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Brand New - Science Fiction (August 17, 2017) [ARCHIVED] Album • Page 605

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Dirty Sanchez, Aug 15, 2017.

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  1. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    It's something that is happening more and more to respect people's gender identity.
    fenway89 likes this.
  2. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    oh no i know im just saying in regards to your comment about it being a "meme" to assume gender
  3. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    its a thing in inclusive spaces, where im at and who i hang around with its normal to ask someone their preferred pronouns when you first meet them. people act like its weirder and more awkward than it is. its real simple and easy. and if you slip up and genuinely forget and refer to someone as the wrong pronoun 99% of the time people will politely correct you and the world moves on. reactionaries make pronouns a much bigger deal than they really are and act like its the end of the world. its just common courtesy because not everyone identifies their gender on the binary system thats been engrained in current society (genderfluid/nonbinary people have actually existed in many civilizations throughout all of history so the concept itself isnt new its just been pushed deep down in western civilization over the last several thousand years. thankfully its become more visible and people dont have to hide who they are as much)
    ImAMetaphor likes this.
  4. Mister Lyrical

    Forging Clarity Supporter

    Any of you guys ever hear this cover? It's pretty neat.

    phillyfradet and teebs41 like this.
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  6. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    It's an incredibly common thing to do. I do it daily. Singular they/them is virtually universally accepted as being appropriate. I work in the writing center at my school, and all of our tutors will tell students it is acceptable and often the best course of action when referring to an individual whose gender pronouns are unknown. I don't blame anyone for not doing it if they haven't their entire life (see, just used it there. It comes up all the time), but it's an important pronoun to acclimate oneself with.
    fenway89 likes this.
  7. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    haha im just giving you trouble. just hope you think about it and consider making part of your regular internet routine once the brand new hype flies over.
    blakebeats likes this.
  8. Mister Lyrical

    Forging Clarity Supporter

    Wonder how many people I'll piss off by admitting that I like this better than No Seatbelt Song.

  9. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

  10. circasurviver Sep 4, 2017
    (Last edited: Sep 4, 2017)


    That's awesome man
    Is this your first?
  11. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    honestly the lil peep album wasnt terrible. solid 6/10
  12. disambigujason


    That was so cool. Love that they included the spoken word.
    teebs41 likes this.
  13. Surfwax

    bring on the major leagues Supporter

    The last 3 pages really warmed my heart.

    I wish I wasn't so focused music wise, I'm obsessed with new LCD right now and as such I prob will not give SciFi or Alvvays the listens they deserve again for a good bit.
    Kingjohn_654 and circasurviver like this.
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  15. blakebeats


    No Seatbelt Song is my least favorite song on YFW so I'm not even mad haha
  16. Dog with a Blog


    This seriously made me laugh so hard.
  17. Kingjohn_654

    Longtime Sunshine Prestigious

    You're overthinking it. Just let it go like my friend Elsa.
    fenway89 and sophos34 like this.
  18. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    moana > tangled > frozen
  19. Kingjohn_654

    Longtime Sunshine Prestigious

    I never saw Tangled, but I love Moana. It's way underrated. The giant crab is my favorite. He's the perfect villain.
    littlejohn and fenway89 like this.
  20. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Wrong thread but damn the national are a great band
  21. Dog with a Blog


    Moana is garbage. Frozen is garbage. Tangled is good.
  22. Kingjohn_654

    Longtime Sunshine Prestigious

    Your words. They hurt me.
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  24. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Love tangled.. never seen frozen.. I have the middle school band arrangement ready to go but I think it's too hard for my band lol
    Kingjohn_654 and Bloodsucker II like this.
  25. Dog with a Blog


    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
  26. Dog with a Blog


    @Kingjohn_654 If it's any consolation I liked the "Shiny" song and found it to be the one redeemable part of the movie.
    Anthony Brooks and Kingjohn_654 like this.
  27. Dirty Sanchez

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I've never seen any of them. Also, Toy Story 2 is the last Pixar film I've seen.
    Bloodsucker II likes this.
  28. blakebeats


    Yes, they are!
    teebs41 likes this.
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