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blink-182 Band • Page 1235

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. [​IMG]
  2. slimfenix182


    Fell In Love has grown on me a little but I'd kill for "it's cra-aaa-zyy" to be replaced by virtually any other lyric
  3. TheJMan


    You forgot about the outrage over Mark “rapping” on the bridge of Feeling This and how it wasn’t punk.
    talltomaz and Linton9488 like this.
  4. j0nnymarrzbar


    I do vividly remember heaps of people being surprised by the verses on Violence
    VanderlyleCrybaby likes this.
  5. VanderlyleCrybaby

    Regular Supporter

    Yeah this is the same thing with the new TGA too…it’s almost like people want to be miserable no matter what
  6. Kibbles

    Regular Supporter

    Fell in Love has kinda grown on me too. Came up with other songs in the car that kinda matched the vibe and I was like ok.
    palebluedot likes this.
  7. j0nnymarrzbar


    I can't believe I'm just over four days away from listening to a new blink album with Tom.....
  8. kiguel182


    I listened to We Don’t Need to Whisper yesterday and let me tell you, I think people were too hard on that record. There’s a lot of cool stuff there.
  9. cbronder1


    So exciting that we are finally getting a new blink album this week! Seems surreal.
    macbethfan likes this.
  10. Samuel Calmon


    Smee22, saturdaysaviour and cbronder1 like this.
  11. Samuel Calmon


    So, the vinyls should start being delivered today right? Maybe leaks are coming soon?
    cbronder1 and frankfromquebec like this.
  12. frankfromquebec

    She calls it a mayonegg

    The record store in my city, up in Canada, receives their newest releases on wednesdays. So yeah, it should leak by tuesday.
    cbronder1 likes this.
  13. SamLevi11

    Prestigious Prestigious

    They were so good last night. Easily the best I have seen them play.

    Also, they played More Than You Know, Edging, and Dance With Me together in the middle of the set and I thought the latter two sounded much better live than on record.

    Would have loved Josie, Not Now, or Stockholm Syndrome, but they played 27 songs so I can't complain at all.
  14. morte


    I may be wrong but I think there was a general consensus about Self Titled being really good from the beggining.
  15. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    Untitled is incredible
  16. Phil507

    Resident NYC snob Supporter

    If you look at the Amazon reviews from that time, definitely wasn't the consensus.

    EDIT: As support for my statement, I submit this review from Amazon user Jimmy The Car written in 2004:

    "I swear I'm one of the biggest blink fanz, but this, this is not Blink 182. All you people who want to say that this is Blink 182, GROWN UP, well if this is grown up, its pathetic. Blink was known for their funny, hard pop-punk sound. This album seems like a cd you would play at a funeral. All the songs except "Feelin This", are sad, and make you feel mellow. Now, this isnt a bad thing, but there is no way in hell you people who call yourself "real fans", say that this is their best. I've been with blink since "CHESIRE CAT" came out, and ever since they had rocked my world, but this....this is pity.
    How can you top this cd over Dude Ranch, of course their 2nd best cd, compared to the 20+ platinum Enema of the State. Now, these cds aren't better for the numbers, but the actually songs. The new blink songs on this album, are crap they put together. Any one who plays the guitar (me), knowz that the creativeness of the songs on this cd, aren't even close to their past masterpieces. The chords played are just strummed with different effects on the amps, and in all songs are very similar.
    Next, the lyrics have no meaning on this cd. I've seen people stating that "I Miss You", is about mark missing his family, well all the real fans from the "enema of the state" time, know that "Adam's Song" is about mark missing his family on tour. So you certain people got that mixed up. And once you get half-way through the cd, you can obviously see the lyrics being repeating, and some old guitar riffs (cough*Man Overboard*cough)being played, in a different tune.
    Overall, I am very dissapointed in the Blinkz effort, and I hopefully hope they didnt grow up, once and for all, cause like many REAL fans, I know the old Blink made them the big name alternative band they are today. And in closing, people really think about it, did you review this a 5 because its a good cd, or because anything with the name Blink 182 must get a 5? I honestly know many people that have reviewed this, or voted for this song, just cause they cant believe anything of blinkz is bad. But this new side of the band, sure has caused a downfall of their never-ended success.
    And please dont dont say this review wasnt helpful, because you all know what I said was the truth, you cant deny it. Just take a 2nd look at your "Blink 182" cd, and think about. Thanx for time, and please review this helpful."
    Mrk_Brdshw likes this.
  17. morte


    I still feel that most of the fans were ready for the change and loved it right from the start. The hype was off the charts and I don’t remember any kind of letdown when the album came. I’m not denying those reviews, but I don’t think they represent correctly the reception of the album.
    killahcam likes this.
  18. AP_Punk

    Regular Supporter

    When the untitled record came out, my friends and I were all in on it. I never paid any attention to the album's criticism when it came out (especially online, which honestly back then was cluttered was so much hate for blink).
    morte and RyanPm40 like this.
  19. spookymulder

    I think it’s the divide between fans that want them to sound like pre-Untitled pop punk stuff, and people like me who really only think the Untitled album is good. If you want 2023 TOYPAJ you will probably love the new record and sound. I don’t lol
  20. Breaking Good

    Newbie Supporter

    Watching them in Manchester tonight.. beyond hyped. It's a shame Turnstile aren't supporting them on their UK leg (it's the story so far, so still a win)!
    Paulms85, morte and tobsen182 like this.
  21. mintplusplus


    Are there people who only like Neighborhoods and how do they feel about Blink being fun again?
  22. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    For sure. I had kind of checked out with blink by the time Untitled came out, but when I finally decided to give it a listen, it immediately pulled me in simply because it was different for them.

    I wasn’t really tuned into online chatter about the album back then to see these stupid reviews, but anecdotally, I definitely remember everyone I knew in person being way into the album as well.
    morte likes this.
  23. Kibbles

    Regular Supporter

    Target's have been getting them in stock.
  24. Lepi182

    Trusted Supporter

    Today’s the day then?