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blink-182 Band • Page 1179

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Sep 11, 2021.

  1. topper182


    Song durations for the album. From Reddit.
  2. DimeStoreSaint


    14 real songs (10 new when album releases) and 2 jokes with 1 interlude...sounds good to me.
  3. Cmoney86


    around 40 min of actual music not including the interlude and joke songs
    Ronald. likes this.
  4. If true, 44:35 total
    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  5. wisdomfordebris

    Moderator Moderator

    Wasn’t it implied at some point that Bad News might be a joke song?
    slimfenix182 likes this.
  6. arewehavingfunyet


    Yeah, in the interview with Travis & Alabama.
  7. AP_Punk

    Regular Supporter

    I would've had "one more time" close off side A, since it's a softer track esp compared to "edging." But whatevs, i'm so excited for this album.
  8. I'm 99.9% sure they don't care what's on side A vs side B. Probably wasn't even a thought. They were only considering the flow of streaming the album top to bottom, I bet.
  9. tonyt3524


    I mean it could be a longer joke song lol
    bradsonemanband likes this.
  10. Paul Gurski

    That's a lovely accent you have. New Jersey?! Supporter

  11. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

    Lisa Gilroy is hilarious. Glad she's in the video.
    FrenzalRob and FrankieThe4th like this.
  12. Mrk_Brdshw

    Dusted Groove

    It was just speculation. Travis asked Alabama which blink song was her favorite, and he said "What about (Bad) Bad News?" and laughed. She just replied something like ".....we're not going to talk about that." So I have no idea what that all meant, but people just assumed it was a joke song.
  13. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Yeah, it could just be a song she hates.
    adamlikesdogs likes this.
  14. Dog Fish


    somethingliketj and chewbacca110 like this.
  15. somethingliketj

    And that's why you always leave a note.

  16. artofjosephshelton

    The chat is mysterious and important.

  17. Dog Fish


  18. ThePrisoner

    For Your Health Supporter

    Those are some crammed sides. Definitely at the upper end limit of what's achievable on a single LP. You could move Edging onto Side B and help Side A.
  19. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Totally fair. I have plans to listen to the new album with my friend like we did in 2003 – buying the CD at Target and driving around after only having heard "Feeling This." So I'd like to keep some of the surprise!
  20. Ben Lee

    I drink coffee and dad my kids Supporter

    it’s not! I don’t know where it came from, unfortunately. I saved it on my phone a long time ago!
  21. arewehavingfunyet


    Skye Hoppus live on IG showing "Feeling This" from the show right now.
  22. I hope they play one or both of the new songs tonight!
  23. topper182


    bradsonemanband likes this.
  24. macbethfan

    Trusted Supporter

    They also might not have had the visuals/lights ready to go with those songs yet either, or they didn't sound check them yet to avoid leaks.
    DyingGaslight and FrankieThe4th like this.
  25. kiguel182


    Loved the show.

    the sound was crappy but the vibes were immaculate.

    Edging works incredibly well live. Mark kinda teased playing One More Time before it which was funny.
    Ronald., morte and bradsonemanband like this.