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Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere Book • Page 64

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by tucah, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Donnie Ruth

    Prestigious Supporter

    220 pages into The Way of Kings, my first ever Sanderson read.

    Even though every page I’m like wtf is a spren? What is this? That? Who? ….

    I like this.
  2. Starting Way of Kings today, here we go.
    Nick, Garrett, Spazzy McGee and 3 others like this.
  3. Spazzy McGee


    Let’s gooooo!! Have fun!
    troyplaysbass likes this.
  4. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Journey before destination.
  5. OwainGlyndwr

    I am the Aleutian allusion illusion Supporter

    Done with Wind & Truth. Loved it.

    Feels great to have read a Sanderson book at release again; I’ve been behind and playing catchup for so long. Fun to participate in the hype.

    For 2025 I’m really excited for Isles of the Emberdark, I’ll finally read Yumi, and I’ve been thinking I’ll do a reread of Elantris and Mistborn Era 1. It’ll be nice to have a bit of a reprieve from big series from him to catch up on some other authors though.
  6. Spazzy McGee


    Just started Day 9 and I gotta say, I'm loving it as well. Maybe because of all the closure and reveals that are happening? It's fun to watch the dominoes fall.

    And I'm excited for Emberdark as well. I really enjoyed all the other Cosmere secret projects so I'm hoping it's more along that vein.
  7. Donnie Ruth

    Prestigious Supporter

    450+ pages into Way of Kings.

    I cannot express how much I am enjoying this. Nothing “big” has even happened yet but the world building and learning new little things or creatures or spren every chapter has been a fascinating journey.
  8. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    hell yeah you're in for a wild ride
    Donnie Ruth likes this.
  9. I'm 300 pages in and feel pretty much the same way. Loving being immersed in the world.
    theagentcoma and Donnie Ruth like this.
  10. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    I am still working through Rhythm of War. These books are just massive ha and the further the series goes, the more complicated they become. At no point have I really been lost but this one is definitely a slower and more exposition heavy read.

    I am almost on part 4 and know that the last segments of the books can change opinion rapidly, but despite how long it's taken me to readit, I feel like 2 / 1 / 4 / 3 is my series ranking so far. It seems most people found ROW the weakest, but I like it more than Oathbringer for sure so far.

    I WILL get to WAT soon and I WILL continue to avoid the spoilers!
  11. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    This finally came back in stock

    FlayedManOfSF and OwainGlyndwr like this.
  12. FlayedManOfSF


    Without further adieu, here is the Elsecaller story deck.(1/2}

    PXL_20250118_183548854.jpg PXL_20250118_183619769.MP.jpg PXL_20250118_183634630.MP.jpg PXL_20250118_183659672.jpg PXL_20250118_183711728.MP.jpg PXL_20250118_183722927.jpg PXL_20250118_183742333.jpg PXL_20250118_183756939.MP.jpg PXL_20250118_183951432.MP.jpg PXL_20250118_184000069.MP.jpg PXL_20250118_183548854.jpg
  13. FlayedManOfSF


    PXL_20250118_184043579.jpg PXL_20250118_184020302.jpg PXL_20250118_184043579.jpg
  14. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    Sooooooo coooollllllll
  15. FlayedManOfSF


    Don't know what happened to the order and can't be bothered to fix it but here's Jasnah's story from the Story Deck along with the card back art. I'll post the others this weekend sometime but figured this would be most people's most wanted story.

    If there are any unreadable cards you'd like me to repost let me know.
  16. FlayedManOfSF


    PXL_20250118_185105552.jpg I noticed I accidentally had a nonsense card at 38 so here's that page again with the proper card but you can compare it to the nonsense card and see something else cool they did with these decks by including nonsense cards that have alternate story.
    Garrett likes this.
  17. Vivatoto

    Royal Court of Princess Donut Prestigious

    Rayse was fucking cool and I miss him. is my lone complaint nearing the end of Wind and Truth
    OwainGlyndwr and theagentcoma like this.
  18. Donnie Ruth

    Prestigious Supporter

    I have finished the Way of Kings!! This was awesome and I’m so pumped to not waste any time before diving into Words of Radiance
  19. I’ve got 250 pages left. Guessing I’m right at the point where things get crazy.
  20. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    for those wondering: the Mistborn Deckbuilding game is fun as hell and very thematic
    Helloelloallo and OwainGlyndwr like this.
  21. Glad I read warbreaker. Makes some things in oathbringer more meaningful.
    Micah511 and theagentcoma like this.
  22. troyplaysbass Jan 27, 2025
    (Last edited: Jan 27, 2025)
    Finished The Way of Kings. It didn't quite reach the heights of either Mistborn era for me, but I like these characters a lot (Shallan especially) and I really like the sense of mystery and wonder around the characters rediscovering and understanding the magic of Roshar. I'm going to read a couple other things first but I'm excited to get to Words of Radiance soon.
  23. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    Damn, I just finished rhythm of war and my head is spinning from a lot of things that happened in the last hundred pages and I have so many questions for the last book. There are some items that I wonder if I have been dense or inattentive about, but at the same time, this series is just MASSIVE and EPIC in the strongest sense of each word and thus confusion / intrigue is part and parcel of the experience.

    I was going to ask questions here or put a few more thoughts down, but I am going to go and grab the final book at lunch and just dig in. I trust that most of what I am scratching my head at will be fleshed out further.

    After I'm done, I will decide how much of the cosmere I want to read this year, and how soon. IE - misborn era 1 reread before 2 or straight into era 2? Secret history? Elantris? The secret projects? A lot I still haven't touched yet but this has also been a massive undertaking to have read nothing but stormlight for months now.
  24. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

  25. Spazzy McGee


    Just one man's opinion but the Sunlit Man would be a cool one to read after Wind and Truth then era 2 mistborn.
    Helloelloallo likes this.