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blink-182 Band • Page 1443

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. Kibbles

    Regular Supporter


  2. talltomaz


  3. DyingGaslight


    I am all here for the Padres + Tom love affair.
    macbethfan and talltomaz like this.
  5. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Shipping not available for USA…
    bradsonemanband and Raku like this.
  6. artofjosephshelton

    The chat is mysterious and important.

    Has anyone checked out recently?
    And if you have, have you ordered anything from it?

    Just so curious on the quality of it. Because it just looks
    like cheap knockoffs to me. Most of the OG designs aren't
    there. The Double Cross shirt doesn't even have the double
    crosses on the back shoulder, etc... It just looks bad.

    just curious if anyone blink fan longing for the good old days
    has ordered anything from it and how good the quality is when
    it actually shows up.
  7. Nolessthanblink

    Are You Watching Closely?

    Mrk_Brdshw and Raku like this.
  8. Onlyadirector

    Trusted Supporter

    Jason Tate and morte like this.
    Raku and morte like this.
  10. artofjosephshelton

    The chat is mysterious and important.

    alright, good talk guys... :crylaugh:
  11. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    Probably some company that bought the rights a while back. Can’t speak to the quality but it’s probably better than buying a 20 year old shirt from eBay
    Raku and artofjosephshelton like this.
  12. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Maybe nobody buys from them here. So people had nothing to contribute and didn’t reply. Like me.
    Raku and artofjosephshelton like this.
  13. Darth Amory

    Sith Lord.

    Yeah, Mark and Tom sold their Atticus rights years ago. Whoever is running tha, its not sanctioned by the band or even related anymore besides the name having past ties.
    Raku and artofjosephshelton like this.
  14. artofjosephshelton

    The chat is mysterious and important.

    Thanks Greg.
  15. ChampsMusic

    Went to a hip-hop show last night. One set squeezed 27 songs into an hour by abbreviating the song. Makes me wish for a blink medley or spitfire round in the future during a portion of the set. The +44 and BCR nod was a great addition to this year's tour, so I'm excited to see what they throw in the mix for future tours.
  16. they did a medley a few years ago, and it was kinda cool, but also made me wanting the full songs. i think it was dumpweed, josie, man overboard, and m&m's, if i remember right?
    Raku likes this.
  17. TheJMan


    Can confirm you are correct. They played Dumpweed, M+M’s, Josie, Man Overboard and then went back to Dumpweed to end the medley.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  18. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    Maybe drop 5 singles that have been overplayed and then go with deep cuts ;)
    Nolessthanblink and 333 GANG like this.
  19. slimfenix182


    I absolutely hate a medley. Full song or not at all
    Collins, chewbacca110 and Raku like this.
  20. ChampsMusic

    If they are never going to play over 90 mins, I'd rather have the medley in the chance to hear some deeper cuts
  21. give us 90 minutes of medleys and play every song ever
  22. slimfenix182


    That's 90 minutes of edging

    Not literally Edging the song that'd be one of the circles of hell
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  23. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    That would be awful.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  24. Luis1988888


    I had such low hope for the album when Edging came out.
  25. I listened to OMT twice in a row yesterday. It still hits sooo good.