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Brand New - Science Fiction (August 17, 2017) [ARCHIVED] Album • Page 560

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Dirty Sanchez, Aug 15, 2017.

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  1. Kennedy Prestigious

    Also this is awesome
  2. Larry David

    I'll see you again in 25 years Prestigious

    Red Medicine is a great fucking record
  3. Kennedy Prestigious

    Absolutely!!! I'm listening to The Argument. Easily my favorite Fugazi album / most listened to
    truelovewaits and fenway89 like this.
  4. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    I love SOAD. I mean the guitar work in this song, especially starting around 2:00, is just like . . . yeah.

  5. littlejohn

    Prestigious Prestigious

    just move to canada already if you don't like SOAD.
  6. Connor

    we're all a bunch of weirdos on a quest to belong Prestigious

    Fugazi f&@$ing rules! I'll fight anyone who suggests otherwise.
    KennedyBN likes this.
  7. Connor

    we're all a bunch of weirdos on a quest to belong Prestigious

    I'd GLADLY move to Canada! They know what's up up there
    DejaMoi, KennedyBN and littlejohn like this.
  8. Kennedy Prestigious

    Hahahahaha @fenway89 your last two posts

    Long live Fugazi and Canada
    phillyfradet and fenway89 like this.
  9. littlejohn

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I'm just saying that people can like both SOAD and Glassjaw, and Fugazi for that matter. nothing wrong with any of those bands. all playing different styles of music and each have their merits.
  10. littlejohn

    Prestigious Prestigious

    it's not like the guy said "this song sounds like the fray" or something else objectively shitty. maybe he likes SOAD and that reminded him of it.
    fenway89 likes this.
  11. Kennedy Prestigious

    I don't know man, I really think you just have to pick one and hate the others

    I'm kidding. Anyway. It's okay you like SOAD, that's fine, I just don't. Just messing.
    Kingjohn_654, fenway89 and littlejohn like this.
  12. Kennedy Prestigious

    The whole SOAD thing was a joke please don't let this become an actual conversation I already ruined this thread once with emo
  13. littlejohn

    Prestigious Prestigious

    sorry, we're stuck talking about soad until blake comes back.
    Kingjohn_654 and fenway89 like this.
  14. Kennedy Prestigious

    On the off chance a miracle happens and he doesn't come back can we just change the subject now
    fenway89 likes this.
  15. thegryphonator


    So last night I tried writing out the song structure of Same Logic/Teeth. Things got weird fast...

    i4-v8-I4-V4x3 - c4 c4/- I24- -B4- pb1 -xV4/ - V28 - c24 c24/- I4- B4 - pb4 - Pb14 - PB4- O8...
  16. Kennedy Prestigious

    @teebs41 translation pls
  17. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    I'm pretty sure that's the chemical formula for meth . . . :teethsmile:
  18. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Seems like he believes a part of a song, like the chorus, should be represented by a chord progression rather than, you know, the whole chorus.
  19. Kennedy Prestigious

    @vidiviciveni i need to poop but my only option is a porta-potty... What would you do?
    Kingjohn_654 and fenway89 like this.
  20. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    This post gained me 2 trophies:

    "The Old Fashioned" and "Heisenberg"
  21. Cody Prestigious

    seems like verse, chorus, intro, outro, bridge, post-bridge, chorus, with respective measure amounts
  22. Elder Lightning

    With metal in my bones and punk in my heart Supporter

    Also, @vidiviciveni I meant to tell you that if you're pooping rabbit pellets, that's probably not good. Your poops should, ideally, come out in one, long, smooth, but not too soft, "deposit". A break here and there is ok, it most likely means you're not in the right position (try a squatty potty!) but in a perfect world it would flow freely.
  23. Cody Prestigious

    but i could be wrong. i definitely don't know why the /'s and -'s are of importance
  24. oncenowagain

    “the whole world’s ending” “honey it already did” Prestigious

    Damn, we started on the 14th (Florida).
    teebs41 likes this.
  25. thegryphonator


    Made it up as I went, looking for any way to indicate changes.

    Case Sensitivity indicates a prominent drum backing. So "i4" means intro but without drums, and the last number means 4 measures. I24 later on is the same intro, but with drums, and the 2 is there for the vocals. Basically if there's a 2 behind a C or V then the part evolved in some significant way.

    The x for V4x3 is a drop out measure, meaning the drums go out for a bit.

    The / means a crescendo or noteworthy transition

    Originally I had V27Z for the low vocal part, the Z indicating a standout WTF moment haha

    Everything else is pretty straightforward: I - intro V - verse C - chorus - B bridge - PB - post bridge - O- outro.

    Might seem a bit obsessive, but really I'm just trying to improve my own songs by analyzing structures like this. This is one of the craziest songs I've done.

    Edit: the x before the V (or whatever) means the vocal is gone but the same instrumental energy is there.
    Kingjohn_654 likes this.
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