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blink-182 Band • Page 665

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. BTDandFeelingThis

    Now I Know This World Isn’t Spinning Just For Me Prestigious

    You don’t remember hearing a song that came out six months ago for the first time?
    killahcam likes this.
  2. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Nope. I only know I listened to it. I wasn’t blown away. It wasn’t that significant to me. I had massive doubts about Tom until Coachella.
  3. JamesMichael

    Entrepreneur Prestigious

    I'll be honest, I haven't had an "oh this is absolutely amazing moment" this the untiled album with blink but I've enjoyed select songs on each album since.

    Hoping the new one blows me away but I've low expectations at this point.

    Man I really miss Jerry Fin, so many great albums during the 00's were due to his hand in them.
  4. kiguel182


    I’ve told this story here before but I love it so I’ll just repeat it.

    First time I listened to Blink-182 was around when +44 released “When Your Heart Stops Beating”. I heard the song from a friend and enjoyed it. I had no idea who Mark and Travis were.

    One time the song was playing in the living room and my dad was there and asked me if that was “Blink-182”. As a smartass pre-teen I rolled my eyes and said “no, it’s plus-44”. My dad then pulled Enema of the State of the shelf and told me it was similar and I might like it. The rest is history lol

    also, I think it took me a while to realize there were two singers for some reason.
  5. unbornwhiskey


    jerry finn’s production on sparta’s wiretap scars makes it my favorite-sounding alt rock record
  6. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    I remember buying TOYPAJ at Best Buy in 2001 and listening to it the rest of that day. Similarly I remember buying Box Car Racer at the mall and listening to it at my friends house later that day.
  7. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Damn, bad religion and blink 182 on the same shirt? That would’ve been an instant grab for me.
  8. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    I just listened to that album. Jim Ward is the man.
  9. raaaaaaaady


    Speaking of Jerry Finn, currently listening to MxPx’s The Ever Passing Moment on vinyl and his production on it is really amazing. So immediate and natural. Really an evergreen sound.
    333 GANG likes this.
  10. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    Didn’t he do All Killer No Filler as well?
    333 GANG and Allhailburnzy like this.
  11. Just finished a spin of Pennywise’s About Time, another JF classic.
  12. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    Jerry Finn supremacy
    Jason Tate likes this.
  13. manoverboard365


    Damn I would've killed to have gone to that show! My first time seeing Blink live was at K Rock's Dysfunctional Family Picnic, and I think it was the Saturday after TOYPAJ was released. They were on a bill with Stone Temple Pilots, Janes Addiction, Staind, Linkin Park and Papa Roach, and yet it seemed like the whole crowd was nuts for them.

    The second time I saw them live was like a month after that, when they headlined 2 nights at Jones Beach with NFG opening. I'll have to dig up my ticket stub but I'm almost certain our tickets were 20 bucks each (and good seats). Ah the good ol days!
  14. What’s everyone’s Untitled stories they remember?
  15. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    “action” leaking that summer.
    Cheetah videos from the studio.
    Listening to that during 9th grade English.
    BornToRun likes this.
  16. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I do remember hearing “Action” for the first time. Downloaded it off BearShare or Kazaa late at night. I remember loving it.

    As for the album, it had to grow on me. I can’t recall which songs didn’t hit at first, but over the next year it started to fully click.
    BornToRun likes this.
  17. Sorting Amazon reviews in reverse order to see people so angry about that album is a fun time waster.
  18. Doomsday

    flora & dany approve this post Supporter

    I just finished my first full listen of that in... a long time. It's fun listening to Enema, TOYPAJ and Untitled so close together.

    Stockholm Syndrome is probably my favorite off this. I wish I was old enough to have experienced getting to hear this when it was released, it must've been exciting

    Edit: Oooh, or Here's Your Letter. Those two are definitely the standouts
    Kibbles likes this.
  19. I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth out when Untitled came out, so my mom went and bought it for me the day it came out. I had heard “Feeling This” already. I downloaded it when it was still called “Action.” When it got to the chorus of “I Miss You” it was the most amazing and catchy vocal melody I’d ever heard and I remember just laying there on my mom’s couch with my mind completely blown. That entire album blew my mind.

    From Enema to Untitled, it felt like the band was putting stuff out with each album that fit my current musical taste outside of Blink. It felt like we were growing together and it was really cool. Untitled was especially right up my alley at the time it came out. It had a little bit of everything.

    That’s part of my Neighborhoods bummed me out so much. It was the first time our tastes didn’t quite align, and I missed that.
  20. I pre-ordered the album because it came with a shirt. The album didn't come on release day so when kids asked me how I liked the album the next day, I lied and said Stockholm syndrome was my favorite song.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  21. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    I had grown out of blink at the time so I surprisingly didn't even listen to Untitled until like 3 months after it came out. I distinctly remember sitting in a parking lot as "I Miss You" came on for the first time thinking "Holy shit, this is blink?!? Where did this come from?" I was back in at that point.

    Watching the making-of documentary for that record over and over might be my all-time favorite blink memory.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  22. Atticus5143


    Watching all the studio updated on their website.
    The live webcam of them recording.
    Action leaking.
    Them being at the Super Bowl in San Diego talking about recording.
    MTV having the album stream a week before it came out.
    Buying the CD at Best Buy when it came out.
  23. Callum Macleod

    Do or do not, there is no try. Supporter

    My first big gig was on the untitled tour in Glasgow, also one of the last shows pre hiatus. I had the time of my life and the show was great. Funny to think they probably hated these shows! I think I was 13 at this point, so 12 when the album came out.

    One of the first albums I bought with my own money. Spent days downloading behind the scenes and music videos on Limewire. Bought every black polo shirt with white stripes I could find, like Tom’s in the FT video, grew a side fringe, died my hair black. (Then had a phase of trying the Travis Mohican when I was 15.. terrible idea). This albums been my most played album every year for nearly 20 years.

    I got into blink through my brother with Enema but I was very young then, this was the first one that I properly experienced the whole era of.

    Last year I found someone selling a decent print of that 2004 poster, just as I moved into our first new house. Still haven’t hung it properly yet but it sits in my office at the moment.

    I also discovered Sugarcult at that gig, as they were support, blinks “Feeling This” and Sugarcults “Do It Alone” and Memory” break my top 10 on Spotify every year.

    I’ve also seen every Scottish blink show since, with the next being added in September. Blink 182. For life.

    iain1872 and Jason Tate like this.
  24. TheJMan


    Mark’s rapping in Feeling This.

    In all seriousness I don’t remember much about the Untitled roll out, just the band performing at TRL the week the album came out.
    Paul Gurski and BornToRun like this.
  25. slimfenix182


    I bought Untitled at KMart, and I wish I could listen to it again the first time. Was hard to wrap your head around it the first listen in the best way
    raaaaaaaady likes this.