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Bonnaroo’s Emo Superjam

Discussion in 'Article Discussion' started by Melody Bot, Jun 17, 2024.

  1. Melody Bot

    Your friendly little forum bot. Staff Member

    This article has been imported from for discussion. All of the forum rules still apply.

    Dashboard Confessional’s Chris Carrabba led an Emo Superjam at Bonnaroo on Saturday. Some fan-shot videos can be found below, along with the full setlist.

    • "Stolen," Dashboard Confessional
    • "I Woke Up In A Car," Something Corporate - with Andrew McMahon
    • "The Middle," Jimmy Eat World - with Andrew McMahon
    • "Understanding In A Car Crash," Thursday - with Geoff Rickly
    • "I’m Not Okay (I Promise)," My Chemical Romance - with Thursday's Geoff Rickly
    • "Screaming Infidelities," Dashboard Confessional
    • "I Miss You," Blink 182 - with Derek Sanders of Mayday Parade
    • "Helena," My Chemical Romance - with Anthony Green of Circa Survive
    • "MakeDamnSure," Taking Back Sunday - with Anthony Green of Circa Survive
    • "That's What You Get," Paramore - with The Beaches
    • "Vindicated," Dashboard Confessional - with Yvette Young
    • "Never Meant," American Football - with Mike Kinsella
    • "Cute Without the 'E' (Cut From the Team)," Taking Back Sunday - with John O'Callaghan of the Maine and Medium Build
    • "One Armed Scissor," At The Drive-In - with Cursive's Tim Kasher
    • "Sugar, We’re Goin Down," Fall Out Boy - with Trousdale
    • "Misery Business," Paramore - with Trousdale
    • "Teenage Dirtbag," Wheatus
    • "Say It Ain't So," Weezer - with John O'Callaghan of the Maine
    • "Hands Down," Dashboard Confessional - with all the guests.

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    Frinet42 likes this.
  2. benschuyler

    Regular Prestigious

    It's still so wild for me that things like this are now happening. Honestly so fun and I hope everyone involved had a blast.
  3. Alex DiVincenzo

    This is really cool
    thechetearly likes this.
  4. thechetearly


    This is a 10/10 idea.
    falafelmywaffle likes this.
  5. Garrett

    i tore a hole in the fabric of time Moderator

    Absolutely incredible time. Loved that I got to experience it.
  6. Craig Manning

    @FurtherFromSky Moderator

    Trousdale, one of the bands featured here, put out one of my favorite albums of last year. Check them out!

    ScutFarkus and manoverboard679 like this.
  7. Ryan

    Might be Spider-Man...

    Chris Carabba being forever the King
    thechetearly likes this.
  8. manoverboard679

    If you have to ask, you can't afford it

    Reminds me of this band I saw open for Marianas Trench called Secret Someones. They released one incredible album then broke up and this fills that void nicely
    JRGComedy and Craig Manning like this.
  9. Rad rad rad!!! Hoping to see some clips of Tim Kasher doing One-armed Scissor because that’s a wild idea that probably was amazing.
  10. nsgob22

    Newbie Supporter

    I really want to see that
  11. CyberInferno

    Line below my username Supporter

    How tf is he 49? He looks closer to 29 with short hair...
  12. SuNDaYSTaR

    Regular Prestigious

    I love how they had a full band, not just a DJ set with guest vocalists.
    thechetearly likes this.
  13. RiseAgainst379


    Anthony Green singing MakeDamnSure was not on my bingo list, but damn am I here for it.
    thechetearly and palebluedot like this.