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blink-182 Band • Page 1182

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. Not liking a band's past material doesn't mean them releasing new, good, material would somehow magically stop me from liking it.
    ScubaSteve182 and Greg like this.
  2. Well yeah, I'd hope not... I just thought you weren't a fan of any of the later TBS stuff, so that's why I said it was shocking that you'd say their new album is "shockingly good."

    I mostly just can't stand Adam's voice on the new singles. I'm sure there will be at least one or two songs I'm into on the new album though. That's usually how it goes when it comes to TBS for me.
  3. It doesn’t sound like their last few albums.
  4. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Tidal Wave rules tho.

    So does Happiness Is...
  5. Donnie Ruth

    Prestigious Supporter

    blink, Gaslight, and Menzingers are up there for my favorite bands (prob blink & Gaslight as 1/2), and all releasing music simultaneously three weeks in a row is so wild.

    TBS is a band I've literally just never cared to like. I've seen them live so many times (while not going to see them) but these 3 singles are the most I've ever liked songs by them and also now excited for that album.

    I've been a huge fan of Butch Walker so obviously will be checking out Marvelous 3.

    Overall October is shaping up to be an incredible month.
    JRGComedy likes this.
  6. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    MTYK on the setlist tonight \mmmmm/
    MRose24 likes this.
  7. [​IMG]
    Ronald. likes this.
  8. Kibbles Oct 3, 2023
    (Last edited: Oct 3, 2023)

    Regular Supporter

    This guy apparently has, I believe him.
    Some impressions from him. Based off of a single playthru through a friend, he doesn't have any files.
    "I'd probably put it in the high 80's. I didn't have any desire to skip any songs, but I still have a few albums I rank higher. I really like Anthem Part 3 the most. Turpentine wasn't what I was expecting and it's in my top 3 now. You Don't Know What You've Got and Childhood were my least favorite songs. I'm not saying they are bad though, just more bland than I guess I was expecting."

    "I was really impressed with it. It's not my favorite album but I didn't want to skip any songs."

    "My opinion is based on a single playthrough. Even though I don't think it's their best work, I still do have the album ranked high on my list. I think Mark described it really well when talking about going back to the 5 arrow, like they went back to Untitled and went in a different direction than Neighborhoods."

    "Top 3: anthem, dwm, turpentine
    Bottom 3: you don't know what you've got, other side, childhood
    I don't think there are any bad songs though"

    On 'Dance With Me' -
    "The riff is obviously sick, but Tom's voice on the verses is my favorite part. He does that kind of strained yelling voice. And I don't dislike the olés, but it's my least favorite part of the song. I'll admit they are catchy." (also clarifies it's not a chant, doesn't know what to compare it to)

    "I never said the album leaked. I said a friend with early access played it for me. The DWM music video will have a construction worker, salsa dancers, a nurse, kids, an acrobat, a bride, and some other random people all in the same room. None of that has been posted about previously, so come back to this comment on the 5th and see if I'm trolling or not."

    "Childhood has a gradual build up throughout the song (nothing too crazy) and it ends with like a synthesizer and drum outro"

    On solo songs: "Terrified is a Tom song (Mark may have sang the "OH's" in the background). Tom also solo "sings" Fuck Face. Other Side is a solo Mark song. Bad News is mostly a Mark song, Tom has 2 background lines." [Tom is lead on Fell in Love and Anthem Part 3, rest are pretty evenly split.]

    "Other Side is one of my least favorites, but it's not bad. I'm sure Mark fans will like it. Hurt is probably my favorite blink interlude. It's pretty simple with Tom vocals."

    On if any songs on the album make his top 10 blink tracks: Anthem Part 3

    On "Fuck Face" - Tom just repeats the same line 4 times (and adds one extra word the last time). There's no guest vocals it's just a fast paced punk song with lazy lyrics.

    Other Side is assumed to be about Robert Ortiz. Lyrics - "They took you away on a Tuesday," It'll never be the same stage right," "I'll see you again on the other side."

    Unsure what the BCR song is, "nothing on the album gives off a distinct BCR vibe."

    "Fuck Face vaguely resembles My First Punk Song, fast paced with distorted vocals. Terrified sort of sounds like if BCR and AVA were mixed together. But I don't get any particularly strong BCR vibes from anything though."

    Someone questioned if there's deeper lyrics or if it's all more like the lyric sheets we've seen in the video recently -
    "You Don't Know What You've Got" I'd say has thoughtful lyrics about Mark's cancer. Other Side I'm pretty sure is about Robert Ortiz passing away, so it's thoughtful in that sense. Turpentine has some odd lyrics that I wouldn't compare to anything else on the album. I guess everything else on the B side would fall into the "Fell In Love" and "When We Were Young" bucket. Sorry that answer is probably a little subjective.

    Songs ranked in order:
    Anthem Part 3-Dance With Me-Turpentine-More Than You Know-One More Time-Fell In Love-Edging-Terrified-Blink Wave-When We Were Young-Bad News-Other Side-Childhood-You Don't Know What You've Got-Hurt (Interlude)-Turn This Off!-Fuck Face
  9. scottlechowicz

    Trusted Supporter

    I mentioned liking the new songs in the TBS thread after well over a decade of disinterest and multiple people were like "check out Happiness Is..!"

    So, I did.

    Being charitable, that was not good.
  10. Yep. I truly hate that album and how it sounds. An unpleasant listening experience.
    scottlechowicz likes this.
  11. ncarrab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Tidal Wave is better
  12. Tidal Wave pre-152 was the band's best record
    LiveFast_DieOld and ncarrab like this.
  13. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I like both. HI more so. But it’s okay if others don’t like them. I’m excited that Jason enjoys their new album. If he’s on board, I’m sure I’ll love it, too. Hyped!
  14. Tidal Wave also sucks.
  15. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I’m more partial to HI. Tidal Wave kind of falls off towards the end, but I still like it a good bit.
  16. I like Happiness Is... a lot but really I enjoy every TBS album a bunch save for New Again and I would probably rank Louder Now right above it as my second least favorite
    mynamesgeneric and Greg like this.
  17. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Second least would probably be S/T or LN. I’d probably give the 2nd least to S/T. The highs on LN, for me, are better than the highs on S/T. However, Best Places, This Is All Now, and El Paso are top tier to me. So that’s a tough call. And I was excited to be pumped about the band again with S/T after not loving them for quite awhile. Dang, it’s tough
  18. Dog Fish


    Oh is this the Green Day thread?
    ScubaSteve182 likes this.
  19. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I think that was last week.
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  20. Olé Olé
    talltomaz and Drew Beringer like this.
  21. A TBS ranking in a blink thread? You’re goddamn right

    1. 152
    2. Tidal Wave
    3. Where You Want To Be
    4. Tell All Your Friends
    5. Happiness Is
    6. Taking Back Sunday
    7. Louder Now
    8. New Again
    LiveFast_DieOld and RyanPm40 like this.
  22. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    TBS rankings in a blink thread? :teethsmile::verysad:
  23. Seeing Louder Now this low and even below S/T physically hurts me in ways I can't succinctly express
  24. clockwise


    I’m staying out of this one.
    ScubaSteve182 likes this.
  25. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I mean, I feel like not being able to rank 152 yet mean I should wait to rank haha