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boygenius - The Record (March 31, 2023) • Page 17

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by ItsAndrew, Dec 21, 2022.

  1. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I’ve seen Phoebe 3 times post-pandemic and have been really lucky with her crowds being chill. Probably because it was all LA/Coachella crowds though lol
  2. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    When I saw Phoebe last year it wasn’t that bad.

    In general though I’m torn between “the shows will be chaotic like Phoebe solo shows” and “all the crazy Phoebe stans won’t show up because it’s not a Phoebe solo show and she won’t play her own songs”. I ultimately think it will be a mix of both and end up not as crazy as the solo shows.
  3. hate to be the defend ohio guy but you could do a lot worse than columbus for a night or a weekend or whatever. plenty to do/eat
  4. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    That's right... her shows are the WORST. No need for anyone else to try and get tickets


    Lol jk they're not playing any dates near me so I'll just be over here crying to myself
  5. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    the BOCC shows were rowdy and better for it I thought. one for the books for me. the PB solo show in 2021 was a lesser experience for me.
    imthesheriff likes this.
  6. jpmalone4

    Stay Lucky Supporter

    I don't think it's Phoebe's fans specifically, concerts always (post-COVID especially) have annoying people. The thing with seeing Phoebe live is a lot of the songs are more intimate and understated so it's even easier and noticeable for the crowd to distract you, especially at outdoor venues or ones without seating. I would really want to see her play Radio City or a theater like that, where the audience is encouraged to focus more on the performance.
    Serenity Now likes this.
  7. jayreimenschneider


    Anyone watching Shrinking on Apple TV? "Fuck you Phoebe Bridgers!"
  8. bradpetrik

    Trusted Prestigious

    This is a good explanation of what is happening.

    I also think, as it relates to Phoebe, it's a bit of people projecting anger at her expanding fan base because she's no longer just this indie darling.

    Also think - and I'm not saying this about anyone in this thread - that much of what I've seen about complaints regarding her fans and shows is largely an undercurrent of misogyny towards her and her fans.
  9. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I haven't had annoying fans at a phoebe show tho I haven't seen her since she's really blown up. But when I saw BOCC play a fan kept yelling "CONOR! I LOVE YOU CONOR!!" And variations of that constantly throughout the set which was obnoxious

    I think it's less a phoebe specific issue and more that people can kinda suck and don't know how to act, especially during an artist's set who plays a bit more mellow and quiet music? I could barely hear Christian Lee Hutson because how loudly everyone was talking during his set. I took a friend to see Foxing and Now Now a while back and had to chide her cause we were front and center and she just had her arm on the stage scrolling thru her Facebook feed which I thought was disrespectful. The older and crankier I get lol the more I notice that many people just truly don't know how to behave in public spaces.

    Especially if some of the younger fans are newer to indie music. It's one thing to yell and scream at a pop arena show where it's so loud and crowded you just kinda blend in, and another at a smaller quieter show. Like I'm not gonna behave the same way at a harry styles show as I would at a Christian lee Hutson show lol
  10. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh as a mod Supporter

    I’ll never make excuses for people talking during the headliners set. Especially someone as mellow and quiet as Phoebe. You paid $60+ to get in and you’re just going to talk through her entire set? Makes zero sense.
  11. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    If you’re going to talk over someone’s set, just go to a regular bar. If you don’t drink but still want to talk to friends, just go to a restaurant or someone’s house. Like a concert is not the spot to be talking in, at least for quieter shows. When I saw quieter acts like Spiritualized, Lucy Dacus, Japanese Breakfast, and Mitski at Pitchfork last year I had to move a bunch of times because people would be having full on conversations at normal to high volume mid sets. I didn’t pay over $100 to hear people talk lol.
  12. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

    yeah I'm easily distracted so if one person is talking I can't pay attention haha

    I haven't noticed it more lately I guess I've gotten lucky
  13. manoverboard365

    Trusted Supporter

    When I last saw Phoebe the crowd was fine, but the worst experiences I had were at a Julien Baker show in 2018 and the intimate Dashboard Confessional album release show last year. Both shows I was stuck near a group that just wouldn't shut the fuck up the entire show.

    I don't understand how they're not embarrassed. It's a solo acoustic performer in a room that holds 400 people, and the other 395 people in the room are completely silent. Some people are so self absorbed.
    imthesheriff likes this.
  14. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh as a mod Supporter

    that’s just it. They don’t think there is anything wrong with it so they will never be embarrassed by it.
    GrantCloud likes this.
  15. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I saw Harry Styles the other day and there was a part in the set where he asked the crowd to be dead silent for a second and they were physically incapable of doing so. The entire arena would shush everyone around them, and the second it would quiet down someone would have to scream. Followed by more shushing, and then more screams.
  16. Serenity Now

    deliver us from e-mail Supporter

    this. Give me PB in a theatre with some crushed red velvet seats & an audience that’s tuned in
    jpmalone4 and imthesheriff like this.
  17. got a chuckle out of this excellent and thread-relevant headline from the local alt paper/mag
  18. Kiana

    Goddamn, man child Prestigious

    I've whined about it in the forums a zillion times before but last time I saw Jimmy eat world two women behind me wouldn't stfu and admitted they were just there for the opener which is fine but then maybe go to the back and have your convo somewhere else? Not like right at the stage lol? They complained about their jobs throughout the whole set. It was an outdoor venue too so even if they still wanted ~music vibes they could've gone literally just back in the grass or something to talk away from everyone else. Still bitter about it lol. Their talking is in the background of all the videos I took of that show
    Phantoms and imthesheriff like this.
  19. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I saw Lana Del Rey on the Norman Fucking Rockwell tour and Lucy opened and she came out to sing Night Shift with Lana and there were so many people talking throughout. In my video you can literally hear a woman who was right next to me having a conversation ON HER PHONE. It was pretty disappointing that people weren’t paying attention to a very cool collab happening on stage.
    imthesheriff likes this.
  20. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    i shudder to think how insufferable the crowd will be at the boygenius gig
  21. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    I saw Phoebe last year and the crowd was pretty insufferable. I saw the 1975 in 2016 and the crowd was pretty insufferable. Most other crowds I’ve been in have been alright.
    imthesheriff likes this.
  22. dqwinny

    THRILLHOUSE Supporter

    dudes in front of me at oso oso during "one sick plan" wouldn't stfu bothered me to no end. I let out two loud shushs too
  23. so tonight/early tomorrow for presale codes or what?
  24. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    normally for AXS/goldenvoice festivals I get the presale code like 30-50 minutes before the sale
    gonz (Alex) likes this.
  25. bradpetrik

    Trusted Prestigious

    I'm still stressed even after reading this.