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Blink-182 [ARCHIVED] Band • Page 83

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by Melody Bot, Jan 9, 2016.

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  1. ComedownMachine

    Prestigious Prestigious

    Anyone have that compilation video that I believe was in black and white where it has all the members of blink talking about how they love each other while "What Went Wrong" is playing in the background?
    DegenerateMike likes this.
  2. It was posted a day or two ago.
  3. DesolateEarth Apr 23, 2016
    (Last edited: Apr 23, 2016)


    I could easily see "I Feel So" on the S/T album.

    And let's not fool ourselves, "Elevator" is basically a Blink song. Haha
    trevorshmevor and DegenerateMike like this.
  4. ChampsMusic

    As long as there's a hidden "L" on the album art, I'm happy
    DegenerateMike and Richter915 like this.
  5. It'll be the "L" in "Blink." Everyone wins.
    Dirty Sanchez and Richter915 like this.
  6. Brandon Allin

    Finest Quality Crappy Punk Rock Since '92 Prestigious

    I really like that snippet of artwork and think it would make for a great album cover.
  7. Richter915 Apr 23, 2016
    (Last edited: Apr 23, 2016)

    Trusted Prestigious

    Oh ya I think for a lot of blink fans it was great that they got that BCR sound into blink. As others said, many BCR tracks could've fit on untitled. To me it didn't feel natural for blink 182 as much as it did for Tom Delonge. I mean, he started BCR to make songs of that ilk...if Mark and Travis were all about it, blink could've just churned out untitled (or it's predecessor) without BCR at all, right? I just don't at all buy that Mark and Travis were fully invested in moving the band in that direction. Definitely more so Mark, I mean, Travis was in BCR after all lol.

    The way you describe your reaction to The Adventure was how I felt with Feeling This. I remember instantly thinking that Tom brought down blink-182 and it would lead to the band's collapse. Guess what happened a year and a half later...

    Oh and the U2 thing...I personally love U2, it's just a shame that AVA was more "Pop" and "All that you can't leave behind" instead of "Joshua Tree"
    DegenerateMike likes this.
  8. Brandon Allin

    Finest Quality Crappy Punk Rock Since '92 Prestigious

    Saw this on Reddit:

    Attached Files:

  9. SoundInTheSignals

    @Bake_Wear /

  10. SoundInTheSignals

    @Bake_Wear /

    Skiba posted the image on his Instagram. To those debating if the lack of the - in the name means they've dropped it Skiba posted it as blink-182.
  11. Please start capitalizing the B.
    Michael Schmidt and David87 like this.
  12. Audrey Horne

    Regular Prestigious

    Funny enough Skiba capitalized it when he first posted the photo but then someone corrected him in the comments and he actually changed it. I'm still trying to decide whether this was cute or embarrassing. Probably both.
  13. tdlyon

    Most Dope Supporter

    I've always had the B capitalized. They're listed in my library as Blink-182
    trevorshmevor likes this.
  14. iamNex

    I bet it is the single artwork. Nothing else would make sense, would it?
  15. That artwork is tight, my bet it's for the single.
  16. turtledude9


    I've never capitalised the B because it's not stylised like that on any album covers apart from Dude Ranch and Neighborhoods which are written all in caps.

    Also that artwork does not suit blink one bit, just like all of their artwork post-2009. Looks like some sort of tacky metal artwork.

    Also going to put out my (probably unpopular) opinion that AVAs first two albums are mostly (barring a few songs) better than anything on Neighborhoods and DED.
    chickenlover likes this.
  17. Paul Beaumont


    I actually think there's quite a lot to enjoy on all of AvA's albums. Some duds in there for sure but there's always a few tracks. Their latest is their best too, which was indeed better than Neighborhoods. I did really enjoy DED though.
  18. SpyKi

    You must fix your heart Supporter

    DED is what I always wished AvA would sound like.
  19. popdisaster00

    Moderator Moderator

    I don't get tacky metal from the artwork. It's more misfits/offspring
  20. slimfenix182 Apr 24, 2016
    (Last edited: Apr 24, 2016)


    I started with blink at Enema so I've never capitalized it, at least when writing it now that I think about it. I really don't think it matters either way though lol.
  21. Brandon Allin

    Finest Quality Crappy Punk Rock Since '92 Prestigious

    Exactly how I see it. Doesn't feel metal to me at all.
    popdisaster00 likes this.
  22. Dirty Sanchez

    Prestigious Prestigious

    "There are three different versions. Initial release version has the red cross on the nurse’s hat and a capital ‘B’ Blink-182. We’d always preferred the lower case ‘b’, so the artwork was changed to the second version: red cross on the nurse’s hat, lower case ‘b’ blink-182 (my favorite)."
    Mark Hoppus Reveals Blink-182 Album Potentially Breached Geneva Convention - Music Feeds

    Not respecting Mark's wishes if you use the capital B.
  23. SlappinCups

    Hurley apologist Prestigious

  24. ChaseTx

    Big hat enthusiast Prestigious

    I haven't seen one with a capital b
  25. Brandon Allin

    Finest Quality Crappy Punk Rock Since '92 Prestigious

    Loving the way the artwork is coming together.
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