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blink-182 Band • Page 1224

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. Mike Billy


    Blame It On My Youth was always rad to me. Like how they tried something new.
    MacbethSin, slimfenix182 and fran.182 like this.
  2. clockwise


    Not a fan of BIOMY at all but it’s definitely better than this shit
  3. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    Yeah, those songs are pretty easy to compare IMO. I like both "Blame It On My Youth" and "Fell In Love", but I think BIOMY was treated a bit unfairly just because it was the lead single. It was strange way to introduce NINE whereas this song is the fifth one released from the new album. It's a little easier to digest with more context.
  4. soggytime


    i already prefer "Fell in Love" over "Blame it On My Youth". I can imagine it not going well as the first single
  5. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Think I’ll sit this one out and just wait for the album at this point. I remember people hating “C’est Comme Ca” from the new Paramore album when it dropped as a single, but I didn’t hear it until the album came out and it slaps so hard
    thenewmatthewperry and Greg like this.
  6. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    Song is fine. I don't think the verses are good but I like the pre-chorus and chorus...and also it's only two minutes. Y’all act like this is as bad as anything from Cali Deluxe, which it is not ;)
  7. Atticus5143


    Cali-Deluxe, a few songs off Nine, Buddha, most of Neighborhoods, most of Cheshire, are all much worse than this song haha
    Greg likes this.
  8. fran.182

    Regular Prestigious

    It's in line with "Parking Lot" levels of bad. "Can't Get You More Pregnant" is worse, though.

    Neighborhoods is awesome all the way through and Nine doesn't have a single bad song.
  9. Mort Michaels

    Father, Son, and House of Gucci

    Definitely better than Edging. At least more fun. Dig it!
    SteveLikesMusic likes this.
  10. Jackbo487


    i'm struck by the bluntness of Tom's "having sex all niiigghhttt," no wordplay, just going for it. lol
    RyanPm40 likes this.
  11. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    For the record:

    honestly I forget what the last one was.

    Haters: 2
    Those Who Refuse To Accept the Truth: 3

    I think that’s right.
    slimfenix182 and fran.182 like this.
  12. slimfenix182


    Nine not having a bad song is correct at least, partial credit
  13. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    This specifically tracks who brings up Neighborhoods. Haha it is not tracking people’s views on Nine.
  14. slimfenix182


    Oh no I know haha.
    Greg likes this.
  15. Allhailburnzy

    Trusted Supporter

    Had a feeling when I saw the Ryan Tedder co-write it’d be my least favorite.

    somehow they managed to turn a The Cure sample into something that sounds like royalty free music.

    It’s still catchy, but not my favorite incarnation of pop blink.
    (I also liked Nine save for two songs: Happy Days & Blame it on my Youth)
  16. Dog Fish


    BIOMY is fun until you picture your company’s executives singing and dancing to it on stage at a work event.
  17. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Insert Boomer WTF gif
  18. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    think that would ruin literally any song lol
    killahcam likes this.
  19. 2stepwithsteve


    You know what screw it, I like this song. Not as much as the others, except maybe Edging? But that's probably only cause we've had that song for a year now.
  20. MacbethSin


    I was kind of digging it until I listened to Close to Me and reacclimated to what good music actually sounds like
    spookymulder and fran.182 like this.
  21. Mort Michaels

    Father, Son, and House of Gucci

    How to peeps hate Parking Lot, too? That’s like the best song on all of Cali.
    Turkeylegz and bradsonemanband like this.
  22. 2stepwithsteve


    I love all blink. Even Strings. I can't look at them objectively lol
  23. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    I definitely like it. It's just basic, is all lol. It's still fun and there's nothing really offensive about it.
    2stepwithsteve likes this.
  24. tonyt3524


    Could you imagine telling this board at the beginning of September that we would have four more songs before the release?
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  25. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    If that is the bottom floor then I am feeling Really good. (not that I wasn't before)

    There are a couple of songs on NINE that is nothing earth-shattering but I really enjoy them in the context of the album (On Some Emo Shit Ransom) if this song lives in that space it's a great bop to be in the mix.
    Allhailburnzy and Jason Tate like this.