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blink-182 Band • Page 1421

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Yea, Anthem Part 3 is incredible. No Fun is a fun b-side, but absolutely the right call to keep it as a b-side.
  2. pablowashere


    Aaron Rubin confirmed that this is not the case, it is purely coincidental that it sounds like the Angels song that didn't make the Lifeforms LP. It sure does sound like it though, funny.
    punkrocksta and Raku like this.
  3. AlwaysEvolving21

    Trusted Supporter

    Whoa really? That's funny. Thought the lyrics were the same/similar. Now I want to hear the other song haha.
  4. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    Yeah I was pretty sure he said he titled the project file “Anthem Pt 3” as soon as they starting writing it (almost as a joke) to get them thinking about it as a blink song. So it didn’t sound like it had ever been anything else.

    I’ve heard that Angels song that people label as “Anthem Pt 3 (demo)” on YouTube and there are no real similarities other than it being fast lol
    Raku likes this.
  5. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    Someone drop the demo you’re talking about. I don’t think I’ve heard it.
  6. DannyZach


    The main guitar riff is definitely identical
  7. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    Is this the same one you're referring to? Because if so, there are no overlapping melodies or riffs.

  8. Raku


    Yeah, they have a few good unused clips like in this collection (I think your clip is in here too at some point)

    My favorite is the one from 0:51 to 1:17

    Though there was talks (before the blink-182 reunion) that we were supposed to be getting a Lifeforms deluxe album though at this point I figure that would be too late... Better off saving those songs for an ep or their next album (or the more punk stuff could be brought over to blink).
    Mrk_Brdshw likes this.
  9. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    Thanks for posting. Probably in the minority but i’d love another ava release with tom this in love with music again. idk if i’d call that anthem 3. it’s the most classic punk drum part of all time. if tom let the blink stuff be blink and went back to the early ava anthemic sound in think people would freak.

    The clip of david making his thesis on star wars and illan not giving a shit is classic.
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  10. ChampsMusic

    No Fun lost me on the being 18 stuff again. He really loves rhyming with Xteen
    talltomaz likes this.
  11. Raku


    I don't mind it... he's being biographical in his songs again. A trope some might find tiring, but I'm cool with it at least.

    All In My Head is a hard song to share because of the one line about "*** stains on the couch"... like I'm in some discord servers where I've shared blink songs in the past and that one I'm just like "the song is a bit too weird so I'm just going to share 'No Fun' instead..." (verbatim quote being, "...Though I don't know how comfy the server is with certain lyrics so I'm just going to share this one [No Fun] since the only iffy thing about it is that they cuss like three times in the song...") keep in mind I'm in servers where I don't know how PG they want to keep things so I rather play it safe than sorry over sharing an alright blink-182 song.
  12. ScubaSteve182


    Sounds like that server is no fun
    Crisp X and cbronder1 like this.
  13. talltomaz


    at least there aren't any wicker baskets
  14. we'll see on friday...
    Raku and talltomaz like this.
  15. talltomaz


    bradsonemanband and Raku like this.
  16. Raku


    One of the worst Tom lyrics to me was in 'All That We Are' with the ice being very cold.
    chewbacca110 likes this.
  17. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    (Posting this again mainly because it's a really good watch/listen) They talk about it at 40:25

    I like how he words it. He says explicitly that the "riff" didn't come from an AvA demo, but he explains it as "'s Tom". Basically, a lot of Tom's music just falls in the same buckets, so any perceived similarities can be chalked up to that. On paper, there's nothing technically "the same" about the melodies or riffs. The shared tempo and standard drum beat (like you mentioned) between the songs made people associate them.

    Listening to this again, he has some good comments about how he usually tries to keep Tom from repeating himself by saying "You've already done that in another song..." but for OMT, he sort of let him retread a few ideas intentionally.
  18. Ronald. Sep 3, 2024
    (Last edited: Sep 3, 2024)

    Ron Iver.

    Gave NINE a playthrough for the first time in a minute to get psyched for the deluxe release. This album has been aging well for me. I enjoyed it more than I ever had right before OMT came out. Lots of great parts and the co written stuff doesn’t bother me nearly as much as it used to. Fun venture right before Tom came back to thunderous applause. I think the experience of the record was tainted by all of the chatter about wanting Tom back.

    I hope future releases get a spotlight on Mark the way OMT did for Tom. He has played a steady consistent role for a long time would love to seem him throw it down and be the MVP of a future album.

    All of that being said BIOMY is their biggest whiff on a single in the blink catalogue imo. It’s pretty bad. Darkside with Tom would whoop ass. I hope Nine gets at least one song in the setlist in the future.
  19. Shaun

    cool dogs

    always thought Generational Divide would be an easy Nine song to slot in live, its short, was a single (I guess?) and doesn't require much for Tom to learn lol
  20. Tom Lee


    A small insight for those interested: it was super fun being part of the crew + watching the show every night (really enjoyed the new song & +44/BCR snippet), albeit too short of a tour to settle in or get to know anyone well. Particularly at the tail-end of a two year stint together for most of those guys.

    Didn't have chance to interact with the band either - but they did have a tattooist + hairdresser on-site, setup in a dressing room backstage in Belfast (coincidentally friends of mine), and Mark + Skye walked in on us while I was getting a haircut. :worried: (Skye was waiting to get a tattoo of Mark's handwriting, I felt bad holding them up...)

    They were nice enough to sign a show poster for me at the end of the run too, since I collect posters for tours I've worked on.

    Pretty damn neat, for someone who went to +44 as their first concert in 2007 + had '' as their email address when I was 13.
  21. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    would love that at a quick ripper in the set
    chewbacca110 and 333 GANG like this.
  22. Iain


    haha the 182 email!!! Sounds a good experience? What is it you done for the tour? Always intrigued by this behind the scenes stuff for gigs!
    Tom Lee likes this.
  23. Punkrocker

    Wiping brings down the rainforest

    Haha I've still got mine in service.
    Tom Lee likes this.
  24. TomG

    Trusted Supporter

    NINE is a great album that gets better with time. Skiba did great for what was needed at the time.
  25. Allhailburnzy

    Trusted Supporter

    Nobody could ever make me hate Hungover You