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blink-182 Band • Page 862

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. Psst, new music comes out each Friday! Check out the new FRND CRCL album, has bit blink/sum 41 vibes and came out last week.
  2. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    FRND CRCL reminds me of Neck Deep but not annoying. Especially the vocals. FC is just tighter all around. Really like the new album. It’s breath of fresh air.
  3. mtbenti

    Newbie Supporter

    super into the FRND CRCL album, definitely nailed that summer sound... parts of "No Chill" keep making me think of "Don't Tell Me It's Over"
    Jason Tate likes this.
  4. FrenzalRob Jul 3, 2023
    (Last edited: Jul 4, 2023)

    Melbourne, AUS Supporter

    FRND CRCL is great, such an awesome recommendation all round.

    Orange Tang is a fucking banger.
  5. cbronder1


    Yeah FRND CRCL is great!!
  6. DimeStoreSaint


    Def not atypical for a Tom-involved project to take long with multiple delays as we all should be used to by now.
  7. somethingwitty


    Finally got to see Blink last night and man did they deliver, such a fun show.

    Not sure what was up with the crowds response to Turnstile, it seemed like 95% of the crowd have never heard of them, def killed the vibe of their set with a seated crowd on their phones in an arena.
  8. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Correct, 95% of the audience probably has never heard of them
  9. I also think turnstile benefits more from a larger pit so people can actually mosh. The pits at these blink shoes are small.
  10. Atticus5143


    Turnstile is also extremely polarizing. I feel like people either are obsessed with them or aren’t into them, no in between.
    arewehavingfunyet and irthesteve like this.
  11. arewehavingfunyet


    Checks out…I was excited to turn my friends on to Turnstile at the Barclay’s show and they were all underwhelmed/told me they weren’t into it..
    Paul Gurski likes this.
  12. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Yeah I personally don't understand the hype with Turnstile, but hey, nothing wrong with liking them!
    Ellamamama likes this.
  13. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    Yeah I enjoy Turnstile, but my wife was less than impressed with them when we saw blink.
  14. Bartek T.

    D'oh! Prestigious

    I think lots of people like to be opposed to what's trending, and yes, there are better bands in the genre, but I'm happy for one of those to come up to the surface a bit more. My brother went to their show and whined about some stuff, sent me videos and as for me it looked like a lot of fun - if you let yourself go and join people jumping around haha
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  15. whatever happened to Cheetah releasing a bunch of old videos?
    Ellamamama, Paul Gurski and talltomaz like this.
  16. artofjosephshelton

    follow my pop punk tiktok @dunder.rifflin

    Just got back home to Utah from my road trip to the Denver show.
    Thoughts, if anyone wants to hear them:
    -Destroy Boys was one of the lamest bands I've ever seen. Like a third place at a high school talent show band.
    -Turnstile did nothing for me, but their drummer is a 10. Dude was unreal and it was cool that he got a solo.
    - what can I say about blink that hasn't already been said on here. it was overwhelmingly emotional to see them together again. Multiple tears were shed, and they sounded incredible. Even up in the "cheap seats" where we were.

    One moment that was really cool was when Mark took time before Adam's Song to talk about his past and his recovery from cancer, and Tom was across the stage kneeling down, giving him his moment. And Mark got so choked up that he literally had to stop talking about it. Really really neat to see something so personal. Made the show feel that much better.

    TL;DR: blink's still got it. Pay any amount and go if you can. You will not regret it.
    Crisp X, Supernova, malloz16 and 4 others like this.
  17. talltomaz


    Right? Released two vids and the momentum was gone. Life probably got in the way or his numbers weren't big enough to invest the time.
    Paul Gurski likes this.
  18. Madmod


    When they release more tickets on the day of show, what time do they topically do that? I am trying to get some cheaper dallas tickets.
  19. btr

    Trusted Supporter

    An hour before doors is when I snagged a pit ticket for Hershey at face value. Nothing new available at 5pm, checked again at 5:30pm and official tickets were there.
    Madmod likes this.
  20. Nolessthanblink

    Are You Watching Closely?

    And face value is???
  21. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

  22. artofjosephshelton

    follow my pop punk tiktok @dunder.rifflin

  23. btr

    Trusted Supporter

    Nolessthanblink likes this.
  24. TheJMan


    Probably waiting for blink to release their next single.
    Paul Gurski and talltomaz like this.
  25. Ronald.


    Seems likely a new single will not come before the end of the tour or at least it would be kind of an unusual move. Wild they have done an entire tour with 0 press. Hype still seems off the charts for everyone. I wonder if we will see some Instagram stories of them in the studio in mid-late July or if those drum parts Travis posted were the last of it and they are just waiting for the end of this tour to start teasing / announcements. My favorite false tease by far was the pre-save on Valentine's Day for new music lmaoo.
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.