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blink-182 - One More Time… (October 20, 2023) • Page 21

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by BTDandFeelingThis, Sep 13, 2023.

  1. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

  2. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    I think it helps that both sides literally have a voice in OMT. Brand New Eyes, while sometimes sung as a we, we don’t really know everyone is on the same page knowing what we know now.

    Punchline has a song about their original lead guitarist about how he was doing hardcore drugs.

    And ummmm… that’s all I can think of haha but even that is 100% one sided as Paul was not in the band anymore. Paramore was the only one I could truly think of.
  3. Doomsday

    flora & dany approve this post Supporter

    Love the title track omg, the tears

    MTYK rules too
    Raku likes this.
  4. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Wow, he’s a fast learner.

  5. ChampsMusic

    What an effing power-punch More Than You Ever Know is. Wow. Some serious Untitled vibes there.

    One More Time made me cry. I crew. I crode.
    Raku and dqwinny like this.
  6. Lepi182

    Trusted Supporter

    Copyright strike.
    Raku likes this.
  7. ChampsMusic

    We’re gonna get so many new Tom quotables on this album, aren’t we.
    Linton9488 and Raku like this.
  8. Ricky's Law

    This is a damn fine cup of coffee.

    They need to re-upload the MTYK YouTube video. That audio dip at the 24 second mark is driving me insane.
    Kibbles likes this.
  9. Greg

    The Forgotten Son Supporter

    Oh, the video is gone. But he also has One More Time up and it’s still live. For now.
  10. goosetoph

    u wut m8?

    I love One More Time but I was hoping it would go off for the second chorus similar to ending of Letters to God by Boxcar.
    mattylikesfilms likes this.
  11. I did the two new songs. Definitely has me interested to check this out.
    Raku likes this.
  12. mattylikesfilms


    I said the same exact thing a couple pages back on this thread. I think that would have made the track stronger IMO
  13. mattylikesfilms


    Praying to a god I don’t believe in that the new record is more Untitled-vibes like MTYK than not.

    Also; does anyone know who produced this?
  14. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Raku, David Parke and mattylikesfilms like this.
  15. Travis with Aaron Rubin engineering I think
    Raku and mattylikesfilms like this.
  16. AP_Punk

    Regular Supporter

    i third that.
  17. RyanPm40

    The Torment of Existence Supporter

    One More Time kinda reminds me of Watch The World, and I think More Than You Know has some bits of When I Was Young in it
    Maverick and Raku like this.
  18. chewbacca110

    Gimme light, gimme love, gimme fire

  19. MidDave

    I'm Sleepy Supporter

    What's great about most bands is when they release new music, the thread is fun to read and it's an exciting day. Then there's the blink threads lol
  20. ChampsMusic

    BTDandFeelingThis likes this.
  21. If
    And I know that next time, ain't always gonna happen
    I gotta say, "I love you" while we're here

    Doesn't hit you in the chest, you ain't hooked up right.
  22. TheJMan


    The whole song hits me in the chest. It’s a public apology song between Tom and Mark. Can’t wait to hear it live.
  23. lol even my dad's in:

    Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 11.01.06 AM.png
  24. heywassuphello


    I went on Do Not Disturb mode this morning watching the countdown to the video premiere. It reminded me of being in middle school rushing home to watch TRL in time for a new Blink video or live performance. Felt good, man.
  25. slimfenix182


    I'm annoyed at the multiple takes of "the song should've gotten aggressive" idk why anybody thinks this song needed that. It's beautiful lol
    Neon Light, Raku, Alba and 7 others like this.