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blink-182 - NINE (September 20, 2019) Album • Page 2

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by SmithBerryCrunch, Jul 19, 2019.

  1. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    So this is the ninth.. Release? It's 8th album, so I assume they're counting DED? Probably not counting TMMATS
    beachdude and bradsonemanband like this.
  2. JaytotheGee

    Trusted Prestigious

    1 Buddha
    2 Cheshire
    3 Dude Ranch
    4 Enema
    5 TOYPAJ
    6 Untitled
    7 Neighborhoods
    8 Californina
    9 Nine

    bradsonemanband likes this.
  3. Buddha, DED, Cali DLX are all possible entries. Even TMTATS or Greatest Hits.

    I count Buddha as their first album, but I can also see them discounting Buddha and saying DED was an official release, even though they typically pretend it doesn't exist.
    TheJMan likes this.
  4. bluecharliedeltaecho


    I'm assuming DED since it was a studio release containing all new material. Same can be said for California DLX but since those were technically part of California I doubt they're counting it.
    irthesteve likes this.
  5. teebs41

    Prestigious Prestigious

    here for IT
  6. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    I guess I didn't count Buddha
  7. .K.

    Trusted Prestigious

    15 tracks. Sounds good. Plus they mentioned holding back a few songs with guests for an EP, right?
  8. Jim

    Trusted Supporter

  9. 333 GANG


    I see what you did there
  10. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Lol it was actually accidental but wow
    333 GANG likes this.
  11. smowashere

    Trusted Supporter

    Love this cover
  12. tomtom94 Jul 25, 2019
    (Last edited: Jul 25, 2019)


    Darkside is the first song that has made me as excited as I was for California or Is This Thing Cursed. Hyped for this now.
  13. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Darkside is fun
  14. Yellowcard2006


    I was like "oh neat their 9th album"

    But it's the 8th. So now I don't know what to think.
  15. 0 Flyswatter
    1 Buddha
    2 Cheshire
    3 Dude Ranch
    4 Enema
    4.5 TMTATS
    5 TOYPAJ
    6 Untitled
    6.5 Greatest Hits
    7 Neighborhoods
    7.5 DED
    8 Californina
    8.5 Deluxe
    9 Nine

    Album should be called 14 and I'll hear no other arguments, thank you.
  16. In my list, "N" is also the alphabet position where Nine falls.

    This concludes my TED talk.
  17. cricketandclover

    Things have changed.

    Bands are entitled to number their catalog however they please. The only person who disagrees is Tony Brummel.
  18. btr

    Fan of Hammers Supporter

    Is this being stylized as Nine or NINE?
  19. nine-182 or n9ne
    David Parke and btr like this.
  20. SmithBerryCrunch

    Trusted Prestigious

  21. irthesteve

    formerly irthesteve Prestigious

    Seems to be caps lock from what I see
  22. arewehavingfunyet


    Caving and about to go in on my first listen of "Darkside"
  23. arewehavingfunyet Jul 25, 2019
    (Last edited: Jul 25, 2019)


    And I just blasted the "SHE'S A GIRL..." at work because I forgot my bluetooth was turned off haha, WHOOPS!

    Wow, song is awesome. Def agree with all of you who said best one released so far. Did they film a music video for BIOMY? Or is "Darkside" going to get pushed to radio and treated as a single? It's kind of confusing when they release 4 songs before the album comes out haha. I think I'm done listening to these released tracks before the album release now though.
  24. broken22


    I love everything except Mark's verse on Darkside.
    pbueddi likes this.
  25. m32137
