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blink-182 Band • Page 687

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    You could definitely be right (both songs top out at that G being the highest note, I think). The duration of the notes in the chorus of "Bored to Death" makes it harder to sing IMO but maybe Tom could pull it off.
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  2. 333 GANG


  3. Ferrari333SP

    Prestigious Supporter

    Stay Together for the Kids, a top 5 of all time Blink somg, imo
    ChampsMusic likes this.
  4. kpatrickwood

    Give what you can.

    In the spirit of getting way ahead of ourselves, I think a Mark Tom and Travis Show II (Return of the Enema?) seems like a no brainer for release some time in 2024. I always forget that the first one was pre-TOPAJ.
  5. Nolessthanblink

    Are You Watching Closely?

    MT&T Show II (When the Viagra Kicks In)
  6. DannyZach


    I’m completely fine with them not playing anything post Untitled except of Edging and any possible new song.
    killahcam and Mrk_Brdshw like this.
  7. DyingGaslight


    Id love to see Not Now in since they're sounding so good right now. I'd die if they played Ghost on the Dancefloor.
  8. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    These BTD deep-cut gifs have been slaying me btw. BTD and Up All Night were the most generic music videos Blink has ever done. Also loved the Famous Product placement.
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  9. arewehavingfunyet


    Just me being greedy but kinda weird they played Coachella two weeks in a row and we didn't get a single interview or true behind the scenes feature or anything? Maybe something coming this week leading into single/album announcement
    killahcam likes this.
  10. Atticus5143


    Tour starts next week, if they don’t drop a single by then i’d be shocked.
    DyingGaslight likes this.
  11. URMOM


    Is there a mp3 of this show anywhere?

    (show 2, to be clear)
  12. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    If there was gonna be a week to do it this is it
    Kibbles and URMOM like this.
  13. Kibbles

    Regular Supporter

    No room for them, they already are gonna skip out on way too many good songs as it is, don't fuck up and play a Skiba song.
    killahcam, Contender and dzyjay like this.
  14. slimfenix182


    They're playing all the old songs so well they decided they don't need any more new ones. Album's canceled
  15. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    slimfenix182 likes this.
  16. I hope they play songs from all eras of the band.
  17. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    Mark said a long time ago they arent doing press until they are ready. I am sure whenever we do get an announcement there will be a ton of stuff locked and loaded. But it is clear it is coordinated and intentional none of them are doing interviews.
    killahcam and BTDandFeelingThis like this.
  18. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    This. Right here. Give me pre hiatus, give me Skiba era, give me new stuff. I’ll take it all

    “I can dance to anything you wanna sing”
    Mcrx and dzyjay like this.
  19. Ronald. Apr 24, 2023
    (Last edited: Apr 24, 2023)

    Ron Iver.

    My guess is the album is pretty well locked, and its all giant label stooges coordinating the nitty gritty. They could be working on the album but from what we know they have more than a full record's worth of songs. Personally, I would love a surprise EP drop to tide us over with the songs that didn't make the album. Mewithoutyou did that for their last record and it was way cooler than a deluxe release a year later IMO. I do not expect it to happen but that would be rad.

    Personally, I don't care when music comes if they give the die-hards the setlist they want. The shows have me sufficiently excited and I have full trust they are being super intentional about the role, and a reintroduction to the world together.

    I get the frustration with the lack of news though. Lol during the show I was like "Wow Tom's hair is really long for having just shaved it when Edging came out" Then I remembered Edging came out in October.As long as the wait is coming from a desire to do it right and not a lack of connection I am cool.
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  20. dzyjay


    No matter what I’ll know the words to every song and have a blast haha but in a perfect world I’d take deep cuts they seldom play from dude ranch - Untitled over neighborhoods and Skiba era songs.
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  21. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    Not expecting much different than these Coachella shows. Play the hits and mix them up here and there. I hope they keep the stoke super high on these shows and when it is over they get weird and more creative with setlists in the future.
  22. unbornwhiskey


    play "disaster"
  23. J12

    Trusted Supporter

    Noticed a couple singles got released for the Boston show. Must’ve been production holds. One found its way into my cart and bought itself even though I’m going to Taylor Swift the day before. Oops.
    Carrow and BTDandFeelingThis like this.
  24. macbethfan

    Trusted Supporter

    My brain and body could not handle seeing two of my favorite artists back-to-back like that, especially with Taylor's show being a marathon. My body would hurt for a week after that LOL. Enjoy both!
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  25. Kibbles

    Regular Supporter

    The lack of literally any official promotion or anything for the past 6+months makes me think might just surprise drop it. But idk ,same speculation over and over and we get nothing so it is what it is
    bradsonemanband likes this.