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Bo Burnham - Make Happy • Page 2

Discussion in 'Entertainment Forum' started by therookielot, Jun 6, 2016.

  1. I remember laughing more at what. (it's been a while), but I thought this was incredible. Bo is the most inventive comedian working today. Last ~10-15min were transcendent for me.
  2. Joel

    Trusted Prestigious

    Still need to watch this

    also glad I dont let political correctness ruin comedy for me
  3. Shrek

    sleigh bells 4ever Prestigious

    Political correctness doesn't ruin comedy for me, but the word "f****t" being repeated as the basis of a bit in a special hinged on being unhappy and finding happiness is a blatant misfire for me. I have thick skin, but the bit was low hanging fruit and something I was embarassed three friends of mine were subjected to after I told them what a modern artist Burnham is. I wasn't offended, the bit just sucked, and was sorely out of place tonally. Maybe watch it before you defend it?
  4. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    Yeah i mean, that bit was pretty bad and using that word for cheap laughs is just kind of tone deaf to me. I've been called that word many a time due to my sexuality so it doesnt offend per se, I just expect better from Bo and really any comedian/entertainer.
    ImAMetaphor likes this.
  5. Joel

    Trusted Prestigious

    I realize that came off far more insensitive than it was meant to and the bit may be unfunny and unnecessary, just seems like we are going to be walking a fine line pretty soon between what flies and what doesn't in a medium that often uses provocation to great effect is all, but I didnt mean to belittle anybody's discomfort and I'm sorry for that!
    electro haikus and CoffeeEyes17 like this.
  6. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    ya i often struggle with comedians in particular due to the nature of their art. For example, I'm a big Louis C.K. fan but when he drops the n word and f***ot in some of his old specials (and even new ones to an extent, despite his apologies) its really off putting. Same with Carlin. Like you said, its walking a fine line sometimes and I guess context is key but its still unnecessary most of the time. I feel like theres better ways to get those jokes across.

    and thanks for being really cool :heart: much appreciated
  7. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    The "f word" joke is more about the misdirect than the word itself. I agree, the word choice is low hanging fruit because it's cheap and easy, but within the context of who Bo is, it makes sense.
    fronkensteen likes this.
  8. suicidesaints

    Trusted Prestigious

    What @chewbacca110 said. I had a problem with it the first time I heard it, but as I've re-watched all of his stuff, I feel like the main problem with those jokes is that they are probably misunderstood by a broad audience, therefore losing the point of the joke in the first place. It's not unfair to label them as "low hanging fruit" but given the context, I feel certain that he was going for something bigger that just didn't quite land as well as he had intended.

    Also, I never noticed it before, and I'll probably have to go back and watch it yet again to get the full line, but does he use the n-word in "what."?

    I know he gets the entire audience to say it in "Make Happy", but I'm almost positive he says it in a bit in "what." as well, which honestly surprised me a lot more than the use of the f-word.
  9. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    Lol we're not stupid, it's obviously a misdirect. That doesn't mean his use of that word isn't stupid and unnecessary. There isn't a single situation I can think of where using that word is ok.
  10. Shrek

    sleigh bells 4ever Prestigious

    This is probably going to sound more confrontational than I mean it to, but the article you linked previously as well as your analysis that these bits are "misunderstood" by a broad audience has me confused. i would argue that bits with slurs and such are more likely to connect with a large portion of the audience over something like the "left brain right brain" bit because there are still a lot of people out there that don't take that kind of language as a big deal, and they are incredibly simple jokes. The article you posted last page made a paragraph out of the bit from what. that essentially says "he said this which meant this which meant this which lead to this which meant this" about a one line bit about giving another guy oral that was clearly mostly there for shock value. I'm failing to find any nuance here, and it's speculation at best.

    I don't know. I like Burnham, a lot, and don't want to be the guy that derails a thread via one talking point. I really enjoy 80% of his jokes or so... but some of that other 20% feels very below what he is capable of.
  11. suicidesaints

    Trusted Prestigious

    I guess that's where we differ. To me it's just a word. I understand it's connotation and get that it's a slur and can be hurtful and offensive and shouldn't just be thrown around... but at the same time I feel like language can be used in all sorts of ways and if used properly, could possibly used to change connotation and maybe even change people views and beliefs.
    michaelvalerijr and Joel like this.
  12. Shrek

    sleigh bells 4ever Prestigious

    Oh, I totally agree, but I don't see how that song does any of that, lol. But again, different strokes. Good special.
  13. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    It's not "just a word" when you've been called that by someone with intentions to end your life
  14. suicidesaints

    Trusted Prestigious

    I get that. I don't want to just be sticking up for hate speech either. I'm just giving Bo the benefit of the doubt because I know he's not racist or homophobic or trying to be offensive. When I said that the joke was "misunderstood" by a broad audience, I just meant that some people who are actually homophobic might think the use of the word is funny or miss whatever commentary Bo was going for.
    electro haikus likes this.
  15. Shrek

    sleigh bells 4ever Prestigious

    That makes a lot more sense, thanks for clarifying.
  16. suicidesaints

    Trusted Prestigious

    Please don't take offense to me saying that. When I say "it's just a word" what I'm trying to say is that any word can be hurtful and offensive given context. It's literally just letters and sounds. It's unfortunate that people have used it to create/breed hate and I'm extremely sorry that you or anyone else has ever had to experience anything like that. I just feel like Bo, even though he may have been unsuccessful, is attempting to break down some of that. I dunno...
  17. Shrek

    sleigh bells 4ever Prestigious

    I can only imagine. I don't know what your orientation is, and it's none of my business, but my best friend from college is a trans male of color and some of the shit I've seen thrown at them is unreal.

    The worst part about Bo using it is, as evidenced by some of the heavier moments towards the end of this special, he has the chops to do a bit or monologue where he tears hate speech to shreds, and it would probably go viral the next day and land big time. I hope as he continues to grow he takes stances like that.
    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  18. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    But you do understand the context of that word right? You do understand what it means? Like the historical context of it? No matter what context that word is used in it will always have an extremely negative reaction from me. I know Bo isn't a homophobe or anything but at the same time I don't appreciate him using that word for a stupid joke when it's a word that elicits awful memories from me and many other who have had that word shouted at them while being assaulted. I know it seems like I'm making a mountain out of a molehill but that bit is just really, really bad for several reasons to me.
  19. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    I'm queer/Bi and I live in the south which means I've been treated pretty poorly over it. That's another thing that bugs me, Bo should be better than that. He shouldn't have to stoop to using that word for cheap laughs.
  20. suicidesaints

    Trusted Prestigious

    No, by all means you are allowed to feel the way you do... and for good reason. I do understand what the historical context of the word, I'm just of the mindset that nothing should be off limits. I don't want anyone to feel bad, especially when watching a comedy special, but I think that like @electro haikus said, Bo has the chops to do a bit where he tears hate speech to shreds, and I feel like he was trying to do something like that, but unfortunately went the wrong way with it. It wasn't his finest moment and I'm not defending this particualr bit itself, but I don't think that there's any word that should just never be said. It's all about how the language is used and to what end. He obviously wants people to think about racism/sexism/homophobia/classicism/etc...
    muttley and CoffeeEyes17 like this.
  21. suicidesaints

    Trusted Prestigious

    I agree with this. He shouldn't use it for cheap laughs. I just think that he intended for it to be less about the laugh and more to make you think, but I'll admit that there are much stronger bits in his act that do this in a less low-brow way.
    OwainGlyndwr and CoffeeEyes17 like this.
  22. CoffeeEyes17

    Reclusive-aggressive Prestigious

    Yeah I totally get you and I'm sorry if I came off confrontational or anything. Thank you for being open for discussion and understanding. I agree that comedians shouldn't have limits but at the same time it's hard hearing that word sometimes. But again, thanks for being cool and have a discussion with me :D
    OwainGlyndwr likes this.
  23. suicidesaints

    Trusted Prestigious

    Thank you. I definitely don't want to offend or hurt anybody. I'm genuinely curious as to how his material affects different people and how sometimes being controversial can lead to beneficial change. I hope Bo continues to push the envelope and get people to look beyond their preconceived notions and beliefs. But like I said, that bit kinda sat funny with me at first too, but I guess being such a fan of the rest of his material, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume that he was going for some bigger point.
    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  24. suicidesaints

    Trusted Prestigious

    ...and again, I'm sorry you've ever had to deal with any oppression just because of who you are. I was raised Jewish and having dealt with only minor bigotry, I can't begin to imagine what it's like to have to deal with on a larger scale.
    CoffeeEyes17 likes this.
  25. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    ^^^^ You see this, Internet? This is how you discuss comedy in a mature, thoughtful manner.

    Well done, participants.