a tv show. you absolutely can give people the ending they deserve. especially when they are the main character...
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  17. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    You're essentially saying the show should have ended the way you wanted, not the way Vince Gilligan wanted. You, random internet human, don't get to decided how this fake person's story should end. You can dislike it, of course, that's your prerogative. But the way you are justifying it comes off as "the show was written wrong." Maybe you don't mean to say it that way, but it's how your post reads.
  18. Morrissey


    The first two seasons are pretty bad. A lot of talk toward the end of the show was how the audience hated Skyler and how unfair that was, but the show wrote her to be as unsympathetic as possible from the start. She is a cartoon character in the pilot.
  19. Full Effect Ed

    ...In F*cking Full Effect Prestigious

    I don’t wanna see a finale to a show I’ve faithfully followed for the last 5 years where the main character’s cancer gets the best of him and just ends. That would piss me off. If that’s the ending you’re after then you’re watching these shows the wrong way. Gilligan’s the best with buildup and that finale’s one of the most satisfying events of all time.
  20. oldjersey

    Pro STREAMER ON TWITCH Supporter

    Series finales are easily the hardest thing to pull off in Television
    JM95 likes this.
  21. Morrissey


    Jack and the Nazis leaving Walter, the man they met when he was hiring hitmen, with millions of dollars and a reason for revenge is just too absurd.

    The fourth season and the first half of the fifth season is where the show was operating at its highest levels. The train episode is a great segment of genre entertainment.
    RyanPm40, Jake Gyllenhaal and mad like this.
  22. JM95


    Exactly. Even the best shows ever often finish disappointingly. The Breaking Bad finale was about as well liked as those get. I thought it was excellent.
    slimfenix182 likes this.
  23. clucky Jul 4, 2020
    (Last edited: Jul 4, 2020)

    Prestigious Supporter

    So what you're saying is, no show ever was badly written because it was written the way the writer intended and that is all that matters?


    writers can make mistakes. even good writers. Walt was written to be one of the most irredeemably evil characters with essentially zero redeemable qualities to his name. The ending pissed away five years of good character development by not giving him the ending he deserved
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  24. Cameron

    FKA nowFace Prestigious

    I very much don’t think the finale was pulled off well, but BCS/El Camino have made me very happy. Obviously the debate always come with EL Camino with why does it exist. I agree with that too, but it was fun.
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  25. I Am Mick

    @gravebug Prestigious

    The finale should have been an hour of Walt in his hospital bed slowly letting out a death rattle as he succumbs to cancer