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blink-182 Band • Page 666

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. raaaaaaaady


    No first listen of an album hit me before or really to this day like Untitled did. Got it on release day at Target. It was rainy and I sat in my car between classes and listened to it twice. I simply couldn’t believe how great it was. It was pretty divisive amongst my friends, but my best friend and I both loved it and further bonded because of it.
    DannyZach likes this.
  2. Damn I wish we had those kinds breaks
  3. raaaaaaaady


    Haha. Yeah, junior college was a joke and my schedule reflected it.
    Jason Tate likes this.
  4. DannyZach


    I remember somebody handed me burned cd with Untitled after I got obsessed with TOYPAJ.
    Down & I miss you videos were all over the czech charts and I wouldn’t listen anything else but Untitled (and Eiffel 65 for some reason lol) the whole summer of 2004.
    I loved how different it was and I was obsessed with Tom’s songs.
    Still my most favorite album of all the times by any band and I listening to it at least once a week for whole 20 years lol.
    Paul Gurski likes this.
  5. I remember getting an email from management and them asking me if I’d put a smiley logo on my website. But not tell anyone what it was. They just wanted it to start popping up places. So I agreed. And put it up in the corner just hanging. Then a few weeks later they asked to link it to That was fun to feel a part of it.
  6. AP_Punk

    Regular Supporter

    Maybe i'm misremembering this but didn't you post a link to an mp3 of an early version of "Go" in a news post? It was hidden in the period of a sentence or something. And I think i remember downloading a radio rip of "Feeling This" from AP.

    Anyway, i was actively checking ap in the lead up to Untitled. Also pre-ordered the CD and it came with a shirt featuring the album cover. Wore that thing to pieces over time.
    Paul Gurski, killahcam and DannyZach like this.
  7. raaaaaaaady


    That smiley logo is one of the reasons I became a graphic designer. So iconic. I still have trouble convincing clients that simple is the best and most timeless way to go with logo design. I can show them that, Apple, etc. and they’re still so weirdly averse to it.
    Paul Gurski likes this.
  8. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    Untitled is my favorite Blink album but for whatever reason I remember next to nothing about its release, which is really strange considering I was definitely HIGHLY anticipating their new album. All I truly remember is being secretly sooo excited when some girl in Spanish class wrote out some of the lyrics to I Miss You on the chalkboard before class began.
  9. 333 GANG


    I remember this and remember being super confused about it at the time lol
    Paul Gurski likes this.
  10. 333 GANG


  11. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    Jason Tate likes this.
  12. 333 GANG


  13. zacooper


    I skipped an entire day of senior year of high school on release day waiting in a 6+ hour line of what must have been 500+ people to buy the album at Best Buy near my house. That got me a wristband to come back the next night to wait in another multi hour line to get the album signed by the band with my best friend. Still didn’t see them live in concert for the first time until after they broke up and got back together on the Honda civic tour, but that Untitled era and skipping school to get to briefly meet them was the tops.
    macbethfan, Jason Tate and 333 GANG like this.
  14. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    ItsAndrew likes this.
  15. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

  16. Kibbles

    Regular Supporter

    I can neither confirm or deny this was me trying to get the new album
    manoverboard365, emojedi and 333 GANG like this.
  17. Joe DeAndrea

    Regular Supporter

    i was cool for a day in 6th grade cuz my dad got me the explicit version of the album
  18. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I was the cool kid who bought all three versions of TOYPAJ and burned copies with the album and all 6 bonus songs on them.
  19. Murph

    whatever can happen will happen Supporter

    I remember steaming Untitled nonstop for what felt like a full week prior to its actual release date for free on

    On the release date, my dad came home from work with Untitled, OutKast’s Speakerboxxx/The Love Below, and G-Unit’s debut album. A weird trio of albums, but I was a junior in high school.

    Not sure why I didn’t pick it up myself since I got my license and car a little over a month prior. Granted it only had a cassette player. Once I had a CD player installed a couple months later, Untitled was the first album I christened it with.

    It’s been a weird tradition of mine ever since where Untitled has become the first thing I listen to upon purchasing a new device that plays music (record player excluded since I didn’t have Untitled on vinyl immediately).
    333 GANG likes this.
  20. AlwaysEvolving21 Apr 22, 2023
    (Last edited: Apr 22, 2023)

    Trusted Supporter

    Mine is similar to the post above.

    I remember downloading Feeling This (action version) on Kazaa. I remember liking it but being very much like “wait…what?”. My initial thought was ‘there’s something wrong with my speakers’ because the flanger effect on the drums sounded like my speakers were going in and out. My second thought was ‘where’s Tom’s signature guitar tone?!’. Song ended and immediately replayed it haha. I never even knew it was used for an NFL game until later.

    Then I remember downloading the leaked version of Violence and showing my friends while stating “you’re not going to think this is Blink-182, but it’s them and it’s good. You can tell by the drumming”. That song eventually grew on them.

    Before the release, I listened to the stream on for days. Then on release day my mom went to Kmart and bought the unedited version for me. I was a junior in High School…. I went to school and cross country practice then came home and the rest was history. It became a HUGE album for me and my friends the following summer. My friend was obsessed with rewinding the part in obvious where it sounds like an airplane flying over. He’d blast that part in his car with the windows down.
  21. slimfenix182


    Having blink on my GBA was amazing lol
  22. Atticus5143


    I totally forgot about the “I wanna take off your clothes” edit
  23. m32137


    Not Untitled related but in that timeframe, I remember the video they posted of their Simpsons recording session. Travis’ repeated takes of “you’ve been saying that since we were blink-12” are cemented in my head and then I remember being disappointed when it didn’t make the final cut.
    Paul Gurski and bradsonemanband like this.
  24. Callum Macleod

    Do or do not, there is no try. Supporter

    I think this may be more detailed than the one posted last week but I can’t remember.

    btr, Paul Gurski, Turkeylegz and 18 others like this.