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blink-182 Band • Page 1422

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. ChampsMusic

    that last chorus with Mark screaming his little heart out. Get it Mark.
    Allhailburnzy likes this.
  2. TheJMan


    Because I love you all here's the audio of Lolla Chicago and Reading:

    Live 2024

    Chicago is the complete concert. Reading starts with Feeling This. I cut out the Undertaker Intro because the audio kept going in and out during it and there were a lot of dead air and it drove me crazy. Anyway enjoy.
  3. talltomaz


    DyingGaslight likes this.
  4. TheJMan


    talltomaz likes this.
  5. Raku


    Tom actually took a photo of himself with the hobby horse:crylaugh:

  6. artofjosephshelton

    The chat is mysterious and important.

    TheJMan likes this.
  7. ChampsMusic

    So this thing is technically out tonight midnight NZ time, right? Still gonna wait until it populates in my Apple Music, but still can't believe we are already getting new tunes. Feelin kinda jaded. Blessed!
  8. Lepi182

    Trusted Supporter

    It will be “out” tomorrow morning at 8am EST for those with a VPN.
    ChampsMusic likes this.
  9. Tom Lee


    <--- clue in my profile picture.
    Iain likes this.
  10. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    This is rad. I was working the twitchcon blink played and missed mark walking the floor by like 10 minutes. I did get to meet Tony Hawk though and that was pretty rad
    Tom Lee likes this.
  11. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    Extremely Niche drum podcast, but they had the drummer from Manchester on and he has a pretty funny 5 minute bit toward the end about how insane it was being on the Honda Civic tour with Blink and Travis giving him some of his surgery glue and inviting him to ride the drum rig. All super funny stuff and he says for being mega pop stars who have transcended culture the blink camp are all regular ass dudes that are kind to openers.

    #006 - Tim Very (Manchester Orchestra)
    morte and chewbacca110 like this.
  12. slimfenix182


    Lol yeah my username was my first hotmail and only ap name. Felt compelled to keep it for chorus
    Tom Lee likes this.
  13. 2 new songs sent out via text
    Raku and bradsonemanband like this.
  14. TheJMan


    Can’t Go Back sounds amazing.
    Raku likes this.
  15. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    Site is down for me
    Raku likes this.
  16. Zachary Dresch

    Trusted Supporter

    Jivin2709 and Raku like this.
  17. DimeStoreSaint


    504 Gateway Time-out
    Jivin2709, Raku, Madmod and 1 other person like this.
  18. Kibbles

    Regular Supporter

    Yeah doesn't work for me. "
    The access limit for this asset has been exceeded"
    Raku and Madmod like this.
  19. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    Site is slooooooowly loading for me.
  20. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    I neeeed to hear Can’t Go Back!
    Jivin2709 and Raku like this.
  21. Kibbles

    Regular Supporter

    Hopefully they extend the time cause this shit isn't working
    Raku likes this.
  22. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    Songs are both on X if you dare enter.
    Raku likes this.
  23. Lepi182

    Trusted Supporter

    Take Me In is a banger as expected.
    BornToRun likes this.
  24. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I’m just gonna wait at this point
    talltomaz likes this.
  25. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    "Can't Go Back" is a great, simple song. Glad to finally have the studio version because the chorus is in my head like non stop.

    "Take Me In" doesn't really sound like anything else they've ever done before. Something about it feels off though (I'm not a fan of weird stretching of the single-syllable words in the verses or the "oooh" melodies of the bridge.) Otherwise it's a cool song. That chorus is great.