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Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere Book • Page 59

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by tucah, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. GBlades


    My ARC comes today at some point :teethsmile:
  2. GBlades


    It’s here! Goodbye social life!
  3. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    Nice. Enjoy! I will be carefull on the internet as im now two books behind :( Struggling to get through oathbringer so i can move on to rhythm of war. Maybe 60% through and im finding the same issues as i had the 1st go through. I know it picks up, and its not a bad book, but definitely least favorite of first 3 easily.
  4. GBlades


    I doubt spoilers will appear, the community is pretty good like that but yeah - might want to stay away from some places.

    I won't say much about it but I will say that the pacing is a helluva lot better than RoW (my opinion). I cannot wait to discuss with you all.
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  5. Helloelloallo

    Trusted Supporter

    Part of why I love these forums is that everyone is respectful in pretty much all of the entertainment places regarding spoilers. More worried about the random stuff that will pop up on my reddit and Instagram feed.

    One day I WILL be caught up on Sanderson for a day 1 release. LOL.

    Also on a semi-related note, for those that celebrate - may you all get the Sanderson swag you wish for for the holidays :) I put a few things on my lists that went out to family.
  6. GBlades


    Coincidentally, I mod the Sanderson subs and we have a strict policy in place at the moment regarding the WaT release but that's not to say that it won't appear anywhere else.
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  7. Finished up Mistborn era 2 over the weekend. I can't remember if I posted after I finished Bands of Mourning, but I found the ending of that book to be so emotionally affecting. It caught me off guard a bit.

    Thought The Lost Metal was a little weaker in the first half. There were some chapters that really felt like they needed another editing pass or something, but it did come together by the end for me.

    Going to hit the older standalones then finally get into Stormlight.
    Spazzy McGee and ragnarokstar like this.
  8. SmashRipsaw Nov 18, 2024
    (Last edited: Nov 18, 2024)

    Outcast Tape Infirmary

    Finished my RoW re-read last night and immediately started reading the preview chapters for WaT. I can't help myself.

    I'm glad I did the re-read. Picked up on a bunch of stuff I missed the first time. Especially the different storylines with the singers/fused/regals. It was super confusing the first time.
    Garrett likes this.
  9. FlayedManOfSF


    The Lost Metal so so incredible. Wax is such a fucking badass. Harmony's sword.
  10. Spazzy McGee


    What were your opinions on RoW initially vs. your re-read?
  11. Spazzy McGee


    felt the same way about TLM. Like there should have been lots of payoff from multiple things instead of lots of setup for other things.
  12. SmashRipsaw

    Outcast Tape Infirmary

    I liked it better the second time through. I still think the pacing is way too slow for most of the book, but the payoff was pretty huge.

    Shallan is still super annoying though.
    Spazzy McGee likes this.
  13. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    SmashRipsaw likes this.
  14. Spazzy McGee


    Still haven’t done a reread bc of that first reason but I do think I’d enjoy it better the second time bc I have corrected expectations
  15. GBlades


    It is done…..
  16. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Fancy pants mcgee over here
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  17. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    my BIL is jumping headfirst into the Cosmere. He finished the Mistborn trilogy and is reading whatever the suggested standalone is after that. He even got my non-fantasy reading sister to start Mistborn.

    Also, this just came out and I had no idea it was a thing and now I need it:

    Mistborn: The Deckbuilding Game
  18. Helloelloallo Dec 2, 2024
    (Last edited: Dec 2, 2024)

    Trusted Supporter

    Considering I just started Dawnshard, I won't be finishing that and Rhythm of War in the next 4 days :crylaugh: My plan is to now finish by around Christmas for reading during holiday downtime.

    Bummed I couldn't keep up, but work and all..

    Final thoughts on Oathbringer are that it's a chunky book that took me far longer than I expected to reread with a great payoff though a lot about the ending didn't particularly make sense to me and I'm hoping it's explained in the next book. I honestly am not sure how I remembered so little of it from the first time besides the broadest of strokes.

    What I didn't follow and need more context on are.

    the spren that Renarin is bonded to, and his visions being wrong. Very confused about exactly when he was 'infected' and why, and what he's seeing and why what he's seeing isn't happening
    The visions in general and now the diagram. How far can Odium see ahead to plan? and how have some things happened that he obviously didn't plan for? What's the extent of his power / sight?
    Random musing about the bondsmiths.. There are some questions in here if anyone wants to answer vaguely.
    There are 3... have I missed who or what even the 3rd one is? I think we're referring to The Stormfather / Cultivation, but who is the 3rd? Are there hints that anyone has bonded to Cultilvation or the 3rd one yet? I remember in shadesmar when Kaladin said a bondsmith was in trouble and the ship captain asked which of the 3 and then I remember a conversation with Dalinar and the stormfather about a 3rd that was very cryptic.

    Finally, I also got this as an early Christmas gift and I am going to wear it to every single holiday themed event. I love it.
    Stormlight Holiday Sweater
    Spazzy McGee likes this.
  19. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Re: Bondsmiths - RoW has all of your answers.
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  20. Spazzy McGee


    That sweater is dope. I love the attention to detail of them actually being the 10 honorblades.
    Helloelloallo likes this.
  21. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Longest week ever.
  22. SmashRipsaw

    Outcast Tape Infirmary

    My book hasn't shipped yet. I have a feeling it won't be here until next week. And then I'm going to accidentally read spoilers over the weekend and everything will be ruined.
    Helloelloallo and Spazzy McGee like this.
  23. theagentcoma

    yeah good okay Prestigious

    Oh wtf I thought it came out the 21st, what am I doing with my life
    GBlades and OwainGlyndwr like this.
  24. FlayedManOfSF


    Here in Utah for Dragonsteel. I'll be picking my book up later and have a signing scheduled with Brandon later today. So excited.
  25. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Dinniman is joining the live podcast recording and I'm so jealous