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Blink-182 [ARCHIVED] Band • Page 95

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. Brandon Allin

    Finest Quality Crappy Punk Rock Since '92 Prestigious

    It's possible, but the white border would seem like a strange inclusion in that case.
  2. Michael Schmidt

    Don't recreate the scene, or reinvent the meanings Supporter

    Anthem Pt.2 and Every Time I Look For You are my favorite songs on TOYPAJ. I am not sure what would round out of my top 3.
    Brandon Allin likes this.
  3. CheapPop


    Try the iHeartRadio app. if its not there, try the TuneIn App
    Daniel1027 likes this.
  4. Indigo

    Trusted Supporter

    Anything is possible
    Kuri44 and CheapPop like this.
  5. Dirty Sanchez

    Prestigious Prestigious

  6. Kuri44


    Ok, that looks pretty sweet
  7. MarceloFP

    I am a haunted house. I'm superstitious.

    Dirty Sanchez likes this.
  8. Dirty Sanchez

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Unless there are arrows on the outer ring. Looking at the bottom right hand corner, you can see the part of the outer ring. So there may be arrows on it.
    Brandon Allin likes this.
  9. I wonder Dan is a little Jealous.
  10. MarceloFP

    I am a haunted house. I'm superstitious.

    Brandon Allin likes this.
  11. ChampsMusic

    Love this haha. Will keep this open in a tab. Love countdowns.

    I really dig the plain smiley without arrows. It's like shedding the past and a cleaner look.

    Artwork could be hiding underneath the white bar that's been posted. Like the album name that they wanted to hide before all pieces were revealed.

    So dang excited.
  12. 2stepwithsteve


    I kinda don't want the arrows to be removed. I like the arrows, and like others have said, it's basically just the Nirvana logo without the arrows, which is dumb.
  13. duermete

    Long Lost Ceiling

    would love to see them reincorporate the banana costume
  14. Turkeylegz


    Here's something to kill time until the song. You take all the albums and match up the songs that have the same track numbers and pick your favorite and you do that to make a whole albums worth of songs. So for example, the first song would be your favorite opening song on any blink record. You would do the same for the rest of the songs so track two would be choosing between M+M's, Voyeur, Don't Leave Me, Online Songs, Obvious, or Natives (feel free to use Dog Eat Dogs or anything before Cheshire Cat).

    Mine would be:

    1. Feeling This
    2. Online Songs
    3. I Miss You
    4. Going Away to College
    5. Stockholm Syndrome
    6. Dysentery Gary
    7. Adam's Song
    8. Kaleidoscope
    9. Reckless Abandon
    10. Always
    11. Josie
    12. Anthem
    13. Please Take Me Home
    14. I'm Lost Without You
  15. Brandon Allin

    Finest Quality Crappy Punk Rock Since '92 Prestigious

    Cool idea. I'll post mine a little later.
    Turkeylegz likes this.
  16. miked97


    1. Carousel
    2. Don't Leave Me
    3. Aliens Exist
    4. Violence
    5.Snake Charmer
    6. The Rock Show
    7.Heart's Al Gone
    8. Go
    9. Apple Shampoo
    10. Always
    11. Josie
    12. A New Hope
    13. Please Take Me Home
    14. Lemmings
    Turkeylegz likes this.
  17. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    I like that idea!

    1. Feeling This
    2. Natives
    3. I Miss You
    4. Going Away to College
    5. Stockholm Syndrome
    6. Dysentary Gary
    7. Stay Together for the Kids
    8. Untitled
    9. Apple Shampoo
    10. Always
    11. Easy Target
    12. All of This
    13. Here's Your Letter
    14. I'm Lost Without You
    15. I'm Sorry
    16. Depends (by default)
    Turkeylegz likes this.
  18. Turkeylegz


    Once we get a good number of people I'll have to (or someone better at math) to do percentages of songs chosen from each album, Mark vs tom songs, etc.
  19. iamNex

    Please I can not stand through another wave of lists.
  20. ChampsMusic

    Untitled album would sweep 85% of the others for me.
    alex miller likes this.
  21. crmarva


    Mine would be

    1- Carousel
    2- M&M's
    3- Aliens Exist
    4- Going Away To College
    5- Stockholm Syndrome
    6- Peggy Sue
    7- Dysentery Gary
    8- Roller Coaster
    9- Apple Shampoo
    10- Always
    11- Wendy Clear
    12- Shup Up
    13- Please Take Me Home
    14- Even If She Falls
  22. Daniel182

    Let's hold our breath until we disappear

    Yep, it also looks really worn. I think he just took a photo of an existing road case and left out the outer ring/arrows.
  23. Brandon Allin

    Finest Quality Crappy Punk Rock Since '92 Prestigious

    Nobody is forcing you to look, man. Ease up.
  24. iamNex

    I am still addicted to this thread though. It is a lot of fun with u guys
  25. Brandon Allin Apr 25, 2016
    (Last edited: Apr 25, 2016)
    Brandon Allin

    Finest Quality Crappy Punk Rock Since '92 Prestigious

    Blink 182 - Dude, Take Off Your Enema Jacket

    1. Dumpweed
    2. Don't Leave Me
    3. Dammit
    4. Going Away to College
    5. Story of a Lonely Guy
    6. Dystenary Gary
    7. Adam's Song
    8. Roller Coaster
    9. Reckless Abandon
    10. Every Time I Look For You
    11. Josie
    12. Shut Up
    13. Please Take Me Home

    Bonus Track: Man Overboard
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