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Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere Book • Page 48

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by tucah, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    My bank account did not need to know the leatherbounds are being restocked. I’ve got the original Mistborn trilogy already, but lust after the rest from time to time.
    OwainGlyndwr likes this.
  2. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator



    I re-arranged my shelves today and remembered us talking about how many of his we all have…
    tucah, sophos34 and Vivatoto like this.
  3. Vivatoto

    Royal Court of Princess Donut Prestigious

    Ugh that's beautiful and puts my shelves to shame lol.
  4. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    I only have one more with about the same amount of books. and my wheel of time shelf. The vast majority of my collection is in Audible. I wish I had hard covers and sprawling book cases
  5. Vivatoto

    Royal Court of Princess Donut Prestigious

    I've got a Stephen King shelf, my mega shelf which is basically a mini library wall, a comic book shelf, and another with Sanderson and other specific fantasy series. And then I have at least 10 boxes of books and comics that I still need to get more shelves for, haha.

    I keep saying shelf, but I think bookshelf is more apt? It sounds like I'm talking about one shelf.
    Garrett likes this.
  6. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Sounds like you just need to convert a bedroom into a library and go crazy!

    At one point, I had close to 500 books. Money got really tight a few years back and I sold like 450, so now what I have in my collection is like my prized stuff and my tbr.
  7. Vivatoto Aug 19, 2023
    (Last edited: Aug 19, 2023)

    Royal Court of Princess Donut Prestigious

    I have a really cool like cranny in the middle of a long hallway in my apartment that I've turned into a little library, I have no idea what the purpose it is, it's actually kind of annoying because it stops the AC dead in its tracks, but it works really well for my purposes and I get to walk by it constantly! Funny enough I do have an extra bedroom which current sole purpose is to store the boxes of books I have.

    I'm satisfied with what I have though at this point, I'll only get the physical copies for books I really care about. I just go Kindle typically.
  8. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    I was wondering how you go about getting your books. You read so much (still in that same job?) that it can add up. I’m still catching up on my 2020 and 2021 Audible splurges.
  9. Vivatoto

    Royal Court of Princess Donut Prestigious

    Yeah same job, a little less time to read with more responsibilities, but still a ridiculous amount. I basically wishlist whatever I want and wait for a sale. You can really catch most things cheap on there.
    Garrett likes this.
  10. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Do you do BookBub and stuff? My mom is a big KU reader, but also finds stuff through bookbub for her kindle.
  11. Vivatoto

    Royal Court of Princess Donut Prestigious

    No but I should probably look into it. I just go through Amazon. They tend to have flash deals for most things I'm looking for. I think the only thing that sat in wishlist forever before I finally gave in was Blackwing.
  12. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Finishing this audio drama prequel now... it's so good, but I have no idea why or how it connects to the graphic novel thus far, haha. I've got 44 minutes left.
  13. OwainGlyndwr

    I am the Aleutian allusion illusion Supporter

    ... I'm not sure exactly what part you're at, but it should be pretty clear how it connects at this point haha. Feel free to spoiler tag & ping me if you have questions when you finish? I thought the connection was pretty clear, but then, I listened to Dan & Brandon talk about the series as a whole a fair amount on their podcast before it came out, so maybe I had some prior knowledge.

    Glad you're enjoying it though dude!
  14. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    I must be remembering next to nothing about the graphic novel, because yeah, I've finished it and have no clue how they're related other than the music box's name being the name of the other world.
  15. OwainGlyndwr

    I am the Aleutian allusion illusion Supporter

    Okay, I looked around online and saw that other people were similarly in the dark - so it must be knowing the pitch for Forgotten that made things clearer to me.

    It's also been a long time since I've read the graphic novel, but as I recall, the basic idea is that a sorcerer comes to Earth through a portal that also sucks a kid from Earth to the sorcerer's world (Mirandus). On Mirandus, the kid is supposed to be the Dark One, I think? Kind of an opposite-Narnia situation. On Earth, the sorcerer becomes a serial killer (probably harvesting magic for spells), eventually goes on trial for his crimes, and the prosecutor happens to be the Dark One's mom.

    In any case, the whole point of DO: Forgotten is to be a prequel to explore how the sorcerer got caught. So the "podcast" details how the sorcerer has been operating for a while, snatching people and stealing their bodyparts/lifeforce/whatever, also stealing their memories with the music box, but finally he gets caught and will eventually be put on trial leading up to the graphic novel. Does that make sense?

    There's still a fair amount of confusion about the other "wizard," the sorcerer's identity, how he's been here for so long, how it will all tie in, etc., but that's on purpose—I think at this point, having finished DO: Forgotten, we're just supposed to know that now this weird magic serial killer has been caught but secretly there's this whole other storyline and dimension going on and the story is far from over.

    Also, as I understand it, the graphic novel's role as canon will eventually be replaced by future books. Brandon and Dan have talked about really liking the graphic novel but it's kind of a separate take on the story. They're working on sequels to DO: Forgotten (both audio format and prose) that will follow the main storylines through their intended arc.
    Garrett likes this.
  16. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Okay, that makes sense.
    OwainGlyndwr likes this.
  17. GBlades


    Managed to snag an eARC of SP4. Here we gooooooo!
    OwainGlyndwr likes this.
  18. OwainGlyndwr

    I am the Aleutian allusion illusion Supporter

    Finished Tress last night. Phenomenal book. I also kind of wish I'd read it before The Lost Metal somehow, because I feel like that would have set up some nice reveals for the last third of TLM. But anyway, I really enjoyed it a lot. It was a charming book.

    Trying to decide what's next in my Sanderson queue: Dawnshard, Yumi, or SP4. Fun choices!
    GBlades and Vivatoto like this.
  19. GBlades


    Personally, I would read them in that order. Whilst SP4 contains some spoilers for SA and the future of MB, it’s best read after Dawnshard at least. If you can fit in RoW, even better! SP4 can be read standalone but like Tress, it’s Cosmere-filled.
    OwainGlyndwr likes this.
  20. OwainGlyndwr

    I am the Aleutian allusion illusion Supporter

    Interesting, thanks. Yeah I'm planning to do Dawnshard and Rhythm of War back to back. No reason I can't do that order then, thanks. I'll probably start in on Dawnshard tonight.
    GBlades likes this.
  21. GBlades


    SP4 is out sooooooooon!!

    SP3 remains a personal favourite for doing something different but I can’t wait to see the reactions for 4!
  22. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Do I pause mid-Malazan book to read it or do I wait... hm...
    theagentcoma likes this.
  23. SmashRipsaw

    Outcast Tape Infirmary

    Psyched for SP4. Didn't do the Kickstarter so I'll have to wait a few more weeks. Gotta avoid spoilers in the meantime.

    Seriously considering doing a Stormlight re-read before book 5 is out.
  24. GBlades


    Happy release to SP4! Not my favourite (praise Yumi) but dang, is it gooooooooooood.
  25. tucah

    not champ Prestigious

    genuinely forgot today was october 1st so the email in my inbox was a extremely pleasant surprise