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boygenius - The Record (March 31, 2023) • Page 14

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by ItsAndrew, Dec 21, 2022.

  1. bradpetrik

    Trusted Prestigious

    I felt this in my soul.
    imthesheriff likes this.
  2. bedwettingcosmo

    i like bands who can't sing good Supporter

    thats a huge fucking bummer we'll probably never get another BOCC record.
    falafelmywaffle, bobsheiskawy and Jim like this.
  3. bradpetrik

    Trusted Prestigious

    I'll be honest and say that I've always felt uncomfortable with some of Conor's earlier statements about meeting Phoebe that were stated before BOCC. Felt creepy.
    BoldTitan likes this.
  4. holy shit hahaha

    Like “The Trapeze Swinger,” “Leonard Cohen” has no chorus — just Dacus on acoustic guitar, rattling off lines both charming (“You felt like an idiot adding an hour to the drive/But it gave us more time to embarrass ourselves/Telling stories we wouldn’t tell anyone else”) and hilarious (“Leonard Cohen once said there’s a crack in everything/That’s how the light gets in/And I am not an old man having an existential crisis/In a Buddhist monastery/Writing horny poetry/But I agree”).
  5. just confirms my thought that Lucy Dacus may be the best songwriter of the past decade
  6. travisred

    Trusted Supporter

    Lucy Dacus can write the shit out of a love song.
  7. Donnie Ruth

    Prestigious Supporter

    I really don’t want to overplay these 3 songs before the album, but also, I do.
  8. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    I know it can easy to speculate, but I’d much rather let Phoebe’s songwriting speak for itself. The constant guessing games about who she’s dated/is dating feels like another form of objectification we could all do without.
  9. Brother Beck

    Trusted Supporter

    All three songs are fantastic. I think just as individual songs "Emily I'm Sorry" is the one I am least blown away by, but I absolutely love how the three songs flow together and it's perfect between the other two. Bodes extremely well for the whole album. This is gonna be a tough wait...
    falafelmywaffle likes this.
  10. Murph

    whatever can happen will happen Supporter

    David Crosby died on the same day Phoebe Bridgers made her debut on the cover of Rolling Stone for a cover story about “the supergroup we need”. I’m going to miss their beef.
  11. unbornwhiskey


    so many hills to die on
  12. karcrashianpanache

    hysterical and useless

    ok I just listened because I was scared to earlier but Lucy absolutely freaked it on True Blue, good god
  13. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    They must have pressed plenty of vinyl

    Or everyone is just poor rn
    JoshIsMediocre likes this.
  14. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Does he know Google exists?

    (At least everyone in the comments is raving about how good she is and agreeing that he needs to listen)
  15. bradpetrik

    Trusted Prestigious

    I wonder how much it helps that it’s being released on a major. They may just book capacity.
    falafelmywaffle likes this.
  16. bradpetrik

    Trusted Prestigious

    When do we think we get tour dates?
    falafelmywaffle likes this.
  17. MegT585


    This. I need something to look forward to asap.
  18. ItsAndrew

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Someone on the Phoebe sub said they have music videos coming out directed by Kristen Stewart, the Reddit users partner worked on the music videos
  19. Murph

    whatever can happen will happen Supporter

    Absolutely. If I could only get tickets to one more show this year, it’d be for this.

    Satisfied with the rest of my lineup already.
  20. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh as a mod Supporter

    All of these songs rule but true blue is easily the best.
  21. ImAMetaphor

    one with the riverbed Prestigious

    I said Emily I'm Sorry is my least favorite, but that is currently the one stuck in my head
    falafelmywaffle likes this.
  22. How longs the Chevy been on cinder blocks?
    falafelmywaffle likes this.
  23. imthegrimace

    I am protesting Josh as a mod Supporter

  24. iCarly Rae Jepsen

    run away with me Platinum

  25. Sean Murphy

    juan soto is a met Supporter

    that rules
    imthesheriff likes this.