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Brand New - Science Fiction (August 17, 2017) [ARCHIVED] Album • Page 1712

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Dirty Sanchez, Aug 15, 2017.

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  1. mescalineeyes

    fabula nova crystallis Prestigious

    Hahah well you could’ve just said so!
    Benjamin Lee likes this.
  2. Benjamin Lee


    Well, originally I thought it was going to be temporary (didn’t know I could just uncheck stuff from shuffle. Haha)... but then when it went from one bad thing Jesse did, to he was just a predator, I knew it was permanent.
  3. OotyPa

    fall away Supporter

    Question for those who only refuse to listen to deja— why not the others? Jesse may have indirectly referenced the event in only deja, as far as we know, but he still perpetrated this throughout the bands career
    primavera and Benjamin Lee like this.
  4. primavera

    big baller brand Supporter

    boycott the band full stop. separating that shit to the time of the incident specifically is fucking stupid.
    PepsiOne, cwhit, theagentcoma and 5 others like this.
  5. jjnunn118

    Signal Vs. Noise Prestigious

    TDAG, Daisy, and SF have enough other themes throughout like struggles of faith and friendships fading that I can picture myself maybe somewhere down the line putting on select tracks from those albums.

    Deja is essentially all about Jesse being an awful, manipulative person. Something I always took as kinda sarcastic or like he was putting on a character for the record but now can't look past.

    That's just my thoughts though.
  6. LJ Rime


    I can only picture myself listening to SF again. The other records I probably won't ever touch again. Especially Deja. That record can burn.
  7. reptar12


    Just as to curiosity for those who are not listening any longer....are you giving up on every artist across mediums who are accused of any abuse? No more movies w Kevin Space? Pixar? Louis Ck? Cosby? Not trying to be inflammatory I'm curious if Brand New is viewed differently
  8. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    Up until these allegations came out, TDAG was my favorite album of all time. It’s not that I want to still have attachment to it, but I do. That’s my reality. I can’t exactly pretend like I’m never going to want to hear that again.

    It’d be relatively easy to not hear any of their other stuff, but there’s going to be a day when I need some closure with that record.
    coleslawed likes this.
  9. primavera

    big baller brand Supporter

    uh, yes lol.
    dadbolt, Dirty Sanchez and Ken like this.
  10. OotyPa Nov 26, 2017
    (Last edited: Nov 26, 2017)

    fall away Supporter

    I’m of the opinion that one should absolutely boycott an artist’s work if they are abusive. The subject matter of the work shouldn’t matter... it’s not about the art itself, it’s about not financially supporting an abusive person.

    Edit: didn’t know too much about the pixar stuff till now, but i will completely avoid the movies that Lasseter took a larger role in beyond production
    Ken likes this.
  11. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    That’s what I’m struggling with like am I just going to pretend that they don’t have 3-4 albums in my top 15 all time now... yea it’s tarnished but At one time I considered them the highest standard...

    I’ve listened to scifi once and devil half way through.. I felt dirty after scifi but found myself still enjoying the album. Will keep my listening sort of private tho.
  12. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I do feel guilty that I've considered listening to them in the future considering every other time someone came out as an evil person I immediately was able to write them off
  13. jjnunn118

    Signal Vs. Noise Prestigious

    Why does this keep coming up? Yes, as many of us have said all across this site. I personally believe in not supporting abusive people who have caused immense pain to others.

    It's never gonna be a cut and dry thing, take Spacey as an example. Baby Driver is one of my favorite movies of this year, and Spaceys role is small enough that I feel like I can watch it, but it won't be for a good while because it's too fresh.
    OotyPa likes this.
  14. reptar12


    Apologize didn't realize this was brought up already...theres over 1100 pages here haha
    Dirty Sanchez and teebs41 like this.
  15. AshlandATeam


    Personally, I find music to be significantly more meaningful to me than any of the other mediums you mentioned (comedy, movies, TV, etc). Music means more to me, so it's definitely a different standard.

    Which isn't to say I'm stoked to support Louis CK or Cosby (or will). But I mean, something like a movie studio or movies in general are probably not things I'd boycott because no matter what Lasseter did, there are literally thousands of folks who worked on the new Pixar film.

    The larger point here isn't that I'm so much choosing to never listen to Brand New. It's that the music has lost its meaning to me knowing where it came from, and why. I simply cannot separate what Jesse Lacey the musician is from Jesse Lacey the predator, even if I want to.
  16. carrytheweird

    There is quite a bit of lyrical content I will never revisit that came before TDAG. With that said, I and many of us I feel are lying to pretend that we don't like the music that was made. I haven't revisited their music since. Having already purchased their music, i'm in a weird place between feeling like it's OK to still enjoy their later music and being mad at myself for thinking it's OK. I still just don't know where to place my completely-irrelevant-to-the-real-issue feelings and I've simply been avoiding them since.
  17. I know some of you have been having more trouble than others, and I empathize with that, but my donation-sale went through on Ebay this morning and it felt very cathartic to package the albums up. Out of sight, out of mind.
  18. What pressings did you sell and what did they sell for if you don’t mind me asking? Just curious because I’ll be doing the same thing when my SF limited comes in and I’ll sell all mine as a bundle and donate most if not all to RAINN
    Aaron Mook likes this.
  19. Cody Prestigious

    Sold em to a record store and ate the loss, i didn’t really care just had to get them out of the house. Such an elephant in the room they became
    Aregala likes this.
  20. unbornwhiskey


    i woke up with “luca” in my head this morning and tbh the experience sucked
    Aregala likes this.
  21. Your Favorite Weapon was the 2011 reissue, Deja Entendu was the 2015 reissue, Devil and God was a 2013 European reissue and Daisy was an original 2009 pressing. I listed them as a bundle, set the buy now price at $60 and started the bidding at $40. Really just wanted to get them off of my shelf and make at least $50 for RAINN seeing as that would have been the cost for my limited edition Science Fiction preorder, which I ended up cancelling because, frankly, I work two part-time jobs and could really use that money. It's not much, but it's what I can do.
  22. Benjamin Lee


    I sold all my CDs bundled for $20, and then my Deja, TDAG and Daisy were sold for like $25 total. I made more money off cancelling my special edition vinyl than I did selling off their discography (-YFW vinyl) in two formats. Hahaha
  23. dotKev



    I'm certainly not as hardcore of a Brand New fan like most of you are/were (only discovered them a few years ago through Absolute Punk), but I feel that I can separate the music from the atrocious & disgusting things Lacey did. Granted, I have not listened to any Brand New since the allegations came out (coincidentally), but I am honestly surprised a ton of you are going to the point of literally throwing out the music altogether.

    I'm not defending the guy in any way, and I can absolutely understand where a lot of you are coming from. I mean before all of this I thought I was attached to some music. You guys have me one up'd.

    I guess it's just hard for me to completely stop listening to a certain artist's music altogether.
  24. primavera

    big baller brand Supporter

    glad i didn’t own the vinyl. threw away their shirt. good riddance.
    straylightrunner likes this.
  25. straylightrunner


    I feel like I can relate more to this post. I mean, I was there from the start. And when I mean "from the start", I mean back in 2002, when I discovered both Taking Back Sunday and Brand New through irc, I think the channel was #punkmp3s or something. I own the first three records in cd and I have no idea where they are. But those songs aren't "part" of me if it makes any sense. Yes, I remember the importance that lots of them once held, but once the news broke it was like it literally din't matter anymore.

    Brand New was important to me. I was going to wait for a black friday sale for science fiction. I didn't have an attachment to that record, and I actually liked unlike Daisy back then. Now though? It's just a blur. It's meaningless. I deleted science fition from spotify, then proceeded to delete several songs that were in different playlists that were there mostly for nostalgia sake not because I've ever seen them as something that defined me. They were there. They were once important. Then they were nostalgia and finally, they were trash. I do find some solace that I was able to shrug them off as easily as I did. I am glad that at the end of the day, nothing of big value was lost for me. If anything, I really like the fact that whatever the young man that could identify himself with Brand New's lyrics back then, that's not who I am any longer. So yeah, as far as I'm concerned, neither Lacey or Brand New get nothing. Lacey loses. Brand New lose. And good day sir, indeed.
    AshlandATeam likes this.
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