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blink-182 Band • Page 1432

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    I like Neighborhoods more than a lot of people but I haven’t felt a need to listen to it since OMT came out, and that includes whenever I decide to do a partial discog run. OMT and now probably OMT Pt. 2 are way better.

    And yeah I still listen to OMT at least once or twice a week!
  2. slimfenix182


    I'm settling on If You Never Left being the best Tom-blink song post-Untitled.

    And not to ruffle any feathers but recording-wise these songs all sound so much better to me than on the OG One More Time

    If You Never Left
    Every Other Weekend
    One Night Stand
    Can't Go Back

    Love all those and they're significantly above the other 4 deluxe songs to me. I feel like Take Me In may grow on me
    2stepwithsteve likes this.
  3. soggytime


    OMT is my favorite album of the 2020s thus far and these songs are a great addition to an already special collection
    Raku likes this.
  4. Take me in is probably my favorite. Enjoy them all though.
  5. Raku


    I had this happen to me for the bridge of 'Take Me In' I was mockingly singing it just because I couldn't get over how ridiculous I found it to be... Now I don't mind it as much as I originally did and think it fits fine in the song now. That being said the overall weird poppyness (and how less blink sounding to me it was) doesn't bother me anymore. Though I still rank that song the lesser of the new batch of songs because there are some songs that I absolutely love in this collection (and some alright tunes I find more enjoyable than that one).
  6. ChampsMusic

    100% on the same page
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  7. ChampsMusic

    Everyone Everywhere is the weird experimentation akin to Untitled I was excited for seeing in Nine and that I hoped they would get into after OMT. I like them trying new stuff.

    Every Other Weekend is Part 2’s “Always”
  8. MidDave

    I'm Sleepy Supporter

    I think if the B-Sides, If You Never Left is the one I’d push to get on the main album. I’d happily trade More Than You Know for it, and I’d be pretty okay with that trade for All In My Head, Everything, Everywhere and MAYBE One Night Stand but prob not.
  9. 333 GANG


    The new songs are all fine to good but More Than You Know is better than all of them
  10. Raku


    I'm sorry, but MTYK is great on the album... Love that bridge (but bummed that Tom doesn't sing his part live) and think the chorus in that song shows that Tom still has it in him.
  11. MidDave

    I'm Sleepy Supporter

    I just picked the song I like least as the line.
  12. Atticus5143


    Out of 27 songs, I love 25 and hate 2.
    punkrocksta likes this.
  13. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    My least favorites would probably be Edging, See You, and mayyyybbeee When We Were Young.
  14. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    God can’t go back is so so so so so so so good
  15. Punkrocker

    Wiping brings down the rainforest

    Well, I feel dumb... there was a short questionnaire that I had to answer, and now the channel lists are populated.
  16. j0nnymarrzbar


    I literally cannot get Can't Go Back out of my head. Genuinely one of their most beautiful songs they've ever written.
  17. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Really wish I could hear Can’t Go Back live again now that it’s actually out
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  18. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    If You Never Left gets better and better with every listen for me. On first listen it underwhelmed me the most because it was such a straight forward track compared to the rest, but it’s definitely that signature blink sound that got me hooked in the first place. That guitar part in the verses absolutely rules. Very TOYPAJ.
    j0nnymarrzbar and ScubaSteve182 like this.
  19. Raku


  20. pbueddi


    Good god If You Never Left is quickly becoming one of my favorite songs since they got back together. Possibly one of my favorites from their entire discography. I can’t explain it. It just works.
    talltomaz and ScubaSteve182 like this.
  21. adamlikesdogs


    I wrote off the two bonus tracks from last year, but I'm finally giving them a chance and really falling in love with them, so it feels like I actually have 10 brand new songs from Blink and I'm in a very happy place right now.

    Also, I like how half of the lyrics could be equally interrupted as romantic and about relationships or about Mark and Tom's love for each other.
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  22. DannyZach


    Pretty confident with One Night Stand being my favorite since Untitled. Such an amazing song. Everything works perfectly, that riff, backvocals and production on this one is def different from the rest ….and that last part with overlapping vocals is just chefs kiss.
  23. andi182


    Lots of great new songs here. Could well have been an ep.
  24. Kibbles

    Regular Supporter

    This was me until After Midnight came on randomly while listening to Spotify, damn it slapsss
    DyingGaslight likes this.
  25. Atticus5143


    After Midnight and Even If She Falls are the only the songs from that era that I’ll actively throw on. There’s a few others I enjoy (GOTDF, Up All Night, Wishing Well) but yeah. Glad we’re at we’re were at with OMT.
    DyingGaslight likes this.