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Brand New - Science Fiction (August 17, 2017) [ARCHIVED] Album • Page 1639

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Dirty Sanchez, Aug 15, 2017.

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  1. wallssothick

    Fountains and fluorescent lights

    I've outgrown a lot of them. TBS, Further Seems Forever...
    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  2. Iago

    forbidden chalice.

    Jimmy Eat World, Manchester Orchestra, Circa Survive, Moving Mountains, The Hotelier, and Thrice are my recs.

    JEW sounds nothing like BN but JEW is the greatest band.
    littlejohn likes this.
  3. Iago

    forbidden chalice.

    Foxing and Pianos are good recs too god damn it Jake you're too good at this
    littlejohn and Dirty Sanchez like this.
  4. wallssothick

    Fountains and fluorescent lights

    My wife is a huge JEW fan. Also loved Anberlin.
    Iago likes this.
  5. Kingjohn_654

    Longtime Sunshine Prestigious

    Greg and KidLightning like this.
  6. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I love all these bands. Hoping the pianos album is at the level of the last two. I was just upset earlier I shouldn’t have said anything about your post.
  7. Kingjohn_654

    Longtime Sunshine Prestigious

    Are there any post-hardcore bands with women as members?
  8. TommyE


    I just wanted to say that I visited for basically all of high school and Brand New's music was instrumental in my coming-of-age and helped me deal with my mental health and issues of self-harm. I even just finished writing a personal essay about it and shared it with the creative writing workshop I'm in at university. I have already seen the band perform multiple times this year, too. I know I can't just forget their music--that seems like a lie and too naive. Brand New's lyrics and chords are ingrained in my memory and the way that I view my life and world. I don't know how anyone who has listened to their music for years can just pretend like that special relationship they had with the music of Brand New never existed.
    But I also know that I can't go on without expressing how horrible Jesse's actions were. I'd like to hope and emphasize the possibly for his rehabilitation and repentance, though, rather than just crucifying Jesse--and I'd like to continue to hope that the genre can further create spaces for female fans and musicians and deconstruct toxic masculinity. I still feel so confused and so heartbroken--and I don't think that will go away anytime soon.
  9. The Mysterious

    Yes...but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts

    No kidding, remembering this interview and spinning Ten Stories/Pale Horses today has brought much-needed emotional relief.

    "[Celibacy] was something I was happy with and willing to maintain for the rest of my life. I had no hopes of losing my virginity and no plans of having sex," Weiss says.

    "It wasn't an easy decision [to get hitched], but in some respects it felt like it wasn't even a decision. It felt like it was something I was sort of carried along into," Weiss says. "When I met my wife, there was strong attraction, a magnetic pull that I felt. And I didn't necessarily decide to go and see her and to talk with her. It almost felt like something was unfolding, and I was a spectator."

    mewithoutYou Frontman's Sexuality Is an Open Book
  10. paperlung

    there's no place like my room Supporter

    didnt foxing have some shit associated with them? i dont remember the details, so correct me if i'm wrong.
    bradpetrik likes this.
  11. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    depends on how loose your definition is going. in an extremely loose definition (moving towards a heavier side as well as a lighter side)

    also we all could just listen to hop along forever

  12. dotKev


    Legit question... Is The Wonder Years still sacred? (please say yes)
    katie likes this.
  13. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    this is another really great one
  14. heaththehorizon


    I listened to the new Sleep On It record on a whim after seeing it suggested on twitter and absolutely love it. Best newer band I've checked out in a while.
  15. LJ Rime


    Something to do with their tour manager. Pretty sure they dropped him. Though I think some people on here weren't too happy with how they handled the situation or something. Could be wrong on that.
  16. sophos34

    Prestigious Supporter

    The guitarist did a dumb thing when he was younger kind of forcing himself on a girl, what actually happened wasn't nearly as bad as what the rumor going around was, and the band/ricky have apologized and reconciled with the girl. But that didn't stop someone from punching conor in the face last year because they thought he did something he didn't do
  17. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    This thread has moved super fast but I'm so confused about what any of this has to do with my post that u quoted
    straylightrunner likes this.
  18. bradpetrik likes this.
  19. One of my favourite songs of the year
  20. wallssothick

    Fountains and fluorescent lights

    Anybody got any shit on Story of the Year before I support my hometown band?
    katie likes this.
  21. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    there is no better time than now to actively seek out women musicians. push them to the forefront. make it so it's not such a fucking dudes club and we will have fewer of these horrific occasions. we should always be doing this, of course, but this just continues to show how fucking important this is. i'm still stunned that 99% of the recs in this thread have been dudes, especially in this case. i'm not saying to not listen to male musicians, but like, as i said, especially now women need to take the spots of the men we continue to push to the side.

    nb musicians too
  22. straylightrunner


    Yeah this thread has been moving fast and I'm way more interested in thinking something pratical than what I've meant here, it was basically me talking about while we need to hold ALL people from this scene that engage in sexual crimes, that we can't lose sight that not everyone is garbage. Incredibly hard to even rationalize this now, but that was my point when the thread was way more calmer. Just picked your post because it seemed like everything was incredible awful and all are assholes and well, you got the gist I guess.
  23. cwhit

    still emperor emo Prestigious

    Kennedy, KidLightning and brandon_260 like this.
  24. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I mean I was speaking about abusers specifically and how they'd be reacting to all this news lately, not like all men or the entire scene

    I mean and it's basically #NotAllSceneMen. it's kind of a pointless thing to bring up in the scope of what's going on
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