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blink-182 Band • Page 7

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. Donnie Ruth

    Prestigious Supporter

  2. cbronder1


    I feel like both Nine and Lifeforms are great albums to have from each band as their newest album.
    AlwaysEvolving21 likes this.
  3. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    chewbacca110 likes this.
  4. haha nooooo
    MRose24 likes this.
  5. tomdelonge


    Looks like Tony Lovato
    slimfenix182 and bradsonemanband like this.
  6. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

  7. razorburn


  8. MRose24


    Don’t Leave Me (Live) MTATS just came onto my shuffle. I got a Charlie horse listening to Travis.
    chewbacca110 and David Parke like this.
  9. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    that song is how you know there’s post production touch ups on that album haha.
  10. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    Happy 10 years to Neighborhoods
  11. Wow, now I feel old
  12. ZooZooChaCha

    Trusted Supporter

    Lifeforms is Tom’s best post-Untitled work.

    I can’t really compare it to the last two Blink albums because they aren’t really trying to do the same thing.

    There are many moments on Lifeforms where I can imagine Mark vocals and how it would fit on a follow up to Neighborhoods / DED.

    Maybe I’m just burnt out from the Feldman sound but Simple Creatures and AVA have been more of what I have been listening to lately.
  13. .K.

    Trusted Prestigious

    If someone told me California and Nine had different producers I would have believed them. Albums have a real different sound. I get people who follow Feldmann or various bands he works with maybfind his work similar. I just found the last two Blink records are different from each other and I liked them both except the joke songs on Cali.
    pbueddi and BornToRun like this.
  14. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    I remember buying Neighborhoods with an iTunes giftcard right at 11pm since I still didn't have a debit card. Also rocked this giant poster in my dorm room my freshman year of college 2013-2014. Definitely my most involved blink era.

    spookymulder and JamesMichael like this.
  15. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    I preordered it physically on compact disc and got a Neighborhoods hoodie and a weird hat from a brand I’d never heard of.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  16. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    I remember seeing them and then the album leaked the next day and I was riding the high from the show and absolutely loved the album right away. Definitely simmered on it, but I still really like most of it
  17. Just getting "new" Blink made this something I played so so so much during that year. I've come down on it over the years, but there's some very strong memories attached to it. The production pulls it back from me, but, it being the only Blink album with my name in the liner notes means I am contractually obligated to at least like it. ;-)
  18. JRGComedy

    Trusted Supporter

    I remember hating Up All Night when it came out (still don't love it), but being very happy when I got the album and loved Natives right off the bat. I got it I think at Hastings and sat out in the car with my dad and listened to it. Would love to see if he remembers songs like Snake Charmer, Love Is Dangerous, or Fighting the Gravity lol
    David Parke likes this.
  19. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Up All Night was exciting bc it reminded me of box car racer but I do remember being very let down by the chorus.

    Neighborhoods is a fantastic fall album though. Some good memories with it.
    Chcurry182 and JRGComedy like this.
  20. ZooZooChaCha

    Trusted Supporter

    After Midnight is probably in my Top 5 Post-Untitled Blink songs list
    TheJMan, .K. and JRGComedy like this.
  21. clockwise


    I too have a lot of memories attached to this album. I still think it’s a good one.
  22. cbronder1


    I still remember walking into Best Buy to buy a CD copy of this on release day. I didn't pre-order it because I specifically wanted to experience buying it in a store just like old times haha.
    David Parke likes this.
  23. AlwaysEvolving21 Sep 27, 2021
    (Last edited: Sep 27, 2021)

    Trusted Supporter

    For fun and to celebrate Lifeforms and the 10 year of Neighborhoods, I put both albums in a playlist and shuffled it. Good shit.
    cbronder1 likes this.
  24. TheJMan


    Might be in my top 10 blink songs.
  25. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Still think the album art to Neighborhoods is super cheesy though haha.
    David Parke likes this.