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blink-182 Band • Page 1180

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. topper182


    New Tom Interview about his movie. Couple of tidbits about the Blink album though.

    The new Blink-182 record, One More Time …, hits shelves on October 20. Are you proud of what the three of you have made?
    Yeah, this record is bitching. It’s really good, and I think people are going to really like the diversity and the progressive nature of it. I think they’re going to hear the shit that they’ve wanted to hear from us. They’re going to hear the heart and soul of who we are, but they’re also going to hear some left turns that still fit. They’re going to get the punk rock sensibility that they don’t want to leave, but they’re also going to hear accelerated songwriting and ambition. So I think it’s going to be received really well by our fans. I really hope so, and I’m really excited about it.

    The new single “One More Time” makes grown men cry, and what I love about it is that it makes an impact and maintains emotion without ever bringing in heavy guitars. That’s a choice you probably wouldn’t have made 20 years ago, so I was impressed by that.
    That’s the thing, especially with a band like ours. We’re always like, “When does it get big? When do the big guitars come in?” And it crossed my mind, but yeah, we did the ballad thing. We just kept it what it was, and it seems to work. So no complaints over here. It seems to be doing its job. To be honest, we’re just lucky to have anything that people care about at this point.

    For the “One More Time” video, who came up with that ingenious treatment to do a kaleidoscope or slideshow effect of background images from different eras of the band?
    I think that came from the label. One of the people at the label had that idea, and it works so well with that song. I wasn’t quite sure how it’d come off, so I was just cruising along and saying, “Just tell me where to be.” But when I saw it at the end, I was like, “Wow, this works really well.” It’s really nostalgic and really brings people into our story, which a band is always trying to do. So I’m thankful that it worked at all.
  2. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    “Just tell me where to be.” is something I'd never imagine to hear out of Tom
  3. morte Oct 2, 2023
    (Last edited: Oct 3, 2023)


    Almost 20 years later I’m going to see my favorite band again today.

    Attached Files:

  4. Atticus5143


    Starting to think the aliens replaced Tom
  5. SteveLikesMusic

    approx. 3rd coolest Steve on here Supporter

    it’s kind of insane that they aren’t playing it. I can’t remember the last time an artist just wasn’t playing their new single at all.
    Crisp X likes this.
  6. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    Tom’s description of the album is exactly what i’ve been hoping for and based on the songs out they’re nailing it.
  7. Atticus5143


    Really hope the back half of this record gets into more of the self-titled territory of Stockholm Syndrome, Easy Target, All of This, etc
  8. slimfenix182


    MTYK is pretty Untitled adjacent
  9. slimfenix182


    Based on the lyrics we've seen so far at this point I'm mostly just expecting a musically better TOYPAJ
    Jason Tate likes this.
  10. Ronald.

    Ron Iver.

    Familiar but not derivative is all I am looking for. I think it is very reasonable to expect this record to be their best most cohesive work since Untitled. A spiritual follow-up to their glory days. I do not expect it to be better than Enema-Untitled.
    killahcam likes this.
  11. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    I would be very surprised if this album is very cohesive. They seem to be trying to appeal to as many fans as possible by covering all of their bases, and I'm truly cool with that
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  12. DyingGaslight


    I hope it sounds like music with instruments and singing.
  13. Wow, you're setting yourself up to be extremely disappointed, dude. I always think it's best to have lower expectations, personally. But to each their own, I guess...
    DyingGaslight likes this.
  14. Penlab

    Prestigious Supporter

    Well Tom's involved so you probably get best two out of three.
  15. Jason Tolpin


    Do aliens sing?
    artofjosephshelton likes this.
  16. manoverboard365


    The album obviously missed the deadline, but did OMT the single get released in time for Grammy eligibility? Wonder if the label is gonna push for it.
  17. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Nope, missed the window
  18. TheJMan


    There was a whole scene in Return Of The Jedi at Jabba’s Palace where the alien band played and sung so yes they do.
  19. artofjosephshelton

    The chat is mysterious and important.

    It's always "do aliens sing?" and never "do aliens sign?"
    Which is the real question.
  20. Jason Tolpin


    Well.... do they sign?
  21. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    artofjosephshelton likes this.
  22. ScubaSteve182


    I still can't believe Lucas removed yub nub and added footage from the 2000s films. Absolute fucking mistake. Glad I have my old vhs versions lol.
    TheJMan and talltomaz like this.
  23. Smee22


    That changed musical number in Jabba’s palace is unforgivable
    ScubaSteve182 likes this.
  24. artofjosephshelton

    The chat is mysterious and important.

    Never saw it, so this comment is void.
  25. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Unfortunately for you, ignorance does not change the truth. It’s still true whether you know it or not. Your whole life is now void. only kidding of course
    artofjosephshelton likes this.