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blink-182 Band • Page 1430

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. MRose24


    Man there are some sweet Travis parts in these songs. Parts that only work in blink and that’s why blink is blink.
    bradsonemanband and Raku like this.
  2. ClarkGriswold


    Hot take: I like the bridge in Take Me In
    talltomaz and Blink182Bouncer like this.
  3. slimfenix182


    Raku likes this.
  4. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    Big time. As a drummer I love how tight OMT is, but it was genuinely a weird feeling sitting down and being able to play a majority of those songs the first time I tried. He definitely brought some more of his Untitled and on unique complexity to these songs.
    MRose24 likes this.
  5. Raku


    Mark recently answered some questions on Discord and it turns out Part 2 wasn't all b-sides, some are new songs:

  6. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    Can’t stop listening, pretty much love it all now. See You is probably actually my least favorite of all the post-og OMT tracks.

    We are so fucking lucky to have this band back. Getting the same feeling I did when OMT came out; that some things are still good and normal.
  7. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    Yup, these songs are (mostly) great. On first listen my favorites are No Fun, All In My Head, Every Other Weekend and If You Never Left but I can see them all growing on me a lot.

    I've gotten really used to having Cut Me Off and See You on my OG OMT album but I definitely feel like they probably fit better here, and it also brings it up to an even 10 songs and 30 minutes so I think I'll probably move them over. Not as the first two tracks though, No Fun is a way better opener than Cut Me Off
  8. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    We knew "Can't Go Back" and "Everyone Everywhere" were new (though the latter might have just been finished recently). I think the only ones in question were "All In My Head" and "If You Never Left". The four others were known titles floating around a while ago!
  9. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    It's very refreshing to know a lot of these tracks are freshly new and not leftover recordings. Part 2 actually works well all together, which is not what I thought would happen leading up to this release. I thought it would've been all over the place and have zero flow to it. So, I'm happy to be proven wrong and, essentially, we just got a second album haha.
    Raku likes this.
  10. Wait… but all of you said these are “definitely b-sides” ?!?!
  11. I definitely never said that
    Raku likes this.
  12. slimfenix182


    B-side material
  13. I don’t think anyone did
  14. ScubaSteve182 and Crisp X like this.
  15. Zachary Dresch

    Trusted Supporter

    I think Childhood should have been the B-side and had Take Me In close the original album. There, I said it!
  16. mintplusplus


    There are cool parts in pretty much every song BUT, for me, as a fan of older Blink whose opinion no one cares about or asked for, I think they don’t coalesce into complete cool new Blink favorites the way a handful of the tracks on OMT (Original Version) did. For being b-sides and brand new songs, they are pretty good though and I think they’re way better than the Skiba years for me. What a good reunion it’s been.
    dnaps likes this.
  17. mintplusplus


    Also is the all caps title scheme a way to stand out in Spotify / music feeds? Adding an exclamation point to the end of Aquabats songs feels like an on-brand song title scheme but the all caps on OMT and all the versions just looks like contextless text shouting, IMO.
  18. Atticus5143


    Childhood is so good ya’ll are nuts
    drummerAVA, talltomaz, Smage and 10 others like this.
  19. Ricky's Law

    This is a damn fine cup of coffee.

    I wonder if the two recently recorded tracks were meant to make up for See You and Cut Me Off being released early to juke the charts enough for One More Time to debut at number one. Perhaps they would've held See You/Cut Me Off until now had One More Time not needed that two-song chart boost last year.
  20. Smee22


    One Night Stand is that old acoustic riff Tom’s been teasing on instagram for years. The one his ex wife originally posted like 6 or 7 years ago. Glad it finally came to life.
    Raku likes this.
  21. ZooZooChaCha

    Trusted Supporter

    Not sure if it’s been said but If You Never Left sounds the most like Skiba era Blink. Marks part sounds very close to Misery.
    AlwaysEvolving21 likes this.
  22. Punkrocker

    Wiping brings down the rainforest

    I thought mark shut down his discord? Is this from another channel?
  23. ChampsMusic

    Haven’t been able to digest everyone’s comments in here, but HOLY HECK I had to listen to Every Other Weekend like three times in a row when I first heard it. INCREDIBLE. That’s some great blink work right there.
    Ronald. and MRose24 like this.
  24. 333 GANG


    He brought it back a while ago
    Raku likes this.
  25. Raku


    He brought the server back early on during the OMT tour.
    333 GANG likes this.