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blink-182 Band • Page 1438

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. manoverboard365 likes this.
  2. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Haha. A true love story about finding Tom.
  3. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    Dan Ozzi! Sick
  4. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    OG blink heads got Tales From Beneath Your Mom for Christmas 2001
  5. I still remember calling the bookstore asking if they had a copy in stock and they thought I was prank calling them.
  6. Nathan

    Always do the right thing. Supporter

    I was 9 and my mom wouldn’t buy me a book called Tales From Beneath Your Mom
  7. m32137


    I did a book report on Tales From Beneath Your Mom in 10th grade.
  8. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    1. Very excited for this book
    2. Why the fuck are book pre-order windows always soooooooo looooooongggggg
    dqwinny and bradsonemanband like this.
  10. SteveLikesMusic likes this.
  11. alkalinexandy

    Trusted Supporter

    The fact that this was co-written with Dan Ozzi made me pre-order it much quicker than I would have otherwise. Stoked for this!
  12. TheJMan


    Serious question: Why should we be excited about Dan Ozzi co-writing it?

    Unserious comment: This book is going to suck because it was co-written.
  13. Dan Ozzi wrote Sellout, which is a great read.

  14. alkalinexandy Sep 16, 2024
    (Last edited: Sep 16, 2024)

    Trusted Supporter

    He's a great music writer who is pretty passionate about the era of punk Blink-182 originated in. Somebody already mentioned "Sellout" but he also co-wrote Laura Jane Grace's memoir a few years prior to that. And that was a great read too.

    EDIT: I think it would suck if Mark (who isn't a writer) tried writing it on its own. The reason they bring on somebody to help write these things is because of that specific gap in skills.
    333 GANG and TheJMan like this.
  15. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    Hadn’t occurred to me Mark is the only member for the entire ride. Love the pitch that this is the most definitive account of blink history.
  16. iamNex

    Guys, if you haven't read Dan Ozzi's book "Sellout" yet, please do. One of the best books about punk, pop punk etc. i have ever read. I couldn't put it down. So good.
  17. iamNex

    And don't forget to support ur local book shops. It took like 3 weeks for it to arrive at my bookstore here in Germany. Worth it.
    artofjosephshelton likes this.
  18. Rowan5215

    An inconsequential shift as the continents drift.

    Sellout is such a great read
  19. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    Yeah I loved Sellout and I love Mark so this is extremely exciting

    Also kinda cool that all three members of Blink will now be published authors
    iamNex likes this.
  20. kiguel182


    April 8th seems so far away. Can’t wait for this. 400 pages seems like a nice length. Hopefully it’s heavy on details about recording process of everything.

    I would also love some mention of the Blinkumentary lol
    punkrocksta and bradsonemanband like this.
  21. slimfenix182


    Is there still really any fascination with the blinkumentary lol
  22. kiguel182


    I will never let it go. Those times were very intense on the blink forums lol
    talltomaz and punkrocksta like this.
  23. artofjosephshelton

    The chat is mysterious and important.

    I would still love a blinkumentary...

    I just want more making of/studio footage really...
  24. The Blinkumentary must have been sooo awkward. I'm sure the dudes were never the in same room together, and it's just a lot of Mark deadpan recording guitar tracks and Tom making bleep bloop sounds on synthesizers.
    macbethfan, ScubaSteve182 and Raku like this.
  25. TheJMan


    For them to scrap the whole thing all together after year(s) of hyping it it must have been really really bad. And awkward.
    Raku likes this.